Encouraging Reader Responses Brethren, I am sharing these responses – not to promote myself, but to encourage those who believe they are isolated in their stance for truth. These letters also serve to prove the fallacy of some brethren’s claim that opposition to the post-civil-divorce "putting away" is a “peculiar” position. There are still 7000 whose knees have not bowed to Baal (I K. 19:18)! * The author's names and identifying information have been removed to protect the “innocent.” Recent responses are first.
Jeff, Hope all are well. (12-30-05) Hello brother, I pray you are doing well and the work is going good. We will be moving to …, TN the last part of January to work with the … church of Christ… Keep up the good fight my dear brother. The war rages on and we must not grow weary. …We will have to keep in touch and try to get together when there is a meeting half way between our towns… (12-22-05) Your servant, Please make a note of my new email address. … Thanks and Happy Holidays! (12-21-05) Jeff, The elders at 84th Street in Okla City sent me a letter and challenged me to meet Harry in a debate. They sent some propositions that no one could sign – surprise, surprise. I wrote them back and sent some propositions that I believe well represent what both sides believe. It is doubtful that they will accept them. The Scriptures teach that in a Scriptural marriage there can be only one putting away regardless of what it is for. Affirm: J. T. Smith……..Deny: Harry Osborne The Scriptures teach that in a Scriptural marriage if the husband puts away his wife, but not for fornication, if the wife later learns that the husband was/is committing adultery she can then put him away. Affirm: Harry Osborne……….Deny: J. T. Smith Guess we will just have to wait and see. (12-20-05) The very suggestion that a put away person possesses the ability to depart from a sundered (separated) marriage partner manifests man’s ability to contemplate the irrational (Matthew 19:3, 6, 9; 1 Corinthians 7:10-11). It boggles the mind to observe how men of tremendous intelligence can contend for the absurd! (12-15-05) I have switched my Internet service to BellSouth. The following e-mail address is effective immediately, so please change your address book and remember to e-mail me at this address in the future: … Thank you for taking the time to stay in contact! (12-15-05) Jeff: I’m really sad to see that Mark is lining up with the Truth Magazine crowd. I had held him in high esteem, although I’ve never met him, because of a strong stand he had taken on the modesty issue – even being fired up in Clarkesville because of his stance. Too bad that he is off on mental divorce... (12-8-05) Jeff, I do not mean to bug you, but I was wondering if you have heard anything today regarding the Willis response?... …It is high time that more pressure be placed on this issue and men be forced to take public positions… Little by little and over time, your efforts, my feeble efforts, and the efforts of all who love the truth are adding up and applying pressure. The fact that Willis responded I think is proof that he is feeling the heat and cannot continue to just ignore what we are saying. If Willis publishes what he sent out yesterday to TM, I do want to publish to the Internet my reply article. This is one reason I am anxious to determine the full destination of Mike’s response. The way it was formatted suggested it was already set to print for TM. Keep up the good work. (11-30-05) Please change our email address to … (11-29-05) Keep up the good work! (11-28-05) Fw. Brother …, Matthew 5:32 says: “But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” Yes, this allows the innocent mate to put away the guilty without causing the other to commit adultery. BUT IT RECOGNIZES A FACT, THE FACT BEING THAT A DIVORCE IS A DIVORCE. If the man puts away his wife for a cause other than for unchastity, he causes her to commit adultery. It is just as much a divorce as if he put her away for unchastity. That is all there is to it. Matthew 19:9 says, “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” It is a divorce, regardless of whether he divorces for the cause of immorality or not! Therefore, “whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery” simply means that in a marriage where one party has been divorced by another, those who marry commit adultery. It makes no difference the reason for the divorce. “whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” Somehow you have got something in that Jesus does not talk about. When you say “the innocent mate has the right to divorce and remarry without adultery” you fail to recognize that the innocent party has that right only if he or she has not already been put away. Once a person is put away, he is the divorced person, regardless of the reason. And anyone who marries that divorced person commits adultery. This is simple and straightforward. It is hard to twist what Jesus said. But somehow those who say there is the right for the “innocent” party to divorce after he or she has already been divorced have managed to find, by their “wisdom”, the loophole. But it isn’t there. (11-24-05) I always appreciate the work you’re doing in this regard. Keep it up! I’d like to get the church here in … to invite you out for a meeting sometime. … (11-23-05) Jeff, Attached is an article entitled: “Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage” which you might be interested in adding to your web site. Also I have attached a second article entitled: “Why You Should Marry A Christian”. You might look at them and see if you can use them. I appreciate your website. The divorce problem is one of Satan’s many ways of causing people to be lost. (11-23-05) Fw. Mike, David McKee wrote an excellent article found at: http://www.mentaldivorce.com/mdrstudies/ModernDayCorban-DMcKee.htm that briefly reviews your position on divorcing for reasons other than fornication as long as you don’t remarry. In love I ask you to consider its contents seriously. I still don’t understand why there cannot be a friendly public in-depth Bible study (debate) on this issue. It doesn’t have to be me; what about David, or Carroll Sutton? (11-23-05) Fw: I got Truth Magazine a few hours ago and read the Warnock article attacking Jeff Belknap because he thought it best not to debate the mental divorce position in Beckley, West Virginia. I don’t believe I have read a more “unbrotherly” piece in many years. To understand the article one must understand its context—both the issue that gives rise to it, and the long history of Truth Magazine’s sect’s wiggling on how the issue should be handled. The issue is very simple. Can two people divorce for a cause other than fornication, and then after the divorce when one of the mates gets involved in immorality can the other use passages like Matthew 19:9 to mentally “put away his mate again” and justify a second marriage? Weldon, and many of Truth Magazine’s writers say yes. Jeff says no. That is the issue. It is simple, and I believe Jeff understands the Bible properly on the matter. For years Jeff has tried to get brethren to see the danger in this position, and for years Weldon has advocated it. At first, Weldon was virtually alone, and he simply refused to debate the matter (see Jeff’s website for volumes of material from Weldon which prove this). As the years have gone by he and others have converted many to the position. In the mean time Truth jumped on people who wanted to fellowship Homer Hailey, but refused to discuss the fellowship issue in connection with Weldon and others who take the position they do. They chided people for being unwilling to debate, but they supported Weldon and others in their refusal to debate. This is nothing more than sectarian bias, and hypocrisy. Now that they have a relatively large number of people advocating the position all of a sudden Weldon wants to debate the matter. He chooses a place for the debate where he knows brethren are torn up over the matter and don’t feel a debate is appropriate at this time, and refuses to debate elsewhere, and chides Jeff because he loves the brethren enough to see that their struggle doesn’t need a debate now even though for years he has been trying to get a debate on this issue. Weldon and Truth are now trying to use the refusal in the most evil way to vilify Jeff. This is evil and carnality of the worse kind, but typical in my judgment of many connected with Truth Magazine. The sect has simply gone too far. They are not only inconsistent in this, but they have been inconsistent for years in advocating that the Foundation can work like a church does, accepting contributions from individual Christians to do it, but they refuse to debate that as well. Now, with these lectures they are moving more and more boldly thinking they have a great deal of support. What they actually have done is built up a great deal of resentment in the brotherhood over their carnal tactics, and when push comes to shove they will find out just how alone and how hollow they are. They are telling everyone that Jeff and those who believe as he does and those who oppose the foundation functioning as a church are dividing the brotherhood over these issues. In fact, like all innovations of old, it is those advocating the innovations who are doing the dividing, and the sooner it is done then the sooner the Foundation and its sect can get on with their business and the church of the Lord can get on with its business. Fw:
Mental Divorce Introduction i.. In this lesson we will pose and answer the following questions. a. What is a marriage? b. What is a divorce? c. What does God’s word teach about divorce? d. What does God’s word teach about remarriage after a divorce? e. What is a “mental divorce” and what does God’s word teach concerning it? f. What is the “waiting game” and what does God’s word teach concerning it? Body I. What is a marriage? A. Believe it or not a lot of people don't know what a marriage is, and a lot of the problems we face with this issue go back to the fact they don’t know what a marriage is. B. The Bible teaches the marriage relationship is formed by a covenant, Malachi 2:14. C. A covenant consists of three things. 1. Terms 2. Promises 3. Ratification, Galatians 3:15 a) Ratification in our society is a legal matter. In Texas you must be at least 14 with parental consent, 18 without, and you must obtain a license, exercise it, and return it within 30 days. 4. When people marry they are obligated to two laws-civil law and divine law. a) Even when two divorce civil obligations continue (alimony, child support). b) The same is true of divine law. (1) While married divine law obligates them to love each other, Colossians 3:18, 19. (2) Just as with civil law, even when two divorce divine obligations continue, Romans 7:2, 3. c) The important point here is that obligations do not end simply because people end their marriage by divorce. II. What is a divorce? A. A divorce severs the marriage terms, promises and ratification, but it does not sever responsibilities to civil and divine laws that were incurred as a result of marriage. (Refer to the points above.) III. What does God’s word teach about divorce? A. God hates divorce, Malachi 2:14-16. B. If a divorce does take place, God wants divorced people to remain unmarried or to be reconciled, 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11. IV. What does God’s word teach about remarriage after a divorce? A. To marry after a divorce is the same as committing adultery, Mark 10:11, 12. 1. There are two exceptions to Mark 10:11, 12. a) When one divorces a mate because the mate was guilty of fornication he may marry another without committing adultery, Matthew 19:9. b) When one’s former mate dies he may marry another without committing adultery, 1 Corinthians 7:39; Romans 7:2, 3. B. Summary: Divorced people, with two exceptions, are to remain unmarried or be reconciled to each other. V. What is a “mental divorce” and what does God’s word teach about it? A. Of late the idea of “mental divorces” is being championed. B. Foremost among those advocating this idea (although they reject the label) are staff members and associates of Truth Foundation. C. The idea of a “mental divorce” is that when two people divorce for a cause other than fornication, that in fact they are still married in God’s eyes, and that when one commits fornication the other can “mentally divorce” the person for fornication and marry another. D. The problems with this idea is that it doesn’t understand that a divorce leaves two people unmarried and it doesn’t recognize the difference between the concepts of being married and being bound by God’s law; consequently, there is nothing to put away once a divorce has taken place, 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11. VI. What is the “waiting game” and what does God’s word teach about it? A. The idea of the “waiting game” is that two divorce understanding fully God’s will on the matter. At that point the two engage in a “waiting game” to see who will commit fornication first so the other can have a “mental divorce” and remarry. B. Obviously, if the “mental divorce” idea is wrong, then this one is too. C. Advocates of these two ideas do not go to God’s word to prove them. They talk a lot about what is “fair” in man’s eyes. 1. We can’t determine truth by trying to figure out what we consider to be fair. Every command of God could be set aside with this reasoning! 2. Many, looking at the status of Truth Foundation in the judgment of brethren are simply arguing that the big shot preachers can’t be wrong. They are placing their faith in men rather than the word of God. Conclusion i. The fact of the matter is, that God’s will on this matter is simple. God’s requirements are tough, and when we sin we place ourselves in a tough place. Jesus’ disciples recognized this and commented on it when they heard His teaching, Matthew 19:10. ii. We must understand that God’s laws are intended to protect the institution of marriage, the family, and to protect women from abuse. God requires some sacrifice on our part to do this. That sacrifice is to remain unmarried or be reconciled when we divorce. The question is, do we love God and our fellowman enough to do what God says? Invitation The Bible teaches that the one “who shall abide” in God’s “holy hill” is the person who keeps his vows “to his own hurt, and changeth not” (Psalms 15). If brother Willis’ theories are right, instead of “for richer, for poorer,” and “for better, for worse,” “as long as we both shall live,” we should only promise to stay together “as long as the relationship preserves our own ‘physical,’ ‘emotional,’ and ‘financial’ health!” (11-14-05) …Another congregation preached on the 7 points from Mike Willis’ sermon and … worships there and he proceeded to tell the congregation the whole story behind Mike Willis’ teaching – which involved his own mother and father and their marriage situation. Anyway, things are happening – hopefully to expose Mike Willis and those that support him… Keep standing strong in the truth – (11-14-05) Jeff – …It appears in what he has written (both his article and his reply to bro. Warnock’s reply) that he believes what I do re: m/d/r. He seems to decry the whole “mental divorce” concept. He warns against any and all emotional arguments offered to justify hard situations people sometimes find themselves in. He labels the whole thing for what it is...the “waiting game” and doesn’t appear to offer any sympathy to those who are divorced unscripturally and later want to “mentally put away” their former spouse and re-marry. The only failure on his part I can deduce is that he refuses to label men like bro. Warnock false teachers, and fails to point out that their doctrines have to be false and that adhering to what they teach necessarily will lead men and women to the bed of adultery...and as a result, will cost them their soul because of what Jesus said… (11-7-05) Hello again brother, Thanks for the updated information. I have a question for you. Where do you stand on the lectureship issue? I assume you would agree there is no authority for “Truth Foundation” or FC to have gospel meetings, but it’s better to ask than rely on assumptions…. (11-7-05) Thanks, Jeff. I have never EVER met someone as illogical and arrogant as this man. Even Tim Haile pales in comparison! I expect he will "answer" to his list, and boast about how he has “defeated” another false teacher. All the while, he claims to be “brotherly”... By the way, I haven’t forgotten the articles I said I had planned. I’m just beginning to get my time re-adjusted where I have the time to do it and I will hopefully be sending you something soon. How’s your new work going? I sure am disappointed [but not surprised] with the series of personal attacks you’ve had to endure through TM. Just keep doing RIGHT and they will fall on their own sword. That organization has gone downhill fast and I hope others see them for what they really are: a “good old boys” society that is more interested in maintaining the status quo than defending truth. It seems I recall another group that did that once (cf. John 11:45-53). (11-7-05) Hello brother, I heard you met my in-laws while in …. I hope the meeting went well and you are doing well in your new home. I’m actually writing to find out exactly where you are now. I thought it was somewhere in Tennessee, but wasn’t for sure. If you don’t mind, pass along your contact info. Several folks I’ve met in the past two months while holding meetings from … to … have commented positively on your web-site “mentaldivorce.com”. From what I can tell, it is serving many brethren in a wonderful way concerning this issue. Keep up the good work, keep the faith, and fight the good fight. I pray you prosper as your soul prospers. (11-5-05) Jeff, Mike Willis is not interested in either truth or fairness. GOT has escalated to new heights of slander in its apostasy by the latest book by Willis and King. They are intent on division, even to suggesting a quarantine of those who disagree with them. The liberals did the same thing to us fifty years ago. Willis and company are using the same tactics that apostates have always used. Pitiful. (11-4-05) …As far as … goes - why haven’t the elders exposed Mike and alerted the congregation to this dangerous teaching/man? And if they haven’t, don’t the members have a responsibility to know what’s going on? I mean, if I had an elder that was printing a Christian magazine – I would want to know what is in that magazine and make sure that he is walking right before the Lord… I know that sin is no respecter of persons… Thanks for your help – I greatly appreciate it. Please continue to respond. (11-2-05) Many are saying that if we don’t personally go to Mike Willis and discuss these things – then we are wrong? My understanding of the scriptures is that this is of a public nature – no personal sin against me – and that I don’t need to go and talk with Mike Willis about this because he has already been marked by sound brethren and that, in fact, I should not go to Mike Willis – is this correct? Just like I did not personally go to Colly Caldwell, etc. when the Shane Scott situation came up – the evidence is clear already – just like with Mike Willis – the words have already been established – Do you believe that a whole congregation can be marked – in the case of Mike Willis – whether all of the members have knowledge of this? Are the members held accountable as well? Either for apathy / lukewarmness in not dealing with this issue or pride in overlooking sin? According to the letters to the seven churches of Asia in Revelation – this is what that sounds like to me. I appreciate you helping me to understand these things. This is new territory for me and I want to do things right. (11-2-05) …Everyone voiced their opinions in regards to this. Anyway, this whole thing is a smoke screen to cover up their involvement with Mike Willis – I can’t believe how manipulative and deceitful Christians can be – it’s very sad. (11-1-05) … So it’s become a family affair – we want clear evidence of Mike’s sermons – we do have the subtopic outline that’s on your website but they say that because Mike is not preaching this publicly at Lafayette – it’s not a problem!! We have opened a can of worms and would like to educate and inform the members so they can make their own choice in this regard. Could we get a tape of the sermon? Any other information would be appreciated. I do know all about your website so I have access to that info but .... anything concrete – including the Truth magazine articles – would be helpful as well. Any ideas how to move forward with our situation? (11-1-05) Jeff, … The preacher going to work with John at … was telling him about a man they had scheduled for a meeting. He said he wouldn’t give John his name but his initials were “RH”. John knew who it was and Steve, the new preacher they hired, told him about the question / answer session they had with Ron. He said they talked to Ron for about an hour. Finally one of the men said “Look, are you going to answer my question or not!” (about post-divorce fornication). He finally answered them and the session ended and the meeting was cancelled. Good for them. (10-30-05) I agree, about Bro. Frost writing. In fact I have the material he has written on the subject. I have found Bro. Gene & Jere Frost to be sound in the things they have written. (10-30-05) Jeff, I appreciate this. As soon as I have a chance I will look at it. I have had several emails with Dennis Reed. I had no idea he lined up with these guys – I now refer to it as the Reeves / Haile / Cavender / Halbrook / Osborne Double Divorce doctrine – I guess Mike Willis could refer to these guys as the “5 peas in a pod,” but maybe he only does that if you are against this doctrine. Anyway, before the Smith-Haile debates I wrote Dennis Reed asking him if he would be coming to the debates and you know the rest – he called you a false teacher…and by implication called J.T. a false teacher – after that he refused to answer my emails to him. I have been recently asked if I would debate Harry Osborne – I said I would look forward to the opportunity. Harry is clearly off in this doctrine. Look for my short article in J.T.’s paper which addresses their concept of us “agreeing in principle.” Should come out in November - think you will like it. (10-26-05) Jeff, Forrest Hills in Tampa Florida has one regular preacher and two retired preachers – Tom Roberts, Dennis Reed, Tom O’Neal – do you have any documentation as to their beliefs on MDR? (10-25-05) A preacher, Bro. … just got back from a meeting in W. Virginia heard that you had been fired form the congregation where you preached. He is disappointed in Weldon, Larry H., Ron Halbrook and others taking the position they are on MDR. You probably already knew about the lie that is being spread about you. We love you, (10-24-05) Hey again, Jeff and Cara, …Please don’t misunderstand. I don’t have any regrets about the stand we have taken or the friendships we have made/lost. I always want to stand on the side of truth. It is just so disappointing when people you think you know choose not to take that same stand. We have had no illusions about the members of the … church. It is apparent that many of them “know better” but are too cowardly or lazy to cut the ties… I guess I am just frustrated that some that I thought were friends were apparently not. I have lost all desire to live in this town… (10-21-05) Hey Jeff and Cara, …Most brethren don’t seem to care about much of anything anymore. Anything goes. I know there is still a faithful remnant, but we just aren’t able to worship with many of them. I am often reminded of Jesus’ question these days, “...when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8)… (10-20-05) Good article Jeff (10-19-05) Jeff, …I think we’re doing okay, as far as standing for a truthful preacher. We’ve been stating our case for no preachers who are preaching the liberal MDR doctrine, and we’re meeting less and less opposition (even though there’s still a few “hold-outs” ... but we’ve been pretty firm in not considering any preachers except those preaching the truth)… (PS – I liked your email from Don Martin... I also found a sermon he did on the words “let not” that was very good, showing how those two words are used in several instances in the New Testament). (10-19-05) Thanks Jeff for the update and all is well here in Alabama. (10-17-05) Fw: Dear …, Let me tell you that I continue to appreciate your vigorous reports. I always read them and pray for you and the work in …. My advice is not to get too upset by “bickering and mud-slinging.” I grew up having to work out the truth on institutionalism, and the sharp controversy helped me very much. Some of it was mud-slinging, and I deplored that, but I was able to find the truth on the subject partly because of the arguments. Now I am thinking particularly of the subject of what is called “mental divorce.” I am sorrowful that so many well-known and respected gospel preachers are taking the position that after there has been a divorce, the “passive” person in the divorce can then “divorce” the other in some sort of way (hence, the name “mental” divorce). The current exchanges on the subject are sharpening my understanding of the whole subject. I am particularly indebted to the “www.MentalDivorce.com” website of Jeff Belknap, which contains many articles on the subject, some even by the proponents of the doctrine. Yes, deplore false charges and slander, but do not be sorry for vigorous controversy. Use it to help you find and hold to the truth… (10-15-05) Hello, …As for your proposed debates, I would suggest that you no longer offer them or engage in exchanges with the individuals who have refused to accept the truth. Paul told Titus to reject the divisive man after the first and second admonition. Jesus Himself warned against casting pearls before swine. We are all too familiar with what happens when you do, and there are too many souls to reach to waste time with stubborn individuals who God has told us to avoid… (10-15-05) Jeff, what do you think about Donnie Rader resigning? Does this mean he understands he was with a group that did not believe like he did? Do you reckon others will do the same? Or, hopefully, this will cause others to think about it? I have known Weldon & Connie for a long time. It is hard for me to believe Connie thinks it is right for him to keep on writing for Truth. I am wondering what Wilson Adams, Connie’s son thinks about all of this. (10-15-05) Jeff, … Thought it was very well done. I like that you did not get in the way of the facts. The facts are the impressive thing. If you had ranted and raved it would have taken away from the power of your article/emails. Excellent job. Sorry you are dealing with this. Perhaps we are witnessing either the death of the foundation or the fact that it will no longer be of any relevance. Take care and keep up the good work… (10-14-05) Dear brother Jeff: Thank you for the updates on the website. My prayer is that the work where you are now located is going well and souls are being brought to Christ. … souls will be lost because of liberal teachings that allow adulterers to stay together. …(10-14-05) Jeff, I wanted to get a little more info on the church in …. I know somewhat about the problems that arose from bro Warnock’s efforts. Is the work stable? I’m concerned especially for … and the effects “church-trouble” might have on him … (10-13-05) Dear brother Jeff, I don’t think my question has anything to do with mental divorce, but it does have to do with marriage and divorce… (10-13-05) Brother Jeff, Thanks for all the info you sent. We read it with terror in our hearts knowing that so many are headed for eternal damnation because of these false teachers… Keep up the GREAT work! (10-13-05) Thanks, Jeff, for writing again. Yes, I see your point. There is more evidence to support that he PROBABLY resigned over doctrinal matters than for any other reason… If I have learned one lesson in all this MDR mess, it is that nothing much makes good sense (except the simple truth!) I also cannot take Bill Cavender’s hearsay as truth (“Already I have been informed by a brother and his wife that ‘Donnie resigned from Truth Magazine because that paper and most of those brethren are teaching error, and he doesn’t go along with them!’) Bill Cavender has not gotten a lot of things straight lately, so he is not exactly credible in my book. I just cannot understand how Donnie could get to the point that his conscience dictated that he resign from the board and as a staff writer yet could still say that he would continue to lend his name and reputation to them in the form of subsequent articles and lectures. But I have to tell you, I have not understood any of this mess since day one. My mouth has hung open and I have scratched my head bald trying to figure out how anyone with even average intelligence could arrive at some of these positions men are taking. Now that it all got out in the open (thanks in great part to your website,) loonies are coming out of the woodwork, it seems. Truly intelligent and gifted men are doing and saying down-right stupid things. I guess that is the nature of sin. I am glad to hear that people are reading your website and investigating things for themselves. I pray that many will want to listen to the sound clips and hear for themselves. That is the difference in truth and fiction. One has nothing to hide, and the other runs around like a rabid spider, weaving a tangled mess of lies and hatred-filled rants. One provides information without apology, and the other seeks to avert eyes from the truth through planting smoke screens, false witnesses, withheld information, and misplaced pity. Yes, we will see whose website is still standing when this is all over. (10-12-05) Jeff, I am amazed at the charges against brethren who point out the error on “mental divorce” as it is their fault this has come about. I do not hear them say it is the fault of those who have began teaching what our Lord did not teach! Preachers have for years used the scriptures to warn about “adding and diminishing” to the word of God. (Deut. 4:2; Prov. 30:6 & Rev. 22:18-19). They could show how instrumental music, and faith only and many other denominational doctrines are false because of “adding or diminishing” to the word of God. Now we have many who are going beyond what Jesus taught and those who point out the error of such teaching are being condemned! Let us just not “add to or diminish” from the word and unity will be restored, and souls will be saved. Thank you for your work. (10-12-05) … met with the men after services tonight. He wanted to have Ron Halbrook here on Saturday to explain his viewpoint to everyone that would listen. The men said no. (10-12-05) Hey Jeff, …articles are up on the website. I can imagine that sparks are flying… Don Martin always encourages me so much. He is a courageous man. I know he has taken a lot of persecution for standing up for his beliefs, but he always strives to do the right thing, it seems. I appreciate his articles on your site. I continue to pray that Truth Magazine will either get back to printing articles that reflect pure truth of the Word of God or just cease publishing all this foolishness that benefits no one… (10-12-05) Jeff, Have you seen the September 15 issue of Truth Magazine yet? Weldon really attacks J. T. and the Gospel Truths… (10-8-05) Brother Martin, Thank you for the article on ‘A Commendable Resignation.’ Someone forwarded the article to me and I am in full agreement with your writings. I plan to forward it to others. Thanks again, (10-7-05) Jeff, Every so often, I go back and read parts of your website. I don’t know when you began the website, but I was made aware of it after you already had a good deal of content up on the site. Every so often, now, I come across something that just strikes me as “especially profound.” I came across one of your responses to bro. Willis, and I thought that maybe, at some point, you could just do an article or remind us all again in some way of what you said below (that I have highlighted in red.) I think you make a point here that so many today are missing. My brethren that don’t understand “why I am making such a big deal out of this” or “why I am taking a stand” need to get the points you make below… Thank you for having the courage not to compromise, even when it is painful to do so. (10-6-05) ----- Original Message
----- Subject: Re: unnecessary division Dear Mike, Thank you for your e-mail. In regards to your comment, “The newsworthy aspect of what happened at Parkersburg is that you made the application (drawing lines of fellowship) as the logical conclusion of the position you asserted.”: The very first GT article which Harry responded to (“Differences in Application”), clearly explained my view that the mental divorce issue involves adultery and is therefore significant to the fellowship issue. So how was that newsworthy? I know that you knew about my article because several weeks prior to your contacting me about the so-called “list,” you suggested to David McKee that he should publish my exchange with Harry in the Athens congregation’s bulletin. If those with whom I discussed the mental divorce issue came to the “logical conclusion” that lines of fellowship needed to be drawn, it was not because I actively “made contact with” and “encouraged” or “discouraged” anyone in regards to their fellowship with Ron, as you said Ron told you I did. It was because they recognized that the mental divorce position involves adultery. And I think we all understand (without any need for “encouraging” or “discouraging”) that we cannot have fellowship with adulterers nor with those who encourage it through their teaching. If, through my articles, I helped anyone to come to the understanding that the mental divorce position leads to adultery, I do not apologize. Therefore if Ron is wrong in his position (and it is very clear to me that he is), then that makes the one who accepts and follows his teaching an adulterer (see Ron’s own words at my Web Page: www.MentalDivorce.com (new address, jhb) Can you deny that point? And if what Ron (and others) teaches actually results in adultery and spiritual death (as I believe it does), then the “logical conclusion” is that we can not have fellowship with those who promote that doctrine (Rom. 16:17; Eph. 5:11, 13)? Mike, I cannot fathom that you could place this issue in the category of Romans 14. Is adultery a matter of indifference to God? Even if you don’t believe that what Ron advocates is adultery, you should know better than to encourage one who does (believe that his teaching promotes adultery) to continue fellowship with him (Rom. 14:23). Obviously, even if I were wrong, it would be a violation of my conscience to continue fellowship with both those whom I consider to be adulterers and those who would advocate what I believed to be adultery. I’d just as well have had fellowship with Homer Hailey in his doctrine that promoted adultery and the fellowship of it, as to fellowship Ron in his doctrine which promotes the same. Hailey didn’t believe that his doctrine promoted adultery (nor did his close associates). Moreover, they didn’t (and many still don’t) believe that we should divide over his doctrine. Did that make it right? Does God expect me to act upon what I believe to be truth, or what another tells me? Though Harrell and Owen (et al) believed that Hailey was doctrinally wrong, they advocated fellowship with him. If, in your estimation, Ron’s position does not promote adultery (in other words, you believe that his teaching can lead to a scriptural union with another spouse, after an unscriptural civil divorce), you are acting upon what you believe to be truth. On the other hand, you seem to be saying to me that I should follow your opinion about fellowship regarding this issue, much the same as Harrell, Owen (et al) wanted the rest of us to do. You know I believe that what Ron advocates is adultery and therefore requires me to have no fellowship with him (II Jn. 1:9-10). Yet, you call on me “to quit treating matters that belong in Romans 14 in the category of 2 John 9-11” and then you ask me, “Must we bow to your conscience to be faithful to the Lord’s command?” Now, that is rich! … One can only hope! I still continue to pray that many who have had bad feelings towards one another will find ways to reconcile in some way that absolutely excludes any compromise of truth! Peace at the expense of truth is not real peace. Unity and peace can only exist when one looks to the Lord for ultimate guidance and authority for all we do and say. Let us continue to pray that all of our hearts will be right with God, and that each of us will search the scriptures daily to find our guidance and sustenance! (10-6-05) Hey Jeff, …short letter to Mike Willis is below… Dear Brother Willis, I am a member at the Carriage Drive Church of Christ. I have recently been in contact with Brother Jeff Belknap and learned about his response to Weldon Warnock’s article in Truth Magazine. I think in all fairness, it would be only right to publish Jeff’s article in your publication. With the false statements that Weldon has made, not only about Jeff but also to me in a phone conversation, Jeff deserves the chance to respond. Weldon baptized me and my wife, but in the past couple of years, I have lost all respect for him. The radio program paid for by the Beech Creek congregation is being abused. I thought he was supposed to teach on the show but he does nothing but complain and make false statements. Many of his statements make him look foolish because he does not research them to see if there is any truth in them. The “soldier in Vietnam” divorce scenario is a perfect example. I have been at Carriage Drive for over 10 years. I can tell you in all honestly, Jeff caused no division at Carriage Drive, Weldon Warnock did. I ask you again to publish Jeff’s article in your publication. I feel this is the right and fair thing to do and if you think it over, I believe you will too. (10-5-05) Jeff, …for the letter regarding Donnie Rader. If you have his email, we would like to send him a word of encouragement. We are thankful he had the courage to do the right thing. (What a slashing job Cavender did on him!) I can’t believe a Christian would be so bold as to try and destroy a person. (10-5-05) Jeff, I just received the resignation statement by Mike Willis and below that the letter written by Cavender. Donnie did the right thing and is now taking a stand. Amazing how Cavender wants to cut Rader’s throat. It appears to me that Cavender wants to get some retaliation. He is upset at his meetings being cancelled and is “getting even”. What a shame that an old man who was so respected at one time would resort to being a “cut throat”… (10-5-05) …I’m glad Donnie did it. He just went up greatly in my book. Old Cavender is just as nutty as ever isn’t he? (10-5-05) Jeff, Things are happening and more is on the way, hang in there! I look forward to you continuing to approach Mike (copying others) about Weldon’s slanders and you having redress… (10-5-05) Jeff, It was sadly amusing to read Bill Cavender’s letter to Mike Willis. It sound’s like he is uncompromisingly opposed to some who are not willing to compromise. (10-5-05) …At least we know where Bill Cavender is, wonder if he also thinks Warnock (cleaned your plow on the radio). Such a shame!!! (10-5-05) Jeff, From my observation, Bill Cavender’s words went a whole lot farther in destroying any respect I had left for Truth Magazine than even Donnie Rader’s resignation. Bill’s words demonstrate a clear lack of understanding of Scripture and a clear lack of love for lost souls and his own brethren. Bitterness is so unbecoming the child of God and yet he spews it unmercifully. Did you read ONE WORD of compassion and concern for your soul, since he believes it is YOU in error? I didn’t. May God be merciful long enough for him to see his gross error and repent. (10-4-05) Jeff, …Now I wonder what Connie will do? How long will they keep accepting Weldon & Ron? (10-4-05) Hello Jeff, We are glad you made it home safely. We want to thank you again for an excellent Gospel Meeting. We hope you can come again sometime. …and you are a joy to be around. Keep up the good work for the Lord and know that those of us at … are supporting you from a distance… (10-4-05) Jeff, …T M, I quit taking it, and got an e-mail from Mike asking why I would do that. I wrote him and said when all you preachers stop where the scriptures stop, then all this trouble will stop! So, I am out of the loop... (10-4-05) …We so very much appreciate the work you all are doing in defending the Truth. You have a place waiting for you ANYTIME you are in the area. (10-4-05) Dear Jeff, Cara, and family, …Just read your article and have not talked with … about it, but I know he feels the same as you!! What a shame that Brother Connie is not standing up for the truth. …has always thought so highly of him.......We shall see. As you know, … has NO problem calling a spade a spade. He is involved in controversy with 2 articles he put in the paper that goes out to 22,000 homes in this area… (10-4-05) Jeff, I read Warnock’s article. 1st, an article like that should not be printed. 2nd, it is obvious it deserves the courtesy of a reply. It is that kind of writing that has caused too many magazines to have a bad reputation over the years. (10-4-05) Good job Jeff ...I read your letter you sent to “Truth Magazine” and it blistered Weldon’s bottom. Good job stating the facts and truth. Yes indeed, he is the one who did so much misrepresenting and sowing of discord there. (10-4-05) Jeff, I stopped taking the Truth Magazine so I missed Weldon’s article. I doubt if you will hear from Mike, but I would hope Connie & Donnie would reply, but do not hold your breath. (10-4-05) Dear Jeff, …and much on my heart as regards this entire matter of differences among the brethren on MDR… …Donnie is now in the position of not being “in” with the Truth Magazine crowd, although the letter states he will continue to write occasionally for the magazine, speak at the lectures, and publish through them… … and I could care less about personalities or how “influential” any preacher is supposed to be. We know Donnie Rader to be a good man, careful about every aspect of his life---with this one exception....his inability to refrain from supporting men who we believe teach error on MDR… (10-3-05) …I do not think Willis will reply… If Willis does not reply, some others may apply pressure that might have good results. (10-3-05) Jeff, I think you are handling this matter in the best possible way. (10-3-05) Jeff, I just finished reading your reply to Weldon Warnock. I had no idea that mess was going on. If what I understand is accurate, maybe it is time for Weldon to be publicly marked as a divisive individual. At the very least, he is acting foolish by broadcasting all of this on the radio. No wonder so many churches are slowly dying with this kind of leadership… (10-3-05) Nicely said... pitiful they can’t even respond. (10-3-05) Hey Cara, …I read Jeff’s site when I get the chance... I’m preparing my lesson for next Sunday, I want to talk about peer pressure. We often think of it as a bad thing but it does have 2 sides. One of the important reasons for attendance is the positive side of it, pressure from fellow Christians to keep us going in the right direction. I’ve long wondered how Jeff endures so many personal attacks. Obviously I know how he does, faith and a strong and very supportive wife. I just wanted him to know that I, and surely many others who have received encouragement from him, would like to reciprocate that… (9-27-05) Jeff, I hope this letter finds you and your family well and you have settled into your new home. I wanted to make a point about the MD website. There is a LOT of information there, anyone with a mind for the truth can find it on this subject. I must say I am disappointed in some of the heated responses you receive during your e-mail exchanges but appreciate your calm and respectful responses. I don’t have the ability to explain better than you already have. There is one thing I would like to say, I apologize if I misrepresent what was said. I believe a comment was made along the lines of a soldier being overseas and not having a choice in a divorce. I searched the site but could not find the actual comment and I’m not sure of the date the comment was made. On this, I think I’m qualified to respond. I, being a service member of 21 years of which nearly half was spent overseas, have been involved with advising on this very topic. I am divorced myself, the attempt was made by my former spouse to carry this process forward in my absence due to me being out of country. I can most assuredly tell you this is not possible. All military personnel serving overseas are protected from civil action in their absence and this includes divorce. The Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act is dated from 1940 with other forms of protection dating back to the late 1800’s. Obviously if it were in the case of a capital crime other avenues would be pursued. However, not in the case of divorce (civil). This is an irrelevant scenario and I have no idea why it was used. Maybe to play on the “what if” heart string. Most likely, once again, something said without proper understanding or application, be it in the scriptures or civil law, that has little or no foundation. I wish you and you family well and continued strength. (9-25-05) Jeff, …YOU have no idea how much YOU are an encouragement to us!!!! …we have good men who “have not bowed the knee to Baal” in our day and in this area, and we are encouraged by each and every one, though there are not too many who have the intestinal fortitude to renounce this particular false doctrine in its entirety! …to try and find ways to teach our brethren how dangerous it is to dip one’s toes in the waters of false doctrine. Sadly, some have gotten sucked in by the undercurrents and are now flailing helplessly, and some have apparently already drowned! I don't think that some knew how dangerous this particular “ocean” was, and now, they are gagging on ocean water! We will look forward to the meeting in November at … (9-23-05) Well said! No word from Mike I guess? (9-23-05) Jeff, It was so good to finally meet you. I cannot tell you how much high esteem I hold you in. I have long appreciated your good work and could not believe that there were others teaching the same thing I was teaching. It really is encouraging… (9-22-05) … and God bless you for your work. (9-22-05) Jeff, …I just can’t believe the audacity of Weldon...he just keeps getting worse… (9-22-05) …Even though you are not here, I am still behind you. I’ll tell you a story about a conversation me and … had. We were talking at his house about the new preacher search. He said we would NEVER get another one like you. He also said as far as he was concerned…and you handled the pressure MAGNIFICENTLY and always preached right out of the Bible and stood for the truth no matter what. I used the capitals because he raised his voice when using these words, seriously. Keep up the GREAT work. We sure do miss you and your preaching. (9-20-05) Got it! Sounds like the professional that you are!! (9-20-05) … do you really think Willis will print it? We’ll have to wait and see. (9-20-05) Jeff, I’m not holding my breath on the likelihood that it will be printed, but I believe you have answered the charges. I am simply amazed at what slanderous material they will print when they are determined to propagate error, but how “innocent” and “pious” and “above such discussions” they will present themselves when anyone other than their own “circle” of friends disagrees and wishes the right to simply reply and defend oneself. And these are supposed to be leaders and influential men among the brotherhood? If this is the current state of the Lord’s church, what kind of future do we face? It seems Satan has got a foothold and is edging ever further into the hearts of the brethren. (9-20-05) Hello Jeff, An excellent article indeed. You stuck to the facts while reigning in much of what could have been said (the insane outrageous behavior by this self-promoting brother and magazine). If Mike Willis does not allow a reply on your part, I hope all will see just how corrupt the magazine has become. Any public magazine or newspaper would allow a reply to such accusations, unless they were completely sleazy or uninterested in being fair. We will see where Mike stands. (9-20-05) Well said - I liked the way you dealt with the length... I’ll be anxious to hear what he says. From a pure strategy standpoint - it would seem to me that publishing Weldon’s gasbag article was a huge blunder. Until that point, Mike had no real reason to put you in print. Now, fairness dictates that he does. (9-19-05) Jeff: This is a very good reply to Weldon’s article. It makes things very clear. As you say, his accusations are amazing, but I will be even more amazed if Mike Willis agrees to publish your article! Their hypocrisy has already been on display, and this will likely be another example of it. (9-18-05) Jeff, Your reply to Warnock looks good to me. I could not believe Willis printed what he did. Such was a result of manifest bias on the part of Willis and terrible editorial practices. Warnock’s statements constituted malicious charges and grasps in the air… Your reply is factional and documented and addresses only the issue at hand. (9-17-05) Jeff, In my judgment, your reply was very respectable. I want you to think about what an old preacher told me several years ago: “When our brethren are right, they are the rightest people in the world. However, when our brethren are wrong, some become the meanest of people in the world.” I have found this to be truth many times. Weldon is a false teacher who’s influence is going away. Do not be surprised at what he may say or do. Many brethren are only now becoming aware of the position of Weldon and others regarding MDR. Your website has been very helpful teaching the truth and exposing error and false doctrine. Thank you my brother. Keep up the good work. My prayers are with you. (9-17-05) Very good! … You were open, honest and respectful. You did not engage in Weldon’s tactics, but stayed the high-ground. That is what you needed to do. The contrast in that alone is evidence of His character. The facts bear out your reasoning indisputably. It makes Weldon sound shrill and unreasonable by comparison. Weldon doesn’t want to debate the issue, he wanted you out of Beckley and his name off of your website. He got one, but will not get the other… (Eph. 5:11-12)! (9-17-05) Jeff, Poor Weldon... he just can’t give it up, even to the point of deceiving people. Sad. We just got done with our gospel meeting last night. Here’s an interesting bit of info for ya - … mentioned marriage and divorce every night except one (unless I just missed it on that night), and on a few nights he stressed that Matt. 19:9 and 5:32, and how divorcing for ANY cause other than adultery and then remarrying is wrong. I told …, I bet a few people were squirming in their pews. I was really glad to hear him talk about it as much as he did… (9-17-05) Jeff, You must have forgot that fairness and honesty are variables which are determined by the “select elite” -Mike and the boys. With their great intellectual powers they are able to determine the marriages positions belonging in Romans 14. Why be surprised or question their judgment? They are always right… To expect fairness from Mike and the boys is expecting the impossible. You are not alone in the battle. Keep up the good work. (9-15-05) Brother Jeff Send your updates to … Appreciate your work! (9-9-05) Hello Dear Friends, Just came into the office and … handed me your printout of responses. I usually read these at night after we have gone to bed. Just wanted you to know that we hope all of you are getting settled in and that the congregation there realizes what a “Jewel” they have in you and your family, and I’m certain they do… (9-8-05) Bro. Belknap: I appreciate you up date on the mental aspect of divorce. I have always referred to this many times as the waiting game. If a person can wait until the one or the other dies, why can't they continue and make sure of their eternity? Thanks again (9-7-05) Hey Jeff and Cara, Hope you are settling in nicely by now! … Thanks for continuing to send the updates to the webpage. I have passed them recently to more who have asked for them. …Well, take care, and again, I hope all is going well for you in your new work! (8-25-05) Dear Jeff, Thanks for the note, pray the best for you and your family, also the church where you labor. (8-24-05) Don & Jeff, Having exhausted all reasonable efforts to have this article published in print, I now will begin the process of distributing to brethren via websites and email… I have invited all three men (Willis, Adams and Warnock) to respond. I’ve told them that I will post their response on my website (www.BibleMessenger.com)... (8-23-05) Jeff & Cara, … and I want to wish you the best in your new work. Also, my brother keep the heat on in this mental divorce issue – you are, with God’s help, making a difference. Brotherly, (8-19-05) Hello Jeff and Cara, We certainly wish you the best at your new place. We hated so much for you to leave this area. You have worked diligently in Beckley. May God bless you as you continue your work for Him... Thank you for the contact info. (8-18-05) Here is a quote for you… The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. -- Patrick Henry, speech to the Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775 (8-18-05) Thank you for the info... Thanks (8-18-05) Dear Jeff and Cara, Good to hear from you. We trust that the move went smoothly and the boxes are being unpacked, so that life can become normal again. We will sure miss you here in WV, but are happy that you are still serving the Lord... I’ve added your new email address to our address book. By the way, guess who is holding Chesapeake’s fall meeting? Ironically, since you just sent those articles....it’s Ron Halbrook. It’s in September. (8-17-05) There appears to be a loyalty that exists here, in more than just one way. You are not just battling a doctrinal problem, you are dealing with a loyalty issue. History of the Oakwood Road Church in Charleston, West Virginia Ron Halbrook “I have held two gospel meetings for the Oakwood Church of Christ in Charleston, West Virginia (April 1986 and October 1995), and when traveling in the area I have of-ten stopped to visit with brother Vestal Chaffin. This congregation began in the 1880s. Brother Chaffin worked with the Park Avenue church in Charleston from June of 1957 through July of 1961, but Park Avenue went into liberalism. Brother Chaffin returned to Charleston in April of 1982 to work with the Oakwood Road church…” Guardian of Truth (October 3, 1996) XL: No. 19, p. 8-9 (8-17-05) Hello Jeff, Glad you are moving. I think the move will be good for you, like a breath of fresh air. Regarding Tim, many of these guys have reached the point that intelligent communication and dialogue is impossible… (8-5-05) …the “post-divorce divorce” scenario that seems to be gaining more proponents. I noticed Ron Chaffin already is perturbed by the usage of that term [post-divorce divorce]. It seems there is no description of what they are teaching that is satisfactory. Hmmm...I wonder why? Maybe because it exposes the reality of what they teach? Hmmmm... Hope all goes well with the move; I have had WAY too much experience with moving to not sympathize with those who have to do it. Good luck and God bless. (8-5-05) Brother Belknap, I have been a frequent reader of your website on Mental Divorce and agree with what the Scriptures teach on the subject. Sadly, some in my family are members of a group in … that tolerates the mental divorce practice. Anyway, I understand you are moving to middle Tennessee. I have in-laws that live in Shelbyville… Keep up the good work! (8-4-05) Please change my email address from … to … thanks, (8-4-05) Jeff, I was reading through your “Reader’s Responses” section and someone had given you a congratulations on moving to middle Tennessee – WHAT???? Great news?!?! Where are you going? When? Can I help? I hope things have finally worked out so you can get started afresh, and that all works out well. I was just in Nashville two days ago, visiting … LET ME KNOW!!!! (8-4-05) Dear Jeff, Cara, and Boys, … You know that we love and respect all the HARD work that you do and have done in the past for the Lord, and ANYWHERE you and your family relocate we KNOW that it is God's Will. The Universal Church of our Lord and Master will benefit from anywhere you continue in the ministry of God. May God continue to bless you and your family in ALL the efforts all of you put forth in HIS name. Remember we are a LOT closer now than before...so plan a trip or vacation to this area and KNOW that you will have a place to park your things for as long as you like… (8-4-05) Thank you Jeff for keeping me on your mailing list. Do you need any financial help in moving? If so please let me know. Keep up the good work and tell your family I said hello. (8-4-05) Brother Jeff, Ran across something yesterday which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with MDR but which does have to do with being “put away” … I hope this amuses you … (8-4-05) Jeff, I noticed in your reader responses that you are moving to Tennessee. Since we moved from … in June, I heard that you found a congregation to work with. That is great news! Welcome to Middle Tennessee. I know you guys will be glad to be closer to your wife’s parents. We miss them very much… Well, take care and let us know if you need any help with the move or anything else. (8-4-05) Hello brother Belknap, We recently heard the good news up at the … congregation in …, TN, that you’re relocating to Fayetteville, TN. That’s good to hear. Come see us sometime. If there’s anything we can help you with, let us know. I live in … -- about … miles from Fayetteville. …, who preaches at …, lives in …, about … miles from Fayetteville. …please do not hesitate to call me. My contact info is as follows: … May God continue to bless your work! (8-4-05) Good job. I like the stuff you put there on the laws protecting soldiers. (8-4-05) Jeff, Thanks for the material… Your family is in our prayers… I cannot in words express my appreciation for all you have done to expose this error and help brethren. May the Lord richly bless you in your new work in Tennessee. In Christian Love, (7-28-05) Brother Belknap, I have examined your site many times over the past year or more. I was first asked about mental divorce about two years ago and had no idea what my friend was talking about. After learning the doctrine it took me almost no time to conclude it is a fool’s argument. I am saddened and concerned by the rapid spread of the doctrine, including into several nearby churches… …I would like to encourage you to continue to attempt to silence this heresy, and I will do the same. (7-24-05) Jeff, Hope all is well with you and your family... I am sorry to hear of your move. I do bid you God speed. Sorry, did not get the opportunity to meet you and your family. Will you keep the email address? Please keep in touch, forward me your address. Keep the faith, press toward our high calling. We need more Godly men and women, such as you and your family. I will keep you and family in my prayers, I would appreciate you guys do the same for me. (7-21-05) Jeff, … had mentioned to … about some things that he (Ron Chaffin, jhb) and Anthony Genton had written that were placed on the table at… Do you have a copy of those articles? If so, could you possibly email or snail - mail me a copy. I want to know what Ron is teaching on mental divorce, before making any accusations of false teaching… (7-20-05) Jeff: We’ve just learned that you are moving to Middle Tennessee! This is really good news! We look forward to having you nearby. …are dear friends of ours, and they are EXCITED about your move. If we can help in any way, please let us know… PS. I’m not sure you have my new email updated on your mailing list. (7-20-05) Boy – you’ve got the whole thread right here! Outstanding .... good note. (7-19-05) Jeff, Fayetteville is just a hop, skip and a jump from us! WOW! The possibility of ya’ll coming that close excites us beyond belief! … There are some fired up brethren around here! … Take care, and let us know if you have any needs while in Tennessee! (7-18-05) Jeff, In Donnie Rader’s lecture given at Florida College on February 8, 2001 he stated/wrote: Respect and uphold it. To be tolerant toward those whose teaching doesn’t fit Matthew 5 or 19 is to disregard these texts themselves. Thus, if we respect and uphold the teaching of Jesus on divorce and remarriage, we must oppose those who teach otherwise. Let us understand that when there are opposing views on divorce and remarriage, someone is wrong! When a man teaches that one who has no right to remarry can remarry, his teaching leads his hearer to commit adultery. Most agree that we can’t fellowship the man who is in adultery. However, we are told we can fellowship the man who teaches him that it is scriptural… In fact, there has been a shift in attitude toward those who defend the truth and those who teach error on divorce and remarriage. The men who call us back to the pattern of Matthew 5 and 19 are the “bad guys” who trouble Israel while those whose teaching we agree does not fit the Lord’s instructions are the “good guys” who are to be used and honored! Great harm is being done by this loose concept of fellowship. It poses a greater danger than some of the concepts we are dealing with on divorce and remarriage, since we can’t see yet how far it will go. (7-13-05). Jeff, … And I think I am pretty safe in saying that there won’t be a crazy man with a radio program nearby! (7-6-05) Jeff, …there has been an awful lot going on. I will fill you in when we both have more time. There are some fired up brethren around here!... (7-2-05) Jeff, …Take care and God Bless you and your good works. (6-22-05) Jeff, Re: Necessary Conclusions from Matt. 5:32; Marriage & Divorce Vs. Binding & Loosing Simply put; well-said. (6-22-05) Jeff: Please change my email to: __________ Thanks for all you do! (6-22-05) Hey Jeff Just wanted to let you know that I have a new email address. It is ___________. Please update your records. Thanks and keep up the good work (1 Cor. 15:58). (6-22-05) Jeff, The men have decided that they would like to hear a lesson Sunday on marriage, divorce, and remarriage… (6-20-05) Dear brother Belknap, Thanks for sending me the updates and articles. I appreciate it very much… I’m scheduled to speak in … on July 3rd. (Where … is an elder). So I’ll be traveling a little in the next few weeks. I pray things are going well for you. (6-17-05) …Keep up the fight. (6-17-05) Brother Belknap, My name is … and I preach at a Spanish speaking congregation in …. I have written to you before and am very encouraged every time I read the studies on your website. I have contacted brother Reeves before and let him know that I believed him to be a false teacher and that I would mention it everywhere I preached. I have done so. I asked him to study with me and that I would be willing to go to his home to study on this. His answer to me and to … who preaches in … and wrote a similar letter was that we could go to his website (Bible Banner) and study from his articles. His attitude towards us on this issue has been one of arrogance and we have not been able to speak with him on this subject further. I pray that this issue will continue to be at the fore front of discussion and that brethren such as yourself and brother Smith continue to fight the good fight. We will continue to do the same as we warn the brethren within the Latinos as this false doctrine reaches the Spanish speaking brethren. Some of the brethren who preach in Spanish are not willing to oppose brother Reeves publicly due to the fear of losing their financial support. The issue has reached the Spanish speaking congregations but many brethren wont mention it or discuss it. You and brethren such as yourself will continue to be in our prayers. May God bless you. (6-17-05) Nice article.... hope it helps a bit. (6-4-05) Well said - funny but sad. When these guys get so emotional - it is a clue that something’s wrong… (6-4-05) Jeff: …Re: the Truth Magazine exchange - can you believe the direct parallel between what Connie is saying regarding Weldon and what the Christianity Magazine men were saying about Homer Hailey? They acknowledged that Hailey was a false teacher on MDR, but they felt they could continue fellowship because of long standing friendships, respect, etc. Connie and Truth Magazine still condemn them and continue even now to charge them as terrible compromisers. Now Connie acknowledges Weldon is a false teacher, but he is determined to maintain fellowship because of long standing friendship and ‘co-grandparenthood’!!! It is just too, too amazingly parallel - and disgustingly hypocritical!!! (5-30-05) Jeff, If you have brother J.T. Smith e-mail please send to me. I would like to thank him for defending the truth. Down here in…the Partain-Reeves disciples haves marked us as divisionalists because we do not accept neither “mental marriages” nor “mental divorce” Although the “mental divorce” issue has not been addressed. (5-30-05) Jeff, this is amazing to me that Connie makes a stand on every thing, but stays with Truth. I believe Truth will have to change or it will go by the wayside. I wrote Haile, no comment so far! I made it short & to the point. Mike never preached this way in the past, neither did Halbrook, and he is even changing, trying to get every one to fellowship all of this! (5-30-05) The concluding remarks (re. Mike Willis’ editorial regarding The Adams - Warnock Exchange, Truth Magazine, May 5, 2005; jhb) sounded eerily similar to those of Keith Greer from about a year ago: “We can’t understand it alike, so let’s just agree to disagree.” God forbid! (5-29-05) Jeff, Interesting how brother Connie and brother Weldon can differ with all the doctrinal ramifications and moral implications and yet still consider each other in fellowship. One of the two is wrong. Both cannot be right. One doctrine is a heresy while the other is truth. Unless both are wrong… (5-29-05) ...The marriage ends at the divorce and the issue at that point is “why did they divorce?” If they divorced because one of the mates was guilty of sexual immorality then the other mate may marry another. If they divorce for some other cause he may not. J.T. signed a proposition I would not have signed, but I agree with his position as presented in the debate… (5-29-05) …Working together we just may make an impression and turn back the floodtide of digression. Thanks! (5-26-05) Hi Jeff, …Things only get complicated when people go to adding to what God has said. Its really simple when you just read the scriptures…and stop. (5-23-05) Hello Jeff, …I read the “exchange” last week when it was published. David Watts is working up a good reply. In fact, it is so good that I seriously doubt if Willis will publish it. Connie is really playing the back slapping politician… (5-23-05) Hello there brother, …Keep up the good work with the site and other areas of truth. (5-23-05) Jeff, Please change my address from … to … (5-18-05) Thanks, brother. Thank you for the info. Surely some will continue to believe bible teaching on this subject. I am convinced, when we don’t want it, we cannot understand. God does not play games, and never has---we will receive a strong (efficient, operation, working) delusion (straying from orthodoxy or piety, deceit, error). Let us not get the idea that God is lacking in the things He sets out to do. When God does His job on us based upon the way we have conducted ourselves, we have reached a very critical point--from which we may not recover. (5-18-05) Dear Bro. Belknap, I am reading your articles, please continue sending. May God continue bless your efforts. Brotherly, (5-18-05) Thanks, Jeff, …I John 2:9-11 warns us to love our brother if we wish to remain in the light… John also says in his epistle that we should “continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.” (I John 2:28) I also do not want to end up in hell because I was a big coward and failed to adequately warn my brother or sister who turned aside from walking in the light. Somehow, I do not think that most Christians have really pondered the fact that the cowardly are put right in there with the murderers and adulterers and liars. (Rev. 21:8)… I am not ashamed for others to know that I disagree with those who teach a doctrine that has the potential to lead men to hell… “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matt. 10:38) Luke’s account says that we must take up that cross “daily.” (Luke 9:23) “...Difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it.” (Matt. 7:14) So I guess if our daily lives are harder than we would like sometimes, we just have to remember that we are blessed. (Matt. 5:11) … Keep on being salty and bright, Jeff! (Matt. 5:13-16) (5-17-05) Jeff, Thanks for the update… (5-17-05) Dear brother Jeff, …I recently held a meeting with the South End church in Louisville. …told me about the remote possibility of a debate being held there between you and Weldon. Any update? Take care my brother, (5-11-05) Jeff: This looks like a very good and clear explanation to me. It exposes the real agenda of Warnock and Haile. If they have the truth, why wouldn’t they want to shout it from the highest housetop? Why would they insist on a small venue like Beckley? … (5-10-05) Jeff, Thanks for your continued work on the mental divorce issue. I have been involved in the work in the Philippines for some years, and the brethren I work with have been united in working together. But in the last couple of years, Halbrook and crew have caused division and strife. In my last trip last fall, I dealt with them, and informed them of the mental divorce teaching. Following my trip, Halbrook and others followed, and he denied that he held the mental divorce position, according to the report of one preacher who asked him about that... (5-9-05) …Yes, a brother named…from Indiana wrote some very nice words of encouragement. I don’t know who he is...perhaps he has corresponded with you re: your web site. At any rate, he appears to be on the side of truth with respect to the M/D/R/ issue… (5-6-05) You know – by his (Tim Haile’s, jhb) own definition: Putting-away is the repudiation and rejection of one’s mate. In putting away a mate one ceases to be a helper (Gen. 2:18), ceases to be a companion (Mal. 2:14), ceases to be a mate (Gen. 2:24), ceases to fulfill domestic duties (Tit. 2:4,5), ceases to be a provider (1 Tim. 5:8), ceases to fulfill marital love (Eph. 5:23-33) and ceases to fulfill sexual obligations (1 Cor. 7:4, 5). How does the poor innocent wife, five years after being put away, put her rascal of a husband away. She hasn’t been a helper, companion, mate. She hasn’t meet domestic duties, been a provider, fulfilled marital love, or fulfilled sexual obligations. I think I’d make a debate chart out of that. Wonder what he would say? … (5-5-05) Jeff – appreciate your comments… You’re very helpful to me – to see if my arguments hold water – or spring a leak... <grin>... (5-4-05) Dear brother Jeff, I learned a lot about the issues where the brethren are disturbed. Especially those brethren who opposed to fellowship in matters of faith… The brethren it seems are now divided even the scriptures give a warning in Romans 16:17-18; 1 Cor.1:12-15… (5-4-05) Jeff, Thank you for the update---as always. If I don’t say it enough, thank you for the extra time you have to take to work on this website out of your personal time. It is such a great resource when people are searching for the truth. …Will all churches become like the church at Sardis that had a name that it was alive but was dead? (Revelation 3) Will those of us who do not wish to “defile our garments” be able to hang on amidst constant intimidation... Revelation 3 3Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 4Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 5He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. 6He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Thanks again for the update. I plan to turn on some sound clips now and type my Bible lesson! Have a good week! (5-4-05) Jeff… can you add … to your mailing list. Address below. (5-3-05) Dear Bro Belknap, Since I do not have an email address for Jack Holt, I ask you to forward this message to him. Dear Brother Holt, Thank you for your sermon outline on Mental Divorce. It is clear and SIMPLE, a great advantage. Showing that after divorce there are still legal obligations is a help. (5-2-05) Dear Jeff, I do sincerely appreciate the time we could spend together in the gospel meeting in… It’s always encouraging to hear God’s word taught, and taught well. I know that a lot of good was accomplished. I also wanted to thank you for the e-mails that you sent with the MDR charts, and the ‘mental divorce’ website. …and I know this will help me. It seems that you have a lot of adversity to contend with, even among brethren… I would encourage you to continue to ‘earnestly contend for the faith’. I hope all is well with you and your family. (5-1-05)
Astounding! Also - I thought a “hobby” was carving wood or something. Didn’t know it was a hobby to preach “the whole counsel of God” (4-30-05) Hello Jeff, I have been very disappointed with Tim for about two years. He has changed and no longer is the same fellow… (4-30-05) Wow – I guess he’s the final authority huh? Because he judges your reasons “completely inadequate” – apparently that makes it so. Seems to me – it was the church there that asked you not to debate it in Beckley. You respect their wishes just like he respects the wishes of the brethren at Parkway. More smoke. (4-30-05) Excellent point – hadn’t thought of that. Take care – … (4-28-05) …We have sacrificed personal relationships to try and do the right thing. …We will be praying for you… (4-26-05) Jeff, …Know assuredly that if … and I had the financial means to do so, we would start a faithful congregation in the area that would truly try to stand for the truth without all this mamby-pamby hand-holding that is going on among preachers who care more about their personal relationships with one another than with what God has said and expects us to do. …I am just awfully disappointed right now. (4-26-05) Jeff, I hope you are doing well and as excited about … as we are… Keep up the good work. (4-21-05) Dear Jeff, I read the info. you sent to me about Tim and Weldon, Thanks. It is my prayer that all of us can come to the knowledge of the truth; however, it seems there are times when we cannot pray that prayer with FAITH. When we pray for something it is important to have faith. When we cannot have faith, leave it there. Keep up the good work. We are still looking for someone to work with us. (4-20-05) Jeff, I am ..., preacher for the church in ... We are aware of your web site and the concern for the lack of respect many have for the Word of God on MDR.... (4-19-05) …Just remember God will be with you to make sure the truth comes thru. Weldon is a big name but he is not walking in the light on this issue. You can do this! ... (4-19-05) I think that’s nicely done.... (4-19-05) On night two - he said (essentially) that because I had asked him about Cavender, that was an indication that I was just going to try to condemn him via association with others... and that he wasn’t interested in that. I assured him then, and later in email, that I’ll debate that the Bible says. Of course, he recently has taken down Cavender’s reply to me. Funny. (4-18-05) Forward Copy: Jeff Belknap Dear brother Chaffin, Thank you for your reply. I’m sorry that you won’t consider participating in a written discussion on this matter. Unfortunately your response is the same as all others at this point. You say you don’t want to provide me with an avenue “to confuse the minds of people further.” Surely you must realize that I am able to freely write and freely distribute my writing on this subject apart from any participation on your part. Therefore, I already have ample “avenue” to teach on this subject. What I was offering to you was an opportunity for you to reach those people that you claim I am confusing. They would have the opportunity to read what I have written, and in the very same location, replying to the same arguments, they could read what you have written (and vice-versa). Nevertheless, I will reply to your article(s) in a time and manner that I deem appropriate. (4-18-05) Jeff, I see you may have a debate with your buddy, Weldon! …Harry O left S Livingston and placed membership at Forest Hills, Tampa and is to move to Oklahoma City in while. So, Tom Roberts, Dennis Reed & Harry are at Forest Hills! Have a good day. (4-18-05) …Keep up the good work! You are a great encouragement to us! (4-13-05) I knew the truth of the matter would be as you have written… As you put so well, I too believe it is not necessary to contact one who has been so public in his teaching before making comment about that teaching. (4-13-05) Brother Jeff, I trust this finds you and your lovely wife Cara well… I am delighted to know of …’s stand for truth in so far as MDR is concerned. (4-12-05) Jeff, Hello brother, You have our permission to have the debate. Our auditorium can seat 350 people. We have a large powerpoint screen, and just expanded our parking lot. Our building is located right off an expressway in the heart of Louisville. (4-9-05) Jeff …Also we would like it to be on the present day issues facing the church…we don’t hear all the trouble that is out there! … (4-9-05) Hello brother, We would be very interested in hosting the debate. Has Weldon agreed to debate you? I think Louisville is a great location to have it. (4-8-05) Jeff, …This looks good to me. I wish Weldon would have the discussion in Louisville…. Hope I can come if you have this debate. (4-7-05) Jeff. I don’t think Weldon will debate … (4-7-05) Hello Jeff, … Even though I have dealt with such since the seventies, I still am amazed at how clearly many of the proponents for MDR error are dishonest, deceitful, and underhanded. I think we are seeing such with Weldon and his friends… Hang in there. (4-7-05) … and myself went to the Smith – Haile debate in Tulsa, OK. … received much encouragement from several brethren there, as well, learned much concerning the issue of MDR. The two nights in Tulsa were revealing and profitable for an understanding of the issue at hand. J. T. Smith presented his case from scripture, presenting the truth clearly and without doubt. Tim Haile seemed to struggle in defense of his position. While what he believes was made clear, a defense for it was not. I guess it is hard to defend what is not true. (4-1-05) …Hang in there. God’s people have always been discontented to just follow Him... Truth will prevail... (3-29-05) Some more needs to be written on this. There is still a possibility that Tim will agree to debate David Watts. They are still talking about it. David said he would take the same propositions as with J.T. so Tim really has nothing to complain about there. David is just itching to get hold of Tim. (3-28-05) …Brethren must learn to be a Christ-ian and not a GOT-ian. (3-28-05) Jeff: Thanks for the encouraging words. I think your observations about Tim’s position are right on the mark. The contradictions of his position are incredible. On the one night of the debate I attended in Bowling Green, Tim started out by basically saying that he wanted to create enough doubt on the subject that others wouldn’t divide fellowship over it. Amazing! (3-28-05) …I always defended Truth and bashed Christianity for years. Just a few years ago, however, I became acquainted with Ron Halbrook’s teaching on divorce. I thought at first there was a misunderstanding. But as I read more and more of the material that was being produced by Ron himself as well as Hafley and others I saw what I didn’t want to see. This is error! I have struggled since this period not to become jaded and cynical (I was for a period)… (3-27-05) Jeff, … I appreciate all of the work you have put in to providing a website on these matters. …May God help us all to continue to do so. (3-26-05) Hi Jeff! I am changing my e-mail address. My new address is … Will you please change this in your address book. Thanks! (3-26-05) …When David Willis said that man cannot put asunder what God had joined together, I opposed him on the list (Mar’s List, jhb). I said man can do so (else the Lord would not tell him not to). A marriage God joined together can be unjustly put asunder by man. It is a sin to do so, but it can be done… (3-24-05) Jeff: Thanks for the charts by bro. Smith. They were great and I agree with his understanding of the Scriptures. (3-23-05) Jeff, I appreciate your site. Will you be able to post the Smith-Haile debate? (3-23-05) Jeff, Thanks for the update. I forwarded the email on to a number of brethren so they would be aware of this as well. Be sure to let us know if you have any takers on your debate challenge. I think your propositions look good and describe well the issue at hand. My two sons and I went to Bowling Green. J.T.’s first affirmative speech on Friday evening was one of his best of the debate. I grew up attending my dad’s debates. He is a very experienced debater. If you should get involved with oral debate I have some suggestions which I believe would be helpful to you. If I felt like I could come up with enough time in my schedule I think I would enjoy debating this issue. It is a simple issue really. (3-23-05) Jeff, How are things? Hadn’t heard from you in a while? Wanted to compare notes on the debate – share some thoughts. Maybe by phone is easiest... I’m at ….. or send me your number and I’ll call you. I tangled pretty good with Haile after the debate Friday night… I’m pressing him hard to debate me in TX. We’ll see. (3-21-05) Jeff, Hope you are doing great. I’m assuming that you are attending the debate. Do you know if it was video taped? If so, do you know whom I will have to contact to get a copy of them? I can’t wait to hear it. I’m assuming you will put it up on the webpage. (3-17-05) Dear Jeff, I have gotten good from your website… In Christ, (3-16-05) Hi Cara, Nice to “meet” you.... thanks for the details. Appreciate the work that Jeff does. Take care, (3-10-05)
Jeff, I have a small request to make you. I am need of additional reading material on this subject and I noticed that there is no telephone number or e-mail to order the book title: “Is it lawful” by Dennis G. Allen and Gary Fisher. I will greatly appreciative if you could help me on this request. As you may have already noticed, English is my second language and I attend a Spanish speaking congregation. Our preacher … also has the same position on marriage, divorce and re-marriage as… I have confronted him in Bible class and have refuted his erroneous points. That is why I need the book so that I can study more. Thank you, so much for having articles and diagrams available … God bless you, (3-7-05) A Great Quote: “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.” – Abraham Lincoln (3-7-05) Thanks for both notes… Hopefully this debate will be recorded with video recorders that are digital format and can easily be transferred onto VHS or DVD. Question - do you know of any that are on the regular writing staff of TRUTH magazine that: 1. Believe the truth instead of believing like Reeves & Haile? 2. Believe the truth on the MDR issue and don’t work those like Reeves/Haile through Rom.14 so as to continue fellowship? Thanks, (3-6-05) Jeff, …I look forward to meeting you this coming week. My son-in-law is coming with me for the Tulsa debate and my sons are flying in with me for the debate in Bowling Green. I am additionally interested in seeing who all will come and how preachers are lining up. I am afraid a number of preachers who we thought stood for the truth in the past are digressing into this second putting away position. I frankly think the second putting away position is such a simple position to expose as error it is amazing so many seem to endorse it… Brotherly, (3-5-05) Dear brother Jeff, I recently changed my e-mail address from … to … please make any necessary changes so that I might continue to receive your website updates and information. I do appreciate your efforts in standing against this mental divorce error. (3-2-05) Jeff, Believe it or not I’m not writing to ask you a question this time. I just wanted to write and tell you a few things. I think someone such as myself may not be able to encourage as much as someone like you but then I realize that’s not true… I have a lot of thoughts for you Jeff because you provide so much encouragement for those wanting to follow the Lord, who I think has supplied you with a double dose of strength, and I wonder who is encouraging you. I know faith and your family and other Brethren there support you but I wanted you to know your struggle is thought of and prayed for here also. That struggle is bigger than you or I but it’s one we fight for and can’t get discouraged as Paul told us in 2 Cor 4. I think sometimes people get worried that those who are lead astray are going to cause the downfall of the Lord’s work, I guess they fail to realize that if they continue in their belief and work the Word will stand the test of time as promised. It reminds me of a bear standing through the attack of the bees to get the honey. I guess like the mighty men of David who fought like a mother bear, making the heart of men with a heart of a lion melt 2 Sam 17:8-10 (I relate that strength to fight against 1 Pet 5:8). I pray for people like you Jeff fighting through those bees for the prize on the other side. Brotherly, (2-25-05) Jeff, Thanks so much for the update you sent me. Always good to know and learn the truth over and over on the Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage issue. Take care, God speed, Keep the Faith!!! (2-25-05) Jeff, What I find interesting is those who have made a career of preaching on Rom.14 and how it cannot be abused to fellowship those who are wrong on MDR (they were correct on those points then) – many of these are now in the same position they have been preaching against throughout their career. (2-24-05)
Jeff, He stated that he does not hold up the hands of those who would advance the theories that Tim Haile will be affirming in the OK and KY debates. In fact, he said he wouldn’t have Tim Haile for a meeting or demonstrate any other measure of fellowship toward him… (2-23-05) Jeff, Look forward to seeing you. Please keep me updated on the additions to your site. Have a question – the other evening I came across a quote on your site from Connie Adams which spoke against the mental divorcers – believe it was written in Truth magazine. Can’t remember how to get back to that quote. Can you direct me? Have another question – I listened to the audio of Ron Halbrook on your site. In the past I have written him emails asking him what he believes. He would send several articles on the subject of MDR that he had written, but I didn’t see where they actually answered the question. Your audio clip of him speaking leaves no doubt as to where he is… Harry Osborn told my dad in person that he believed Ron Halbrook – little question where Harry is on this issue… Thanks, (2-23-05) Can you please change our email address in your records? We’re changing from … to … Thanks so much!! (2-23-05)
Jeff, Brotherly, (2-23-05) Jeff, Can you give me some information on the teaching of Harry Osborn regarding the Marriage and Divorce issue? Thanks (2-23-05) In my response, I sent the following links: An excerpt from Ron Halbrook’s rebuttal to Bob Owen (Burnet, TX, February, 2000) Harry Osborne’s Audio Sermon Quotes Harry Osborne’s Dilemma Continues (by David McKee) Ad for Harry Osborne’s Sermon on “What is Biblical Putting Away” (TRANSCRIPT) Plea For Clarification (Response to Harry Osborne’s own words) Response to Harry Osborne (500 word reply to Gospel Truths, May 2001) Jeff, Are you coming to the J.T. Smith v. Tim Haile debates? I have plan to be at both debates. Would look forward to meeting you. Brotherly, (2-23-05) Jeff, Please change my email address from … to … Thank you, (2-23-05) Hello Jeff, Hang in there…I know how it works. Let me know if I can be of any help. (2-21-05) Dear Jeff, …I love you and appreciate you for all the good work and hard work you do. Keep it up. Brotherly, (2-17-05) I suppose you have seen this, any how I am sending it on. I am wondering why one could not “mental divorce” without going to court? Sure, just say, I divorce you, or just walk away and “mentally” do it and be out of the marriage? I had better not say this to too many, as it might be accepted, huh? (2-17-05) Jeff: Thanks for the material. I knew that I had read something from Bobby that showed that he had changed to the “mental divorce” error. But I did not have the proof of it. Hope to see you in Tulsa (2-17-05) Jeff, it sounds like it is going the way of Christianity Mag. (2-16-05) My dear brothers Jeff, …, I received the following somewhat urgent request today. The friend making the request is still a little unsure about the controversy in general, but knows I’ve warned about Osborne being part of it…. Your help would be sincerely appreciated here… Thank you, brethren. (2-16-05) Jeff, my friend went to the Bowling Green Lectures and he was not impressed. I just keep saying, I stop at the period after Matt. 19:9, and do not go on. I just keep it simple… How did you hear that Truth was loosing subscriptions? (2-16-05) Jeff, I am not sure my e-mail was sent – I was asking if you read my reply to Mike Willis why I want the Truth Mag. canceled. (2-15-05) I heard a preacher in a meeting say he had told a lady who had been divorced, she could remarry, and I asked him “who told you, you could say that?” He gave no scripture. When I preach Mark 16:16, I stop there, and if someone tries to add to it or change it, I just keep going to what Jesus said. Years ago, we never heard what is being said by so many about MDR, now we hear what I cannot find in the scriptures. (2-15-05) Jeff: If you can locate, please send me a copy of Bobby Holmes letter in which he defended the mental divorce position and said he had always believed it. Hope to see you at the Smith-Haile Debate. (2-12-05) …We share the task of raising … kids in the Lord and battling the “forces of evil” in the MDR realm!... (2-9-05) How are things with you? They are good here. We are seeing some hopeful things and signs that maybe there will be a reversal in thinking....????? Just when I thought they had all “bowed the knee to Baal,” I find that some are still working for the right and actually making progress. I am elated at even small changes for the better and hope and trust that things will continue to improve. Best wishes, (2-9-05) Thanks, Jeff. I was thinking seriously about talking with … to clarify a few things which only they could. I guess I will have to ask them that question as well…. Unfortunately, we are pretty close to ground zero. Ok, well thanks for the help. I think that is all the questions I have at the moment. (2-4-05) …You said Lewis and Paul do not teach the errors of mental divorce but believe we can fellowship those who do. What about those who take the teachings of mental divorce to its logical conclusion and follow through. Do Lewis and Paul believe we can fellowship someone who has either a second divorce or has mentally divorced their spouse and remarried? (2-4-05) Hello Jeff, …I would like your input. I want to clarify my understanding about what it is that places a particular belief within the category of mental divorce… So, if I have correctly understood everything up to this point the reason why the Willis’ (as well as others’) teaching is placed with this doctrinal category of mental divorce is that all the various forms are genetically related by the belief that a second divorce can occur which is acceptable to God. For some the second divorce is mental while for others it is not. Therefore, it is the belief in the second divorce (putting away) which is the teaching that unifies all of the various forms of mental divorce together into this doctrinal family. Well, let me know what you think. Thanks, (2-4-05) Hey, while old Bill is on the Wayne Jackson bandwagon on MDR, why not on Institutionalism??? Boy, when one has to go to the liberals to make his point... One wonders why he can’t see that? (2-3-05) Appreciate your thoughts. One of the things I was thinking about is approaching it from the very question asked in Matt 19:3. “Is it LAWFUL...”, not “is it possible...” (2-3-05) Hello Jeff, my name is … I am an evangelist and am working with the Lord’s people in … I wanted to get some information about the mental divorce doctrine. I was not really aware of the form of mental divorce as listed on your website. Yet, within the last two weeks… So I decided to look into the doctrine. I have been using your site to put together some lessons to present here and printing out papers which I thought would be helpful. But there was a quote from either Osborne or Halbrook which was very emotional. I can’t seem to find it again. Would you know what I am talking about? I know that my request is vague but if you could help I would appreciate it. Also, I did not know … well for I did not run in that “group.” … Well, thanks for your help in advance, (2-3-05) Jeff, thanks for your help. (2-3-05) Hey Jeff, Hope your day is going well. I hate to bother you, but I’m in a hurry and figured you could help me find this information more quickly. Do you have any articles that deal with the place of civil law in divorce in general, or specifically any article that answers Wayne Jackson’s article in Christiancourier.com, Oct. 28, 02 entitled “Divorce and Civil Law”? Thanks for your help, (2-3-05) - I (Jeff) suggested considering the articles at: The Role of Civil Government Jeff, look at this, it is strange to me that it takes so long to figure out what Jesus taught! These men will have to go all over the world and find out what the law is, so it can be done correctly! Have a good one (2-2-05) Jeff, …Did you see the article being circulated, written by a man named Jackson? I’ll forward you a copy. It appears to be sent out by Bill Cavender. Lord willing, I plan to write a response in the next few days. Sincerely, (2-2-05) I had a good laugh at Cavender’s introduction praising Jackson. I don’t know why Bill thought that Jackson’s article would influence anyone. It makes him sound desperate. (2-2-05) Paul (cc: Jeff Belknap), I read all 11 pages of e-mail. So they do not believe in “intellectual repudiation” – what do they teach how the “innocent” one who has been put away can remarry, when Jesus said “whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery?” The language I am hearing is amazing - I like the way Jesus said it and I leave it at that! Brotherly, (2-2-05) Jeff, they’re still ignoring the last part of Matt. 19:9 – so they call it another name, but still allowing one to remarry another who has been put away. Therefore, H O’s case of the Nevada divorce and remarriage still stands – he told the lady who was put away to remarry! The Truth boys surely do not like to be corrected do they? I do not plan on renewing Truth subscription. It is obvious we now have another group started – which are teaching a lot I cannot find in the Book. Have a good day. (2-2-05) Jeff, what is “intellectual repudiation” – is that what they are calling “mental divorce?” I noticed that Ron, Harry, Weldon, & Tim did not say how to do it or when. Is that right? (2-2-05) Hello Jeff, Thanks for the study; you always do good work. That stuff with Blake is outrageous. (2-2-05) Jeff, I appreciate you and your attitude of not only wanting the correct results, but wanting the results accomplished in the right way. Have a wonderful evening. (2-1-05) Jeff: This episode with Paul Blake is amazing! What additional evidence could possibly be needed to prove that Halbrook, Osborne, Willis, Warnock, et al, are actively campaigning to promote their false doctrine? We’ve known it for a long time, but this makes it so BLATANTLY obvious! What will Connie and Donnie do now? How can they continue to work with these men. It boggles the mind! your brother, (2-1-05) Thanks Jeff. (2-1-05) Jeff, The congregation here had been talking about having Gregory Braswell come here for a meeting this summer. We had planned on having him talk about his work in Columbia after one of the members here had met him on a recent trip there. I’m not sure of his position on this topic, considering it is in Spanish, but was hoping that you may know. We were wondering if you may be able to express his stand on “mental divorce”. Jeff, if you have anything on this could you please reply to those above? Thanks, (1-31-05) - I (Jeff) highly recommended him. Dear Jeff, …I don’t know Blake, but his change to error was crazy. Keep up the good work… (1-31-05) Jeff, I agree with you on the Mental Divorce 100%. Would you mind telling me the one’s you know that are pressing it. Thanks again your brother and friend (1-31-05) This looks great, Jeff. It’s a big help. I am grateful. (1-31-05) Jeff. I just visited your website. I hope all is well with you and your family. If I understand your position on this you are opposed to this mental divorce as I am. I need to talk to Paul Blake as I know him quite well. I think I was at the Brown Street meeting when he preached that sermon. I also may call you later. Yours in Christ (1-31-05) Jeff, I was wondering how all this came about. Did Paul publicly condemn these men who called him? I aim to do the same – It is long past time – I am not renewing Truth, and will get along well without it. This sounds like the 50s, and seeing men cave in. I am concerned about my grandson at …, so I will contact him by phone… (1-31-05) Jeff, I believe God is pleased with the effort you are demonstrating in trying to get the truth out in spite of the well known brethren teaching false doctrine. I recommend all who have an interest (real) in truth read the bible verses that deal with this subject and also the reader responses (132) pages and the quotes from mental divorce advocates (54) pages, then be counted with those who believe and obey the truth, with no concern about their job. Billy Ray Ford Sr. (use my name) (1-31-05) Thanks for the info. (1-31-05) Jeff, this is amazing, what are they trying to do, get more on their side? How long do you have to study MDR before you can learn the truth? So sad, thanks for printing all of this… (1-30-05) Hey again, Jeff, …As for the Blake letter, well---that saddens me beyond words. If people like Donnie cannot see the effect this is having on brethren, then they are just biblically blind. Where have we gone to when we say that the actions of civil courts have absolutely no effect on the marriage contract between a man and woman? If a marriage is not dissolved at the point of a judge’s order (or the appropriate action by some civil power), then by default, it is dissolved at the point when a mental decision of some kind is made by one person or the other in a marriage. Man does not have the authority to contract or end marriages outside the civil realm. We know God does not dissolve a marriage at the point of infidelity, or else none could remain with an unfaithful spouse. So the question on my mind is just when or where does a marriage get dissolved---according to Warnock, Haile, Halbrook, and the others? Haile’s mumbo-jumbo answer...“Since Jesus nowhere specified the type of action required to accomplish a putting-away, I specify none. Obviously, the action would include whatever is involved in rejecting a mate and ceasing the fulfillment of marital duties and responsibilities.” is about the lamest thing I have ever heard. What is obviously involved in rejecting a mate is to head on down to the local court house and declare your intention to divorce your mate (file the papers)---and then do it (see the man with the robe and gavel)!!! In doing this, both the laws of man (which we are required to keep) and the laws of God are satisfied, and we are keeping the command to “provide things honest in the sight of all men.” (Romans 12:17) Any other action results in chaos, anarchy (lawlessness = every man doing what is right in his own eyes), and the eventuality of misunderstandings and possibly sinful relationships contracted. This mixed up, messed up thought process rivals the Baptist doctrine of baptism “after salvation.” Baptists “accomplish” their salvation through some mental exercise, and then they baptize as an afterthought. Via the Haile method, you can accomplish a divorce via some mental exercise and draw up some civil papers afterward. Or, if you prefer, draw up your civil papers and wait til later to do the mental gymnastics. Mix and match; use as little or as much “civil procedure” as you want to. (Try to use the Haile method to “get married” and see how many of the brethren approve.) Imagine him saying, “Since Jesus nowhere specified the type of action required to accomplish a <marriage>, I specify none.” As for Weldon Warnock, well, he is right in saying that you cannot think your wife away. However, he is wrong not to advocate a procedure that satisfies the laws of man while respecting the laws of God. All of this is very disturbing. It is sad that men who should know better and who have such influence in the kingdom are making proselytes at an alarming rate. I will follow this discourse with much interest. (1-30-05) Jeff, I appreciate you sending me this e-mail. I was informed of something, but not yet sure if it is true. The elders at Brown St. church of Christ in Akron, OH, refused to read Blake’s letter. Also, because they were taking a firm stand and standing by his lesson which was preached… Do you know if this is the case? The elders there have impressed me in several ways over the past few years, and I pray this is true. Secondly, as you probably know, I have met personally with Ron Halbrook to discuss this very issue. He is deceptive, cunning, and almost impossible to nail down on the definition of some words and his applications. Unfortunately, the elders at Hebron Lane have asked Ron to preach on this issue, and when he does, it is so vague that the appearance of truth is there. However, I do know that the elders are still trying to sort through this issue at Hebron Lane. I pray they will come to the truth, seeing through Ron’s deception, and take a firm stand against this error… (1-30-05) Hey Jeff! …They know that I will express my displeasure with the church’s unified stand with Ron Halbrook when given the opportunity, so I guess that several just decided that they had rather not “hear it.” … Look at the list of upcoming speakers. I think you can look at the other speakers and pretty well see where the allegiance is, though. GOT all the way!... I think that I told you that the church where I attend on Sunday canceled Donnie’s meeting... They canceled whoever was holding the Spring … meeting, too. I had not noticed who was up to hold that meeting, and I have not had a chance to ask who it was. I am just glad that our elders are staying on top of things and trying to keep the wolves out… (1-30-05) I just learned that the church where Donnie Rader preaches has cancelled Cavender’s meeting because of the articles he wrote on MDR. I wonder if they will draw lines on Donnie’s GOT board members and other associates who take the same position. (1-30-05) Thanks, Jeff. The middle link is what I was looking for. But that last link made my jaw drop. It is outstanding! May God continue to bless you in the stand for truth. (1-19-05) Jeff, Earlier this week I stumbled upon a quote by … on your website. When I tried to find it later, I couldn’t. Seems like there is also some material or quotes by Weldon Warnock in the same spot. It wasn’t so much the quote that intrigued me but the argumentation against his stand. I really need to look at in the next couple of days. I tried the search option on the website but came up with a blank. Can you recall anything like that on the website and can you direct me to it? If so, I’d appreciate it. Thanks, (1-19-05) Jeff, I can see that you spent a great deal of time and effort gathering these quotes. I am left breathless by some of the things Tim says. I am amazed at this twisting of scriptures and contradictions… Thank you for all you’ve done. (1-18-05) Hi, Our email address has changed to …. Thanks. Love, (1-18-05) Jeff, …I know, the ones who speak out, get condemned, and so they did against Christ - just keep on. How did some ever take a stand against institutionalism? I am so glad I am just a simple preacher! … Brotherly (1-17-05) Jeff, I just quoted the last part of Matt 19:9 again and sent it to him and asked “where was his scripture!” (1-17-05) Jeff, good morning, I hope all is well, as is here. Some just do not get it do they? A family was here from … where … preaches and you know he & Bill Cavender had a discussion. Your website has done a lot of good, regardless of what some say! It has caused some to come out of the closet - and let it be clear what they are saying… (1-17-05) Dear Brethren, Thanks for the good messages that sent it to me. The message that you sent it to me is a very great help of my work in the Lord’s vineyard. Please send me more. God bless you more and power. (1-17-05) Jeff, Thank you for your continued efforts in the Lord’s service. (1-15-05) Thanks, Jeff. Also, I appreciate your positive note in the last paragraph. You are right. (1-15-05) …The plot thickens. (1-15-05) Jeff, Thanks for all the e-mails you have sent to me on MDR, I have always understood that God hates divorce. The articles really help me a lot to teach others the truths you have written about. Keep up the good work. The truth is still the Truth, no matter how man tries to twist it!! (1-15-05) Jeff, I noticed in the last article on Paul Blake’s stance, one of the recipients of Brian Yeager’s e-mail was … Did you know … and if so, have you any idea where … stood on this … My hope is that he stood for truth… I continue to be thankful for the work done on your website. It’s helped me personally to clearly see the points of difference, although I am terribly saddened by those who have embraced the error… (1-15-05) Dear Jeff, …As always, I really appreciate your hard work opposing the mental divorce doctrine and teachers. (1-15-05) As soon as you send out a message, millions of internet users flock to the site. (1-14-05) Thanks for the update. Wonderful feeling to have no fear I am going to read something in the Bible that I do not want to believe or do. All false doctrine is refuted by the same scripture used to teach it. Thanks (1-14-05) …It is such a blessing to have good, faithful brethren we can rely on to help us! (1-13-05) Thanks, Jeff The articles … very helpful. Be well. (1-12-05) Dear Brother Belknap, I was wondering if you could tell me where to get or how to get a copy of IS IT LAWFUL? A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF DIVORCE by Dennis G. Allan and Gary Fisher. I saw it on your website, and had heard from a sister in Christ that it was a useful book. I’ve searched the internet and haven’t been able to find a source to purchase or get a copy from. Any assistance you can offer would be much appreciated. Thanks for your efforts to find and spread the truth on marriage, divorce, and remarriage. (1-10-05) Brothers JT & Jeff, Hope you all are well. One of the men of the congregation here (…) does quite a bit of preaching. He has recently been preaching through a series on MDR. He took one of Cavender’s statements in Cavender’s response to …, and made the following interesting assessment. Interesting how by removing the adjectives (which are meant to appeal to emotions) - we find Cavender disagreeing with a statement that is virtually identical to Jesus’ teaching. (Brother JT - since Haile has posted Cavender’s reply to me - on his biblebanner.com website - I assume that is an endorsement by Haile of all that Cavender said. Therefore, I assume Haile agrees…) Here’s …’s assessment:
“Here is
innocent, moral, covenant-keeping, godly and faithful wife whose
husband turns out to be a sorry, cheating, fornicating,
immoral, ungodly man. He repudiates and divorces his
‘lawful’ wife, marries his paramour, and then his true,
lawful and godly ex-wife is doomed to a life of
loneliness, celibacy, and rejection because her immoral, fornicating
husband decided to divorce her and beat her to the lawyer, judge, and
court to get a civil divorce. [They] say she will be an
adulteress if she remarries, no matter how pure and godly she
really is or has been!” Brother Bill Cavender, printed in “Gospel
Hello Jeff, …That was an outstanding article. How sad to see such a change. The word-for-word lineup of his and Ron’s words was certainly more than a coincidence. Well done! We’ll keep praying for you, (1-6-05) Disturbing. Obviously Halbrook got to him. Good article on your part. I’m toying with an idea for article… (1-5-05) Looks good, brother. … (1-3-05) Brother Jeff, would you add …’s sister to your mental divorce list? …She loves reading religious material and I believe that she will read your articles. I would greatly appreciate it if you could do this in your spare time :) Would love for you all to stop by ANY TIME. (1-1-05) Jeff, Please keep us in your prayers. Satan is trying very hard to get us to succumb to his ways. My discussion with brother … has come to an end. … (1-1-05) |