Encouraging Reader Responses Brethren, I am sharing these responses – not to promote myself, but to encourage those who believe they are isolated in their stance for truth. These letters also serve to prove the fallacy of some brethren’s claim that opposition to the post-civil-divorce "putting away" is a “peculiar” position. There are still 7000 whose knees have not bowed to Baal (I K. 19:18)! * The author's names and identifying information have been removed to protect the “innocent.” Recent responses are first. Jeff, I’m excited about seeing your studies in Spanish. This will open the door hopefully to more people. …Down in … all the preachers I work with are holding to the truth, thus denying both “Mental Marriage” and “Mental Divorce.” What a joy! … Good to hear from you. Once again thanks for the study materials. 12-15-03 Jeff: I LIKE IT! Before…I thought and thought about some way to illustrate the point. I came up with a number of different illustrations, but all seemed to fail at some point. This one, however, is on the mark! Thanks! 12-3-03 Brother Belknap, Do you have Gene Frost’s e-mail address? If you do, I would like to get it so I can write him and commend him on his “covenant” article. Thanks, 12-3-03 Dear Jeff, Thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ for this information you sent. I appreciate very much as you share this to me. I am one of your co-laborer in the gospel of Christ having strive in the Lord’s work in the Philippines. You are very welcome in introducing excellent lessons about Current “Mental Divorce” controversy which disturbed in the brotherhood by their different concept… … Well, I wish I could have a Free Video Copy (VHS) of The Gwin-Reeves debate my address is: 11-26-03 Please add me to your mailing list. 11-26-03 Thanks for writing, Have not read, will write more after I have read your letter. Thanks 11-24-03 Brother Jeff, … Keep up the good work, and May God be with you and your family. 11-24-03 Jeff: … Looking forward to your next update! 11-22-03 Jeff, … also I prepared brother … with all this material on a “Covenant”, those who believe in “Free Union Marriages” liked to have crucified him. But he stood his ground and defended the truth. Please continue to send more material on “What Is Marriage” or “When Is Marriage” etc. 11-20-03 Dear Jeff, … I appreciate your good work. 11-19-03 I thought Maurice’s article on Mk. 10 was excellent. I have always thought that the “against her” refers to the second wife. Thanks for putting this on line, 11-19-03 Jeff: Keep on keeping on… 11-17-03 Jeff: Thankfully I have been through these things before with Institutional brethren when I left liberalism. The church here, my family, and myself are like ducks (we just let it roll off). I have seen several charges publicly and privately made about me and what I teach. I have disregarded them and will not even waste my time thinking on those things. The truth magazine crowd has taken the “application” argument and in so doing they have jumped into similar argumentation as Ed Harrell and company… You too keep your head up and know that time will expose these brethren. The only thing they can do is personal attacks because their arguments don’t hold water… 11-17-03 Thanks Jeff for the article written by Connie Adams. I went to school with him and know him and his brother Wiley well. 11-15-03 THANKS! 11-15-03 keep up the good work. 11-5-03 Jeff, Jeff, Thanks a mil. Hit the nail squarely on the head. Yes, EXCELENTE! 11-4-03 Bro. Jeff I pray for you and appreciate your efforts, may God richly bless you… 11-4-03 Jeff, Thanks for the reminder of the updates... 11-4-03 Jeff... … I trust you saw Tim Haile’s most recent “effort” on Mark 10:11-12… I cannot believe that Tim really believes it! 11-2-03 Dear Brother Jeff, … Keep up the good work. 11-2-03 Dear Jeff, Thanks… … Keep up the good work, brother! 9-24-03 Dear Brother Jeff, …Keep up the good work. (11-2-03) Jeff, keep on keeping on. It is amazing that the scriptures are so plain. …are accepting mental divorce, like Osborne, Roberts and many others. Amazing. (10-29-03) Hi Jeff and thanks for the update. …(10-28-03) Jeff, Jeff- Great information. Thanks for sending it. Also, kudos on your “Mental Divorce” web site. That has been a great help to many. (10-27-03) Dear Jeff, …I very much enjoyed our phone conversation. I look forward to speaking with you more in the near future. Thanks for all the hard work you have done to combat this mental divorce error. (10-25-03) Just checked your site and it’s up and running. Great! Thanks, (10-24-03) Dear Jeff, …I just wanted to speak with you directly regarding some of the finer points of the mental putting away position as expressed by Haile, Spears and Reeves. I had about 6 email exchanges with…on Mark 10… If you don’t mind emailing your phone number to me I will try to give you a call tomorrow. (10-23-03) Jeff, …We have request from all over the U.S. and beyond. The reach of your website is amazing…Thanks so much for all your help. (10-21-03) Hi Jeff, Thanks for adding me to your site update list. Reading the…The seven sins of unscriptural divorce…you write about reconciled. Where and how do you start to being reconciled?? Thanks. (10-12-03) Hello Brethren, and Brother Jeff, Thank you very much in your articles you sent me. God bless you brother and your family circle. I think it is good article to the Brethren who teaches out side the Bible and they don’t believed the True Doctrine of Christ. I Love you and you are always in my prayers. (10-10-03) Don’t you get the feeling that you just go in circles with Haile. Now its back to saying they are still husband and wife? Hasn’t that issue already been dealt with? He wasn’t listening then and he’s still not listening. Hang in there, (10-9-03) Dear Brother, I am a member of the…congregation. I recently visited your congregation on August 24. I didn’t know who you were until you introduced yourself. And I remember your website updates in my email. …Well, brother, you taught in Sunday School class that we need to preach the word, “in season and out of season; for there will be a time they will not endure sound doctrine.” (2 Tim. 4:2, 3) Keep fighting the good fight brother! (10-9-03) Hello brother Belknap, Just a few lines to say hello. I was looking at your webpage, at the new “quotes,” and the first one was interesting to me. The brother said: “I do not see how you have the time to spend on such and do the work of gospel preaching.” I work 36 hrs. a week, and have to drive 1.5 hrs just to get to work. Even with the little time that I have, I am still able to preach twice and teach adult class on Sunday. What I’m trying to say is, I guess this brother feels that refuting false doctrine through your investigation and writings, that by the way is a great source of information to many young preachers like me, is not considered teaching the gospel. I guess he thinks it is impossible to do both things at the same time. Keep up the good work, you are a great encouragement to me, and I’m sure you are also to many other brethren. (10-9-03) Jeff, Thanks. The definitions really helped. Especially the one from Kittel. (10-8-03) Jeff. Thanks for the help. Excellent! (10-8-03) Brother Jeff, …Thanks for filling me in with the questions that have been raised up in the states. As I mentioned to you brother…has a tremendous influence down here. I know that several brethren have either hinged or believe in “mental divorce”. (10-8-03) Brother Jeff, …Could you give me some verses that perhaps I haven’t looked at? Jer. 3:8, Math. 19:6. “chorizo” and on I Cor. 7:11? …Lord willing we’re to have some studies with brethren who are asking questions about divorce, i.e. mental divorce. Since it is so common down here. Help with the info if you can. (10-7-03) Hello Jeff, …Keep up the excellent work, (10-1-03) Jeff, I was just checking out Watchman Magazine’s latest online issue and ran across an article by Larry Fain entitled “Sin Is Never Conservative.” The whole push of the article is that liberalism looses where God has not, but conservatism only wants to leave it where God said it. [Okay.] But, near the end of the article, Fain says this: The final illustration is that of those who say the innocent victim of adultery in a marriage has no recourse of divorce. The real issue here is the heart of the problem in all these issues. To contend that the exception cited by Jesus in Matthew 19:9 and Matthew 5:32 is not applicable to all men is simply to deny the truth that Jesus spoke the will of God that will judge all men in the last day (John 12:48). Never can we say that the words of Christ do not apply to us or any other man and call that conservative. What say ye? It seems some are continuing to jump on the bandwagon of error, Fain included. (10-1-03) Jeff, …Keep pluggin’ (10-1-03) Jeff, Jeff, …Thanks so much for all your help. We’re praying for a good response. (9-30-03) Jeff, Jeff, I hadn’t thought about the fact that “another” is the closest antecedent to “her.” But of course there are exceptions to the general rule that a pronoun stands for its closest antecedent. Also, as I’m sure you will agree, sometimes we can wind up “spinning our wheels” arguing about something that ultimately doesn’t matter very much. For example, no one can prove that the thief on the cross was or wasn’t baptized with John’s baptism, but even if he wasn’t, it doesn’t matter. However, in the future when Mk. 10 comes up, I will point out that “another” is the closest antecedent to “her,” and ask the “mental divorce” advocates how they know that “her” is the 1st wife. Thanks for pointing out something that I had not noticed. Keep up the good work. (9-26-03) Jeff, …Keep up the good work, brother. (9-24-03) Dear Jeff, …I have also wondered if somewhere in the article, I should say something about the “race to the courthouse” argument and the “putting away” doesn't equal civil procedure. I think both of those “issues” are red herrings, and do not really pertain to our objections to “mental divorce” at all; but these guys keep bringing all that up. What think ye?... Gotta go for now. Keep up the good work, brother! (9-24-03) Jeff... …How’s your meeting schedule for Spring, 2005 or 2006 (third week of April, each year)? We’re gong to be making plans soon, and I’d like to recommend you to the elders at that time. Keep up the good work... (9-20-03) Dear brother Jeff, I heard about you and the teachings you show from the Bible along time ago, I don’t remember exactly when. I think it was through the Gospel Anchor. But more recently brother…from the…congregation told me more about what is happening in these past few months. Since then I have been studying the materials you have on your web page and hope to translate some of them into Spanish with your permission of course… Once again thanks for your study materials which I will carefully examine in the light of the scriptures. One thing that did come to my attention in the debate between brother Gwin and brother Reeves is that brother Reeves would not take an affirmative position in any of the nights which corresponded to him. I’m a little fuzzy on that one. Brotherly, (9-18-03) Hello Jeff, I was encouraged when I read JT’s article a few days ago… (9-18-03) I wrote J. T. and thanked him for the article(s). (9-17-03) …I think this is finally getting out there enough that others are seeing the danger of being silent and will now be speaking up. I think the false teachers WILL be exposed [if they haven’t already been] and the truth WILL be heard --- and promoted. Thanks for sending this to me, Jeff. (9-17-03) Brother Jeff, I’ve been studying and reading the material on your web page for some time now. I’ve translated just about all of brother Rader’s book into Spanish, (with his permission). I would like to translate some of the charts that you have likewise into Spanish. …So far I’m thankful for the studies I’ve read on your page… (9-15-03) Thanks again, Jeff (9-13-03) Jeff: …We continue to appreciate your good work. (9-12-03) Jeff Yes, obeying the laws of the land is required, not because of Matt. 19:9 but because of the passages you gave. I agree that the words marriage and divorce in the N.T. are used of marriages that are approved of God and marriages that are not approved of God and divorces that are approved of God and divorces that are not approved of God. Marriage is a covenant that two make; when God approves, He binds the two by His law. Romans 13:1-7 1 Pet. 2:13 command that the two making the covenant meet certain civil law requirements…stated it: “Jeff Belknap and Don Martin both believe…they have been tearing Tim Haile, Ron Halbrook, etc. up.” To this, I say “amen.” (9-9-03) Jeff, keep up the good fight. Really appreciated your work on marriage, divorce and remarriage. Everyone should read it and live by it. God has spoken, we cannot change that. The truth hurts every time if we are unwilling to follow God’s word… (9-7-03) Hello there, I was wondering if you can add me to your mailing list for new up-dates to your web-site on Mental divorce. From looking over some of your articles by different men I have been surprised to see some names as authors that are teaching this issue of mental divorce. I have found names that I consider to be well known gospel preachers. Do you have a list or can you make a list of preachers that you have come across as to be teaching and preaching in favor of the mental divorce issue? Please add me to your e-mail update list: (9-7-03) Cc: Great article Greg! (9-4-03) …I totally agree with what the Bible has to say about this subject and I have no intentions of trying to make it say anything else. I think God made it very simple and easy to understand. I know that people are really struggling with this subject to make it fit their situation and I find that very sad because it means a lot of Christians have gotten caught up in the world and have lost their focus on our true purpose in life to simply obey God’s Word. Thank you, (9-4-03) Jeff: It nearly makes me dizzy to try to keep up with all that these guys are writing. I’m stunned that the simple statements of the Scripture can be so twisted and contorted. Yes, please use the article in any way you can to forward the cause of truth. Your brother, (8-28-03) Brother Belknap, We have never met but you send me updates on your web site all the time. I am involved in a lengthy email exchange with…and have been trying to get him to answer two questions. One question is whether or not he agrees with Ron Halbrook on MDR but, so far, he will not answer… Brotherly, (8-26-03) Jeff: This is a very good article – to plain to be misunderstood, and too logical to be denied. Good work! (8-19-03)
Hey Jeff – just received this encouraging note… Hello brother, Just though I would send a word of encouragement. Your article “A Misrepresentation of Stan Cox” was very well done. Good clear quotes. A calm, but firm presentation & conclusion. Keep being sound in doctrine & meek in demeanor. It is encouraging to see. (8-18-03) Thank God for you. (8-18-03) Hello Jeff, You demonstrate how simple the Truth is to explain, and how consistent it is, being Truth….Keep up the good work, (8-18-03) Jeff, …Thanks again. Keep up the good work. (8-16-03) Jeff – Read your post on Bible Matters and I think it is a great question, and the answers that were posted were, as usual, contradictory to their own logic… Thanks for your time and good work! (8-16-03) Thanks! (7-30-03) Thanks Jeff for your help. Are you a full time preacher? I have read some of your articles on the MDR issue. Thanks for your articles. 8-8-03 …Keep up the good work! 8-7-03 Jeff: Dear Jeff, …Thanks for all your hard work. Keep it up. Your brother, 8-6-03 Hello, Jeff! I happened upon your website in my inability to sleep and wanted to thank you for what has to be a great deal of work that you put into it. It is amazing to me how the same people…of Romans 14 are the same people who ignore their friends false beliefs on Mental Divorce. I have dealt first hand with the same things that you have as has my family. It is a tough fight at times, but one that is well worth it in the eyes of God. I thank you for the site and your stance for the truth. I notice your email address is Charter.net and your name sounds familiar but I don’t know from where! I am in the…Area and was wondering where abouts you are! In Him, 8-5-03 Dear Jeff, Thanks,… …I thought that these people were pretty tightly aligned with the Halbrook camp,…At any rate, people who I thought would stand behind Ron H…at all costs are expressing that they are deeply troubled by all of this and are studying it with resolve. The…also indicated that several were deeply troubled that Truth Magazine had not made any attempt to clarify the error regarding “the civil procedure brethren” comment. As a church, we have promoted the reading of Truth Magazine, as the elders buy copies out of the treasury and members take them home to read. I could see that coming to a screeching halt if the downward spiral continues.
Another young preacher down here….has also seen the movement of once
conscientious conservative brethren toward tolerance of mental divorce.
…probably does not have a lot of “clout” in the “brotherhood” …, but he has guts
and determination and a love for the pure truth…He has pointed some of the folks
in our congregation towards taking a harder look at the false doctrine being
espoused. …That particular thought came to mind last night as I read Spear's response to Kevin Kay's article. People are just not getting the difference between marriage and the bond! Further, they are attempting to define marriage and divorce in ways that are not consistent with scripture. Until brethren can see these basic truths, nothing else in this debate will make any sense… Thanks again, Jeff, for your tireless work in trying to educate Christians in this area, and I continue to point folks to your website nearly every day. I sent a former elder from…area there just yesterday to find the sound files of the debate… Take care, and please continue to send relevant links as you find them. 8-4-03
Jeff, Bro. Jeff, Thanks for the article…. Thanks for the article, and I will give it attention when I get back from services tonight, as we just got in and I don’t have time to study it right now. I have some other encouraging news to share with you concerning the debate and the response it is provoking in our local congregation, but I will save it for a little later as my time is short. Sincerely, 8-3-03
Jeff, …Although I wasn’t able to attend the debate itself, I am looking forward to considering both sides of the issue. Thanks for your help… 8-2-03 I guess you’ve seen that Haile is already analyzing Joel’s charts. He was able to get all the way to point #4 of his introduction before he called Joel dishonest. Poor fellow just can’t help himself. I’ll be interested to see if he’ll debate…or if he’ll just talk. 7-31-03 Jeff, …I have not looked at the charts as yet and have only listened to Joel’s first affirmative. I was impressed with one so young handling things so well. I did talk with Greg after the debate and have discussed some things with Gene…There is no doubt that things are going much further than expected and I can sense a return to old errors that I thought had been fought out long ago... 7-31-03 Dear Jeff …we appreciate your stand for the truth… 7-30-03 Jeff, An excellent article and approach. The Truth seems to be getting simpler and simpler. Now when someone begins the argument, you can simply ask, “Are we talking about someone who is married or unmarried?” and then go from there. I don’t think sheathing your sword is anything you are going to be able to do anytime soon. 7-30-03 Jeff Appreciate you posting the debate on the site. It is such a shame that men who have preached for so many years like Bill Reeves cannot see the simple truth of Jesus’ teaching on divorce and remarriage. Brother Gwin did an excellent job and is to be commended. He simply relied on the scriptures. That is what we all need to do on this matter. Have you heard anything from…regarding your request? No one has uttered a word or mentioned your… Please let me know where this matter now stands. You and your family are in my prayers. Continue the good fight and hold aloft the truth of the Gospel. Your brother in Christ 7-29-03
Jeff, Let me know if it is OK to make copies of the audio files onto CD and/or Tapes. 7-29-03
Jeff: Good article Jeff keep up the good work 7-29-03 Jeff, ….Thanks for all the hard work! Wish we could have been there. We understand Joel did a great job defending the Truth. 7-29-03 …Thanks for the good service you are providing, keep up the great work. 7-22-03 Bro. Belknap, I just read over some email responses you had on your website and found them very encouraging. I was beginning to think everyone had lost their minds. Obviously not. Thanks for getting the word out there…. Thanks… 7-22-03 Brother Belknap, You may remember talking to me in Hopkinsville after the debate…. Hope the work in Beckley is doing well. I appreciate the materials available on your website. In the Lord, 7-22-03
Brother Belknap, thanks for doing this work Jeff ! 7-19-03 Hi
Jeff, Jeff, you may not like what I am doing, or the reason I am doing it, but regardless of the way you might feel, I am canceling my subscription to Truth Magazine because they will not print your articles on Mental Divorce. However, I am glad they still have Connie Adams write for them, just wish he would write more about his convictions on this important issue. Thanks… 7-19-03
Brother Belknap, In His Name, 7-17-03 Jeff: I had seen the Halbrook quote, but not the Warnock one. It’s interesting that some I’ve spoken to have defended Halbrook by saying that he isn’t really teaching this. They claim he circulated a “position paper” 20 years ago, but has not actively taught it since then. I fear that some who have told me this actually know better and are being less than totally honest in their reporting…. 7-14-03 Dear Jeff, I have looked at your website many times. It is very good and informative. I agree that ‘putting away’ involves civil law. Concerning Ron Halbrook, do you have any documentation (from him) proving that he holds the mental divorce position? I do not want what others have said about him or his “notes for further study” sheet. If you have it, I want solid, undeniable evidence from his own material that he is a false teacher on this subject. He claims that he is being misrepresented. I need the material… 7-10-03 Hello Jeff - Thanks for the update… In His service and love to all. 7-10-03 Thanks, Jeff, for the encouragement. I think that the teaching that you and others are doing on this subject is having a positive effect on some lives. Maybe some who have strayed a little from the teaching of Jesus are beginning to re-think their positions and head back to the right. I hope so! I will keep you posted of any positive developments I see around these parts! …Thanks again for the email! 7-5-03 Jeff, I was just looking over some material on your web site and it got me thinking about…when I saw Harry Osborne’s name…I would like to see them allow you to present your side… Hope all is well with you and your family... 7-4-03 Dear Jeff, …I am extremely ashamed for certain brethren who are holding these views “privately” and yet are bold enough to call names like Homer Hailey and Don Bassett from the pulpit. Sometimes it is hard for some to see the forest for the trees, is it not? I have not read bro. Cox’s article yet. I shall have to do that. Thanks for pointing us to good articles for continued study. And as always, God bless you as you try to turn men back to the Bible for their authority in all that they do. Sincerely, 7-3-03 Bro. Jeff,
thanks for the encouragement…
Hello brother Jeff, In Christ 6-23-03 Jeff, I read Stan Cox’s articles last week at Watchman Magazine, including the particular article on “Romans 14 and Fellowship.” My take on it was that he did NOT support the arguments of Halbrook, Haile and Osborne, but in the “Addendum” section, pretty much negated everything he said --- including the “Romans 14” article --- by using the old “difference in application” argument. I think Stan Cox has come down firmly on the middle of the fence because of who is a part of that organization (Harry Osborne). This is just another contribution to the “let’s just agree to disagree” (lack of) defense. Maybe I'll re-read the articles to see how you understood it. 6-9-03 Thanks, Jeff, for the encouragement. I think that the teaching that you and others are doing on this subject is having a positive effect on some lives. Maybe some who have strayed a little from the teaching of Jesus are beginning to re-think their positions and head back to the right. I hope so! I will keep you posted of any positive developments I see around these parts! … 7-5-03
Jeff, My husband and I are simply shaking our heads in disbelief at the fast-moving poison which is filling the churches around us. The Word has already begun to divide within our own family… …It seems that between this mental divorce controversy and the creation issues, we are finding fewer and fewer who are willing to not only to even take a stand but to have the courage to stand fast in the faith. Please continue to have the courage to fight the good fight. We may be in a minority, but my husband and I are committed to standing where Joshua stood: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” I believe that is where you are trying to stand as well. Please keep us in your prayers as we arm ourselves to fight some local battles. 7-1-03
Jeff: Jeff, it is amazing the way these guys talk about MDR, and I am wondering how one is to divorce in this country without a civil court? You cannot marry without civil so this is all a prejudicial way, so they can get mental divorce in. What do you think? 6-18-03 Dear Jeff: I am very glad to know that we are on the same page. Godspeed my brother. BTW, I am glad that you are able to do more work and am I appreciative of the work you have done on this matter. I know first hand who is attacking you and I too have been attacked… 6-17-03 Dear Jeff… I am sure you get many E-mails relative to the current controversy of “Mental Divorce”... …Today is the first day I read your personal convictions. I spend a lot of time in study and evangelism and I do not read all of the garbage Haile and company puts forth, but those types are very good at confusing others. I have found that many brethren have judged too quickly on what others believe on this matter and have not spent time truly asking to find out. I believe that Haile, Halbrook, and company are wrong on this matter and I have been attacked for saying such (Luke 6:26). I will not spend all of my time on this subject as our area is not affected by it… I am not a fan of clicks, magazine politics, or any other type of fleshly works our brethren do. …Have a good day, 6-16-03 Jeff, Good article. Well written. Gets the message across clearly and with respectful tone - as the Lord’s servant should manifest. It’s a shame that we live in such a desperate time that such silly mishandling of simple scriptural teaching is frequent among brethren, as they try to accommodate the current social situation. Satan knows how to make it hardest to enter the kingdom. Start young with people. Make them think sexual relationships are recreational. Distort the understanding of marriage and make it merely a more permanent extension of that recreational relationship. When it's not fun anymore, make them think they’re missing out, that they have a right to have fun (to “be happy”), and that it’s ok to change their relationship to one that is more to their current liking. Once we have a society filled with people with such a mindset, and living with the consequences of it (multiple ex-wives and the passed-around children), it will be hard for them to commit to Christ, because the sin they must denounce has already involved so many people, all of whom will be affected by the change of life necessitated by obedience to the commands of our Lord. Preachers of the Lord’s Word need NOT to be attempting to find ways to help a believer to circumvent his responsibility to his Lord, but instead, they should be seeking ways to support honest believers in the very difficult decisions that they must make as they attempt to walk pleasing to their new Lord, sometimes leaving a burdensome life of complex family chaos. In addition, preachers should be working on an antidote to Satan’s contamination. Support the elders and especially parents in starting young with people. Teach the proper, godly pattern for male-female single relationships (1 Tim. 5:2), and teach God’s design and plan for marriage. Prevention is preferred to major surgery later. The less “baggage” that must be discarded at the time of conversion, the easier it is to make and keep the commitment. That is the benefit of good childhood training - the child has good habits already in place and has already practiced the putting off of that which is unacceptable. Another lesson emphasizing the immense importance of a parent’s involvement in the godly training of his children. Brotherly, 6-15-03 Again, to bro. Harper’s words, all I can add is a very loud AMEN! Thanks for the article! 6-14-03 Dear Brother Jeff, Thanks for the reply. I most heartily agree with what you have said! I have heard … preach numerous sermons on MDR, and his public position has always been that marriage is marriage and divorce is divorce, and that when one satisfies the requirements in his/her region of the world for either (as legislated by governing bodies) then that person is married or divorced. Period. All of this stuff about “scriptural” and “unscriptural” and “God recognizes” or “God does not recognize” is all the language of men. It is apparent to even the most simple of us who has the right to remarry and who does not if we honestly look at the text and stop there. You are correct in asserting that men who start to change divine principle are really getting themselves into trouble. I can see a few folks starting to back peddle… 6-14-03 Thank you for continuing to work in the service of the King. Please tell me who to contact in order to buy tapes of the up coming debate… 6-14-03 I had a note written to you and lost it before I could send it, telling you to keep up the good work in the Kingdom of God… 6-14-03 Brother Jeff, …I appreciate your updates. I try to read all that you post… …I plan to study more about brother Ron’s statements, and then I wish to have a conversation with…who I told you preaches for us, and who is apparently satisfied that Ron Halbrook is not in the same category as some of the others who advocate mental divorce. …However, I am not convinced that preachers across the board are being consistent when they “draw the lines of fellowship.” …. 6-14-03 Jeff - your comments in this message (from your web site today) are right on the mark: The ironic thing is that not only is this an unnecessary label, it does not even represent what our differences are about. Our differences are over the Lord's instructions to those whom He calls “put away,” not over procedure. When one employs a process to divorce his mate for fornication, there is a point at which all would recognize that his mate is “divorced” or “put away.” That same point in time is when the one who is not guilty of fornication becomes “put away,” as well, in an unlawful divorce. The Bible does not speak of one process to finalize a lawful divorce and another to finalize an unlawful divorce. Moreover, the Lord speaks of those who are (what He calls) “put away” in both lawful and unlawful divorces, and makes no distinction in the consequence for either. All this discussion on procedure vs. cause is not even germane to this issue. Why? Because, regardless of the procedure, Jesus acknowledged that people were capable of unlawfully putting away their bound mates (Matthew 5:32a; 19:6, 9a; Luke 16:18a; cf. I Corinthians 7:10-11). – Jeff 6-13-03 Thanks, Jeff 6-13-03 Jeff - I got your e-mail yesterday re: the debate announcement in Truth Magazine. Like you, I found it extremely biased...even slanderous. …. & I had lunch yesterday with a few of the brethren, and he was asked about the debate. He didn’t even know anything about it, and was shocked to learn that bro. Reeves took the position he does. So, I knew he wouldn’t know anything about the debate announcement that you sent me. I showed it to him last night and voiced my displeasure… 6-13-03 Jeff, are you surprised at what Truth has done? I have been very disappointed with Truth for a long time… 6-12-03
Hello Jeff: In Christ 6-6-03 Dear brethren: I have been wanting to write Bro. Belknap and encourage him in his fight against the powers that be. He has a wild cat by the tail. If ‘little O me’ had come up with the doctrine Ron Halbrook has espoused the brotherhood would eat me up and spit me out. Things certainly have not changed since Corinth…. It is so unfortunate that where the truth is so limited among brethren we certainly do not need this silliness…I believe that a person must get a divorce for only one reason, fornication. Mt. 19:9. If one divorces for no God given reason then they cannot divorce again claiming to be the innocent party. When fornication occurs the innocent party must declare himself or herself to be such. They then can put away the guilty party for fornication. Neither party can remarry on a after the fact basis. If the law of the land must be honored in establishing a marriage then how is it that the law of the land can have nothing to do with a divorce. I don’t believe you have to know the Greek language to understand what our Lord said on these matters…It is so sad when clout and who you are can muddy the waters of truth. I think their muddying the water with ‘it is all a race to the courthouse’ is terrible. The same arguments were used when J. T. debated in Calif. years ago… 6-5-03 Jeff, Thanks for the site...Now we are with a very nice group and love it. 6-3-03
Jeff, Jeff, I read your updates, and it is amazing how this all got started and keeps spreading. I do not know if Ron had someone in mind when he wrote about it, but I hear very little about anyone trying to remarry when put away. I do not make any contact with H O, as I know how he does, and I am not the only one who has had problems with him. So, be careful, and I hope all contacts are by e-mail so it will be in writing. Have a good day. 6-3-03 Thank you for continuing to send me the postings, when you need financial help let me know. 6-3-03
Jeff, Thank you, 6-2-03 Jeff, A most excellent and thorough reply to Harry’s baseless spewings. I thought the following statement you made was both simple and powerful. “The problem with the second ‘putting away’ (mental divorce) theory is that it emphasizes one aspect of God’s will (the right to put away for fornication) to the exclusion of another (the subsequent, divinely-imposed consequences for those who are put away). According to the teaching of God in Matthew 19, there is a definite time at which one becomes put away and is precluded from remarrying another while their bound spouse lives.” 6-2-03 Thanks! 6-2-03 Dear Jeff, I don’t believe we have ever met, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your efforts to expose the “mental divorce” position/application for what it is—false doctrine. 6-2-03 Thanks, Jeff 6-2-03 Hey Jeff, …Keep a cookin’ 5-29-03 Jeff, It just amazes me how simple and clear the truth is. I can read articles like “appertaineth not” and understand it, while what Harry writes has caused me no end of consternation in trying to unravel the knots. The closing sentence in your article really captures the point exactly (Clearly, Jesus taught that the exception clause “appertaineth not” to those who are put away, but only to those who put away.). I have actually heard Ron (years ago at … C of C in Texas) teach that the exception clause does not apply to the second clause in Mt. 19:9 (i.e. the woman who is put away) & that the exception only applies to the first clause (who puts away). I know that Harry is now arguing things which (in effect) contradict this - though I wonder if he would deny the logic of where his points lead. I’ve not kept fresh on what Ron is saying about this though. Is Ron also making arguments that in effect grant an exception in the second clause? I am still waiting to hear back from Harry…I don’t want to be impatient, but I would like to hear back from him. Any suggestions? 5-21-03 Jeff: Continued thanks for your help….The info you’ve provided is a huge help… 5-21-03 Jeff, Keep up the good work you are doing on the issue of Divorce… I believe many souls will be lost because of feelings and not wanting to follow God’s Commands on this subject!!! Our reward in Heaven will be there for all who will “Love God, and Keep his Commandments”!!! 5-20-03 Bro. Jeff, First off let me say that I believe you teach truth on this matter…You have made your point, but many brethren don’t care and never will. God will judge them. Teach truth and truth will prevail. 5-19-03 Thank you, 5-19-03 Good article Jeff 5-19-03 Jeff, ..And thank YOU for your hard work in this issue. Who knows what progress will be made, but just think about the alternative --- if we did nothing... 5-17-03 Jeff: Thanks a million! We appreciate all of your help! 5-13-03
Dear Brother J Belknap, Jeff: Thanks again. This info will be VERY helpful. 5-12-03 Jeff: …I am surprised that Bill Reeves takes that position. I wish he was man enough to meet a seasoned preacher rather than insisting on a boy just starting meet him. This seems evidence to me that he knows the weakness of his position. 5-11-03
Dear Jeff- Dear Jeff, I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time getting people to listen to the truth. I am sure people realize the truth, but because their faith may not be strong enough or their desire for their own way, they prefer to find a way around the truth… 5-9-03 Hello brother. …here…I love your site dealing with all of the marriage and divorce issues. 5-9-03 Hi Jeff; Thanks for letting me know about the debate in Hopkinsville, Ky. I don’t know Joel Gwin. I know of Greg Gwin, but do not know him personally. …I also gave her your web page address and sent her a tape of a sermon…preached for us in a recent gospel meeting…I think I know why Mike Willis does not want this issue discussed in Truth Magazine. I dare say most of the writers, or at least more than I would like to think agree with Ron Halbrook on this false position. A discussion in Truth Magazine would divide them… Thanks for all the good work you are doing to get the truth out on this subject. 5-8-03
It’s simply amazing how much “intell” you have. Hello Jeff, The news of the debate is a wonderful development. Regardless of how it goes it will bring further light to the subject… 5-6-03 Jeff: …Your website has already been a big help with resource info. …In fact, I think brother Reeves has signed a terrible proposition. I hope that any honest person who attends the debate will be able to see the clear and simple truth on this question. 5-6-03 Jeff, just printed the last 5 new ones, have not read them yet; however, I wanted to let you know that Carrol Sutton is one of the best writers we have in the brotherhood. He has been sending me his writings for years and in my opinion he is as good as we have. Keep up the good work. 5-6-03
Thanks for the heads up. Jeff, I just downloaded the debate announcement and saw that Greg was going to moderate for Joel. The proposition is a surprise in that Bill will have to deny Matthew 19:9 which puts him at a tremendous disadvantage. It will highlight the fact that they must redefine the terms in the passage in order to make their case. That is Bill’s second disadvantage. That is very foolish on his part. 5-5-03 Thanks, Jeff. I’m really surprised at Bill… 5-5-03
Jeff, Jeff, You make such good sense, which is a hard thing to refute. You are helping these guys paint themselves into a tight corner. Very good article. 4-23-03 Excellent article on the government’s role, Jeff! Others seem to hang their hats on how evil the government is, but you do a great job of showing how it’s just the opposite. Pointing out how the law of Moses and our civil law accomplish the same purpose is quite insightful. Thanks for your hard work. 4-22-03 Jeff, Jeff – Thanks much... Thanks, and keep up the good work on your web page. 4-17-03 Dear Jeff, Let me first begin with a “THANK YOU” for all of your work with your web-site. I’m sure you have received much criticism, so I appreciate your holding your ground…. 4-3-03 Jeff, …We are proud of you and your work and knowledge of God’s word. I cannot think of a single thing you have written on your web-cite with which we disagree... 4-2-03 Dear Jeff, Thanks for the reply. I am doing some studying, and trying to get things straight as to what is being presented. I have been reading several different thoughts and I think I can see now where things stand. For a while I wasn't sure what "mental divorce' meant, but it is becoming more clear, and I do disagree with that idea. I have never understood how one could look back after several months or years and suddenly let it dawn on the person, that "hey I really put that person away for fornication." If it wasn't understood that way at the time of the divorce, then time doesn't suddenly change it. 3-26-03 Jeff, A very good article (Acknowledging God’s Law...). I think you made it very clear that there is no exception for those who are put away. I can remember hearing Ron say that years ago in a sermon in Houston, Texas. Thanks 3-25-03 Hang in there, Jeff 3-24-03 Greetings bro. Belknap. …the exposure of the second putting away after the divorce is merited… 3-24-03 Brother Belknap, I’m not on the net. I hardly have time for email, much less the net. Thanks again for your good writing. It should help. Often in my debates, etc. I begrudge the time it requires to answer the false doctrine of some of “my brethren” (I don’t consider all of them brethren) when we could be out trying to convert the world. BUT, it MUST be done. KEEP UP YOUR GOOD WORK. Brotherly, 3-13-03 Dear Jeff, Thanks for the articles you continue to send. It is so tragic that so many are being led right over the cliff! I think it is so good that you put the word out, as all of us have to daily combat those with opposing views on this, it seems. Your material makes it much easier to study and be able to give an answer to those who are confused or unlearned. This is a meaty topic, and it behooves every one of us to stay on our toes, lest we get drug over the same cliff because of our lack of knowledge…. Wishing you continued success in your endeavors and blessings in your life - In Him, 3-6-03 Dear brother Belknap,
About the web site. First of all, it looks
great… Thanks! 3-5-03 Bro. Jeff,
…It’s a shame that we have to go through another battle on M-D-R. Seems like Satan somehow manages to keep the pot brewing every few years. It’s amazing how babes in Christ can readily understand the teaching of the scriptures on this subject and some, who should be more mature in the faith, have such difficulties! 3-2-03
Jeff, Again, I think it is a selective defense of the word that is being implemented here – selective because it is their friend who is now charged as guilty…. Isn’t it funny how some want justice and want error vigorously refuted until it is they or their friends who are charged? THEN, they plead for “mercy” and “tolerance.” NO, THANK YOU! …Stick with the word of God, for it never contradicts itself…. Stand fast (Phlp. 1:27), 3-1-03 Jeff, …Don’t quit! 3-1-03
Thanks again for not letting this misleading pablum go without an answer. Not only is RH teaching false doctrine, he is trying to conceal it and avoid writing about the exact thing he is in error on in hopes others will hear the “truth” he believes and apply it to anything else he believes, though it is error. I hope others are looking with honest hearts. 3-1-03
Jeff, …I’ve been encouraged by the posts on Bible matters. (Though at the same time discouraged by some of the drivel that has been written). I was saddened by Ron’s response. Those of us who “know the language” can see right through what he has written. And being kind - it is deceptive… 3-1-03
Jeff, …I appreciate your updates and your quotes you have sent. I will give attention to reading as much as I have time to do!
Jeff, Thanks for posting the article that was GLARINGLY ABSENT from the ones Ron “contributed” for our own “benefit.”… When are we going to start practicing what we’ve been preaching all these years and accept the plain teaching of Jesus Christ and reject these presumptuous arguments that cannot be defended FROM SCRIPTURE? I have as yet received no verse or passage from the Bible that teaches or even implies the liberty of one already put away to put away another. I’m not holding my breath, either! Frustrated, 2-28-03
Jeff, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2-26-03
Jeff, Sincerely in Him, 2-26-03 Good job and God bless. 2-25-03 Jeff, Thanks for the update messages. I checked out your site again and read some more of the material. It’s amazing how this situation is getting worse and worse. I can’t believe they won’t publish your articles and yet as you quote from Ron at the bottom of your home page he says “Be willing to hear both sides” and “Something is wrong if the man you question does not seem glad for the opportunity to fulfill I Pet. 3:15”. I think you have done a really good job with your web site. ANYONE that happens upon the site should be able to walk away with an understanding of how some are twisting the scriptures. Keep up the good work! …I don’t want to keep you, I just wanted to say hello and thanks for the e-mail updates. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care, 2-25-03 Your two articles look great. 2-24-03
Any chance Harry & Co. will read this? I wonder how they will respond? 2-24-03
Jeff. do you send your notices to …? I hope so, as it seems he accepts what Harry is saying. 2-24-03
good article keep it up 2-24-03
Dear brother Belknap:
Jesus plainly taught that the woman who was unscripturally put away was caused to commit “adultery.” That result has been shown time and time again to refer to her continued bond to her husband. With that in mind, we can connect the dots so as to understand that she IS NOT free to marry even though Jesus plainly states that her husband has put her away AND married another. She is NOT free to marry no matter how many “mental divorces she may acquire or how many times she tells everyone she has put him away after the fact.
Jesus plainly tells us that she is placed in “harm’s way” by being abandoned unlawfully for another woman. Yes, adultery is the natural result of Jesus’ prohibition in Matthew 5:32, isn’t it? Such an understanding also should tell us that those who maintain that 1 Cor 7:15 allows the abandoned spouse to remarry is equally false. It does no such thing because Jesus stated in Matthew 5:32 that “she is caused to commit adultery.”
Good article Jeff. I appreciate all your work on this subject. 2-20-03
Once again, you’ve covered the convoluted ramblings of…that exposes the error in their “logical” thinking. I cannot believe Osborne would start out by saying he doesn’t believe or support what Halbrook is essentially teaching, only to turn around and write so much and go to such lengths to defend the very thing he says he cannot support.
I will be writing a challenge to these men personally in the next few weeks to see if they will do anything about it.
Brotherly, 2-20-03
Jeff, Have you read this? http://www.biblebanner.com/articles/mdr/waitgame.htm Once again, they have so twisted the Scriptures that it is almost laughable, if it were not involving the souls of men. 2-18-03
Hi Jeff, …I have no idea what Osborne or Haile are doing. I thank you for Tim Haile’s web address…I sincerely believe we are in some serious trouble and it is going to get worse….I plan to preach a lesson in both meetings about…and divorce and remarriage is one of the points…. Again, I thank you for your message and wish you the very best in your efforts. Sincerely, 2-18-03 Your article looks good and it also seems to turn up the heat… 2-17-03
Hello, It may result in some being “stuck” and suffering hard situations (for which we all feel pity), but being wrongfully treated does not remove what God has said. Sometimes the innocent do suffer because of the sins of others (though the Lord does not hold the innocent as guilty for the sins of others) (1 Pet. 2:20-23)… Fight the good fight, 2-11-03 Jeff, he (Harry Osborne, jhb) & Ron and others keep saying it is not the procedure, it is the cause. Then, they are making it a procedure, as they deny the court can be involved! Interesting. 2-8-03
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! This utter nonsense, spending so much time and effort on attacking what no one is arguing and then accusing “some” (we know that is) of preaching and teaching and fussing over “procedure” is simply beyond my comprehension.
…It is ever more clear that truth is not the real interest in the heart of some who blather on and on just to have their voices heard, simply to mock those who would defend the truth (no matter who may be on the other side) and never HONESTLY deal with the issue at hand. 2-8-03
Your writer’s cramp reminds me of one of David’s three mighty men, who held his sword so tight for so long in battle, his hand stuck to the sword. The very next line says, “The Lord brought a great victory that day” (II Sam 23:9-10). 2-7-03 Jeff, That was a simple and excellent reply…. Keep up the good work as you see how many are still in the dark, 2-7-03 Jeff, Once again, well done! Let me know what kind of response you get from this one. I wonder if they even will... 2-1-03 Yes 2-1-03 Jeff, I checked into your website this AM, 2-1-03 and did not see any thing that I had not already printed. I appreciate you and, surly believe you are reaching good and honest hearts. It is a shame and pity that so many seeming good men and women are being led astray on this issue, as well as other issues concerning MDR. Thank you and if you ever want to use names when giving out quotes - you can always use mine…. I am not concerned that others will cut my support when they find out certain things that I believe. 2-1-03
Jeff, Thanks Jeff for the update… 1-31-03 Jeff… Hey...I was thinking the other night about something that I have not seen discussed much in the present debate on Mental Divorce. Granted...I have not read everything nor near the volumes you have, but in what I’ve noticed the thought that occurred to me has not been mentioned. If you have seen it or written about it, then I stand corrected. Anyway, I wanted to run it by you to get your take. Re: Haile, Halbrook, et. al, and their contention that civil procedure cannot override the Biblical rights of the innocent party to put away a spouse who commits fornication after the unlawful divorce, I’ve noticed that 1 Cor. 7:10-11 has not come up. I know these men have openly stated that since civil divorce procedure cannot be established in the Scripture, one is not really put away until they do it the Bible way (i.e., for the cause of fornication). I also know several good men in sermons or articles to these proponents have pointed out that Jesus didn’t play the game we play with “marriage” and “divorce” (i.e. “married/divorced in the eyes of men/God”). I think one more good argument can be found in the 1 Cor. 7 passage. Obviously, Paul is addressing those who would unscripturally put away a spouse (v. 10). He cannot forbid all putting away when the Lord has already given Divine permission to put away an unfaithful spouse. So, is not the issue under consideration in 1 Cor. 7 the very issue the Mental Divorce advocates are talking about? The passage addresses the situation where a wife should not leave (divorce) her husband, and where a husband should not send away (divorce) his wife. If such a divorce occurs, Paul emphatically states, “...let her remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband” (v. 11). While this section of the verse addresses the situation from the perspective of the “leaving” spouse, the remainder of v. 11 addresses the situation from the perspective of the “sending” spouse. Either way, the end result is the same...an unlawful divorce that Paul teaches should not happen in the first place. When Paul says “let her remain unmarried,” does he mean it or not? Are they “married” or “unmarried”? (Sometimes the obvious question still has to be asked). If Haile, Halbrook, et. al. are correct, how can the theory “You’re not really divorced when an unscriptural divorce is obtained” be harmonized with this passage? Even a blind man could see the folly of such thinking. But this is not really the thought that came to my mind. What I find most compelling is not what Paul said, but what he didn’t say. One would think that the Holy Spirit would have directed Paul to say something on the order that would support the Mental Divorce advocates’ position in this passage. If an unscriptural divorce is sought and obtained (again...the meaning of 1 Cor. 7), and if such doesn’t really end the marriage, why then wouldn’t Paul have taught something like, “If such a one departs, the marriage is still intact; you’re still married. If the one who departed later marries, you may put them away for the cause of fornication.” That is not found in the passage. It seems to me the real thrust of 1 Cor. 7:10-11 is the permanent view we should have of marriage. Nothing should end a marriage. However, Paul (and God) knew full well that humans don’t always act in accordance with Divine mandate. What should be done when a marriage has ended unlawfully? At this precise point the question is begged of Mental Divorce advocates...is the marriage over or not? “What constitutes a divorce?” Based on 1 Cor. 7:10-11, how would Paul, a Holy Spirit-inspired apostle with the delegated authority to bind and loose on earth (Mt. 16:19; 18:18; Jn. 20:23), have answered this all-important question? He would say, “Even though God does not approve of this divorce, the marriage is over. They are unmarried.” It seems to me that while the Lord’s statements in the gospels give Mental Divorce advocates a tough time with their erroneous position, so does 1 Cor. 7:10-11. Again, I say I have not read everything there is to read (your stuff included). However, I have not seen this treatment of this passage by anyone. Correct me if I’m wrong in this, and let me know what you think about such an exegesis of this text. 1-30-03 Jeff, Thanks for the e-mail on the marriage / divorce issue. Hope everything is going well…. Good to hear from you. Thanks again, 1-23-03 Jeff, Thanks for the good article on Mark 10:11-12. Please continue to send me your updates. 1-23-03 Jeff, …It is impossible to divorce someone you are not married to. Thanks for your web site. It is helping get the word out. 1-23-03 Hi Jeff, Thanks for the good material. Certainly twisting Scripture didn’t cease after Peter wrote (2 Pet. 3:16)! 1-23-03 Jeff, Just a note to let you know that I appreciate your website and the stand you are making for the truth. 1-23-03 Jeff. Keep up your good work. 1-23-03 Jeff: I appreciate you, please send me any info. that you can, when you send out religious info… 1-23-03 Jeff, ….Take care my friend. Thanks for your continued work on “mental divorce.” 1-21-03
Hello Jeff,
Hi Jeff,
Dear Jeff,
Hi there again,
HEAR! HEAR! Excellent! 1-10-03
Brother Belknap, I continue to profit from reading the articles on your website. It is the most helpful study tool I have found. I go back time and time again to refresh myself on the articles there and thoroughly recommend the site to others who wish to study this issue…. 1-7-03
Hello…Jeff, I am hoping and praying it is going to be a prosperous and edifying year for you. Glad to see you are still at it. Stay at it!! Stay in touch my good brother, 1-4-03 |