Encouraging Reader Responses 

Brethren, I am sharing these responses – not to promote myself, but to encourage those who believe they are isolated in their stance for truth.  These letters also serve to prove the fallacy of some brethren’s claim that opposition to the post-civil-divorce "putting away" is a “peculiar” position.  There are still 7000 whose knees have not bowed to Baal (I K. 19:18)!  

* The author's names and identifying information have been removed to protect the “innocent.”  Recent responses are first.

2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

Hi Jeff,

I have been enjoying your web site.   12-31-02



Brother Belknap:

Thanks for your arduous work in fighting the complacency on “mental divorce” and its implications…

Obviously, the Bible does not consider subsequent relations to justify the “innocent” party in remarrying…  12-26-02


Thanks Jeff for the effort in making this issue easier to explain.
Yours in Christ,  

Hi Jeff
…I appreciate your stand for truth on the “mental divorce” doctrine.  I appreciate your pointing out the inconsistencies of Truth Magazine and Christianity Magazine.  The faculty at Florida college would not condemn Homer Hailey out of respect for him.  Neither would they condemn Shane Scott.  The editor at Truth Magazine, out of respect for Ron Halbrook will not allow you and others to write about the “mental divorce” doctrine.  For some reason, best known to them, those associated with Christianity Magazine let Ed Harrel get by with perverting Romans 14 and other things.  

Thank you for the web site updates, I always look forward to them and the new information in them. Keep up the good work you are doing. We support you here in…. Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family. One of many things I am thankful to God for, is brothers like you standing for the truth.
Take care brother, 

Thank you for all your info. keep up the good work.   11-28-02

Brother Jeff,
We read your articles with much admiration and thanks to God for your conservative view on MDR… 
Keep up the great work.
In Christian love, 

You worded the proposal excellently.  Any word yet from anyone?  11-6-02



Excellent article by Dave Lytle/Barney Keith…  10-31-02



Thank you Jeff for those words!   10-25-02


I love your new “It Is Easier” article.  What has disappointed me the most in this controversy is not that R. Halbrook and others believed in “mental divorce” (I already knew that); it is how the GOT types have responded to the situation in such a different way than how they responded to the Homer Hailey situation.  In one case they demanded open discussion; in the other they demanded suppressing the discussion.

You can add another item on the list:
It is easier to debate on a false doctrine on MDR that leads to adultery when it is your magazine competition that teaches it than to debate on a false doctrine on MDR that leads to adultery when it is your buddy that teaches it (Phil 1:17, Acts 15:2,7, 17:17, 19:8-9, Mt 22:15-46, Jn 3:19-21, Jude v.3).

You just knew I had to get that one in <grin>,   10-25-02

Dear Jeff.
I enjoyed your story. So, please put me on your E-Mail list. my name is… I am a member of the Lord’s Church (The Church of Christ) and I’m not ashamed of it Rom’s 16-16. Thanks for all the help you can give me on Church history.   10-25-02

Dear brother Jeff,
…I appreciate your taking the time to question brethren in light of the scriptures and to examine both sides of this issue.  I only wish that all Christians would prove to be so open-minded.   10-19-02

Hello Jeff,
Mike Willis got some responses to his editorial on the website, but listen to him brag about what an open policy the magazine has to dissenting opinions.

“We are happy to publish a journal which allows those who disagree with us room to express their disagreement. Other journals have a closed door policy which does not allow dissent. When something is published with which one disagrees, he has no way to express to the same audience his dissenting view. Inasmuch as no editor is infallible, a closed door journal is vulnerable to the mistaken ideas of its editor(s) and staff. The same as is true about closed journals, needs also to be said about closed web sites. Brother Scott refuses to post my original article or my rejoinder to him on his web site, even though he requests me to publish his material in Truth Magazine.”


“Printed elsewhere in this issue is a response by Wilson Adams to my editorial ‘A Movement Gathers Steam’ (August 1, 2002). We publish a journal in which dissent is not excluded, in which both sides of an issue may be heard. Therefore, we are happy to provide brother Adams free space and an audience to disagree with us. Not all papers have such an open format. I accept that brother Adams is writing "humbly and with animosity toward none" and hope that he will assume the same toward me.”

Obviously, the only dissenting views they allow are the ones where they thing they have the upper hand.  If it is a dissenting view that they cannot defend, or might make them look bad, he won't get near it...  10-14-02

Brother Belknap,
…I appreciate your web site and your defense of the Gospel.  The Bible’s teaching on MDR are clear and exact.  Many are now teaching this mental divorce trash who in years past rejected such ideas.  I will continue to listen to Jesus on this matter and teach exactly what the Bible teaches.

Keep up the good work you are doing!  Also, please add me to your e-mail listing so I can be kept informed on what is taking place in regards to this issue.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.  10-19-02

I like that article. 

Hey, one of those visitors to your site who downloads much is me! I keep a mirror of your site on my machine.
Well done.  10-8-02


Brother Jeff,

I enjoy your web site and find it very informative…

Thanks,  9-23-02


Brother, Jeff,
Your response was “right on”... Keep up your good work in the defense of the Gospel.  10-5-02


Thanks for this info…Of course, this is being factitious, but if the mental divorce advocates could only see how they are butchering the passage, maybe they would come to their senses.  However, I know that Ron Halbrook challenges the notion that Luke 16:18 represents a chronology of events.   10-3-02

good article Jeff,   9-9-02

Dear brother,
Greetings in Christ.  I just wanted to write & encourage you again regarding your website & the articles included on it.  Especially:

A Closer Look at the use of APOLUO - CHORIDZO - APHIEMI by Fred Seavers, It’s Not about Apoluo and Procedure by you, The "Race To The Courthouse" Charge by David McKee and Willis on "Biblical Putting Away by you.

I tell you brother, those particular articles have helped me tremendously.  I have actually thought about some of the questions that were raised & you answered.  In particular, I was faced with a brother some 6 years ago who believed 1 Cor. 7:11 ALLOWED two equal alternatives. He said that he had not had to apply that yet, but that in some cases he would have to allow divorce for reasons other than fornication as long as they understood they could not remarry.  That made me really examine that verse and understand what repentance DEMANDS when someone has committed the SIN of divorce…My point is this, it took MONTHS of hard thought and discussion for him to finally see it because he had to get past his preconceived & erroneous beliefs about what that verse was talking about.  So, do not give up.  Your hard effort and study will be of service to those (like me) who are now better armed and equipped.  It will also be of service to those honestly in error (though it may take them a while to see it).

Although I am sad to see the brethren referred to & quoted (Osborne, Willis, Halbrook) teaching error, I must also say that any of us who teach publicly are subject to public criticism (especially when we are wrong!).  I thank you, brother, for your good demeanor, appeal to scripture & sound logic.

Also, do you have Fred Seavers, & David McKee's e-mail addresses?  I would like to write them, too.

in Him,  9-8-02

Dear Jeff,
Thank you for the sermon.  I also appreciate the work on the mental divorce web site. I go there from time to time.  There is so much material on it and I noticed that there is a new look to it too. There are brethren that don’t go to that much effort in refuting false doctrine feeling that “brethren have a Bible, they can read.”  I really am thankful that you are taking the time to put so much work into it.  It is very encouraging and uplifting.  Thank you.   9-6-02

bro. Jeff:
I enjoy your website very much.  I kinda dumb when it comes to putting all of this stuff together.  I know Ron very well and I didn't know this about his teaching…This really disturbs me about Ron.  With his attacks on Homer Hailey all of these years; what's the difference if it’s not the truth his position is just as bad as bro. Hailey's; right?

Why want the other magazine print your articles?  Especially Mike Willis.  That is very strange to me.  If you could help me out with this understanding I would really appreciate it.

thank you,   9-5-02

Jeff, what is interesting is how inconsistent the boys are, as they are after anyone who does not believe the 6 days are literal, but they fellowship each other with differing views on MDR!

 ….Thanks for your website!!!

Brotherly   9-5-02

Jeff, I appreciate very much your up dates. Keep them coming.   8-21-02

Brother Jeff
Your new look is very nice. You keep up the heat on those false teachers.  Sooner or later something has to give.  Thanks again for your tireless efforts for the cause of Christ.
In Christ   8-20-02

Hello Jeff,
The new format looks great; slick and polished, just like you.  Keep up the excellent work. 

The new look is nice... clean.  Keep up the good work.   8-20-02

Just a quick note to encourage you in the good work you are doing at www.mentaldivorce.com.  I heartily support your efforts, and although I (too) am greatly distressed at the positions of many dear and respected brethren, I know that God ~only~ is true and that only His way will ultimately prevail.  We may lose friends along the way, but the Truest Friend is the One Who died for us and on Whom our eternal destiny rests…but I hope you will know that my prayers are with you in your good work.   8-20-02

your e-mails are very informative & much appreciated…
thanks so much.....  

Your poem below is a master piece. Keep up your good work in the Lord.

...There are plenty of false teachers in the brotherhood that would accommodate him. Their false teaching will lead many to destruction. Hopefully, by your and the others teaching, the young man will come to see the truth.

Have a very good day.  8-8-02

(You can pass this on to Fred if you want.)

Isn’t it sad that we have come to this point, having to identify and explain every word and phrase so some will not confuse the (seemingly) plain and simple?

Good work, Fred.   7-24-02

Dear Jeff,

…We ARE SO PROUD of your stand for the TRUTH on the MDR issues. Thank God we have a man with your abilities that can defend the pure WORD OF GOD!!  Keep up the good work and my God bless you and your family in your efforts...

God Bless,   7-24-02

good article Jeff  7-24-02

Dear Jeff,
…You are precisely on target when you insist that they address the real issue which is fornication after a divorce….Continue the good work...   7-23-02

Brother Jeff,
...Well said Brother.
It will be interesting to watch him try to respond…  7-22-02

Again, you have done a fine job of addressing the real issue. If only some would see...   7-22-02

Excellent article. It hits the nail right on the head!
Thanks,   7-21-02 

Your article “It is Nothing” was very good.  Keep up the good work.
Thanks,   7-15-02

I just read “Enough with the Strawman”
Excellent!   7-11-02

To Brethren Belknap and…,
An appropriate commentary on T. Haile’s article you both forwarded to me:

“There is nothing more frightening than an active ignorance” (Goethe).

Brotherly,   7-11-02

Even disregarding the current controversy, this article is very well done and worthwhile for everyone’s consideration. Good job (again), and keep up the good work.   7-11-02

I want to take time to highly commend you for teaching the truth on marriage. May God be with you in your good work.

From my own study, about 30 years ago, I came to the conclusion that the “mental divorce” theory is error. Jesus said, “...And whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.” The end result of the teaching of some preachers in the brotherhood is, “And whoever marries her who is divorced DOES NOT commit adultery.”

Have a very good day.   7-11-02

Jeff, since he and others cannot get the scriptures right, it is not surprise to me they cannot get what you and others teach also.   7-11-02

As you battle with Haile – I’m battling Mike Willis. He has not done to me what Haile has to you. But it’s the same old same old.  

He charged me with being a Belknap follower. I’ve told him that if he does not want to deal with the real issue our communication will be cut off. I suspect that will happen…

Keep the faith.   7-11-02

UNBELIEVABLE. Now it’s my turn to say I’m sorry for how you have been treated…

Keep your chin up. I’m getting the feelings that you were telling me a few weeks ago. This is picking up speed and the truth is being heard.

Keep up the good work!   7-11-02

I would like to receive your articles concerning Ron's teaching on MDR.
Thanks,  7-9-02

GOT exposing Christianity Magazine was the right thing to do and now it is the right thing to do to expose the GOT writers for the same reason  7-9-02

…and I hope you guys will continue to press the issue with Bill Cavender and others.  This crowd is so “thick” among themselves, even as they privately speak of their reservations about the “applications” of the supposedly agreed-upon positions.  I contend there is no difference in the position and the application of it, any more than there is a difference between the money given to the temple and the temple that sanctifies it.

Hang in there, brother, or you’ll have the situation we have had in  Thankfully, the great number of men out here are now contending forcefully for the truth.  7-9-02

The brief article, “Can the Guilty Mate be Put away?” has precipitated good response.  A number of these people, I do not personally know (below): 

OUTSTANDING job on addressing this recent mumbo-jumbo that is being promoted > and defended. I simply cannot believe the lengths some are going to in trying to prop up such a twisted and weak position. Thank you for writing this!

Brotherly,   7-6-02

If I am understanding the implications of this morning’s posts by LR Hafley, is he now undoubtedly supporting Harry Osborne & Company? It appears to be the case since he posted only Harry’s “response” to your articles and without comment. If so, I am sorely disappointed.

...dealing with the weak ‘defense’ that we should not make this an issue over which we divide – that we should “all just get along.”  Pray for me in the meantime that I may put it truthfully and plainly.  Hypocrisy still seems to be the plan of action for some.   7-5-02

Thanks again for the encouragement. Feel free to forward it to whoever might benefit from the discussion.

If you have contact with anyone looking for someone to speak on the issue I would be happy to do so. (I know likewise you are capable and likely would accept the invitation yourself). I’m pondering how I might get a public format in which to preach on this subject. Like a three night lecture with open forum afterward.

If you have any ideas let me know.

Brotherly,   7-5-02

A couple of excellent articles. I really like the "What are moral and doctrinal matters". It really shows the inconsistency of Truth magazine.

As more of these inconsistencies appear, I wonder if at some point it might be profitable to “go after” Truth Magazine.

Thanks,   7-5-02

Bro. Belknap,
Thanks so much…Again, keep up the good work you are doing in exposing this erroneous position about marriage.   6-29-02

Dear brother Belknap,
Just wanted to let you know I appreciate being on your mailing list and to keep up the good work.  I appreciate your stand on the mental divorce position…and, again, keep up the good work.

Good chart on the current MDR issues…  

Great chart!  Keep up the good work.  I appreciate your stand for the truth.  Have a great day!   6-27-02

Once again, you’ve nailed it. Don’t give an inch.  

I appreciate your stand. For the past 20 years I have opposed the false doctrine of “mental putting away.” This is just a note to encourage you to continue the fight for right.

It is interesting that some brethren have charged “misrepresentation” when their error is pointed out. I say “interesting” because those same brethren are sometimes accused of misrepresentation when the aggressively expose those who hold the Bales-Hailey positions on MDR.

Error is error no matter who teaches. Both doctrines (mental divorce/the Hailey doctrine) allow and encourage people to either enter or stay in or enter adulterous marriages. 

Keep the faith brother.   4-26-02


A while back you emailed me & you must have used a mass listing from someone's web site or directory, so that you can warn of the new doctrine taught about mental divorce.  I thought, Oh know, now what??? At the time, I sort of questioned your necessity to mass mail your concerns.  I think I replied to you that I didn't really want any part of this (I guess I wanted to stay naive).  However, I have been included in email correspondence that some of the brethren have had going with Br. Haile, and began to see how big and potentially devastating this doctrine can be.  I guess, I'm apologizing if I seemed to be abrupt with you earlier.…  4-10-02

Back in 1959 Bro. Hailey preached his unbelievers are not under the law of Christ at Palatka, FL and H E Phillips, Harry Pickup, Sr & Harry Payne also spoke there as they had a man who was baptized but unscriptural divorce.

Dennis Reed was there, recorded it and to my knowledge no one made it public what Bro Hailey was teaching. 

When I was in FC I heard rumors about his views but never could find them in print nor would he talk about them in class.

So when J T Smith made a statement in the GT that it began to come out.  But those who cried out were condemned.

Now Ron, has come out and told his views and I am really amazed he would do this as he had the series on Trends Pointing Toward A New Apostasy.  Now he has accepted a false doctrine, and I am wondering how much he is preaching it in gospel meetings & at home?

My point is, in the NT false doctrine & teachers were made known. 

When I was at…I told about our neighbor & his round barn and how is began to fall down when part of the roof blew off.  My point was as the farmer sat on the porch and did nothing, so our spiritual house can fall down.  Three families had a fit because I called his name.

The man was our neighbor, in Indiana, and was dead when I told the story.  I asked them if I could tell Gal. 2:11-14 and they did not want to answer.

We cannot sit by and be silent.   3-27-02

Now I am just 68 yrs old, so what do I know.

When they keep saying that the court putting away is not biblical putting away, do they not accept the court putting away the fornicator?

Do you know of anyone advocating that the innocent must put away the fornicator after the court acts?  So, all that I have read they accept the court actions against the fornicator, but they do not if there is no fornication, is this right? 

Now is this not two putting aways?   3-27-02

…If you will look around over the brotherhood, many are not buying this new 2nd putting away doctrine & Halbrook’s also!   3-26-02

Excellent article.   3-26-02


Brother Jeff:
Please add my email address to your list.  I am a brother to…  3-18-02

I get your e-mail postings.  I appreciate your stance for truth, especially on this issue of the “putting away.”  I have been in meetings where I have preached on D&R and made the application to the idea of the “putting away.” I have been called into question for teaching that one, in order to divorce and remarry Scripturally, must have put that mate away for fornication - NOT to “put them away” after they have been put away - but to have initiated it as best we can tell in the wording of Matt. 19:9. I have taught that in Matthew 19:9 we have essentially two folks to consider – one who puts away and one who is put away. There is no room for a “second putting away” as many of our brethren are advocating today….

In Like Precious Faith,  3-18-02

Jeff & David, look at this.  Look at p. 8, 3rd paragraph.

Tim says “Having defined my terms, if I decide today to break my marriage with my wife, I have the power to do so, and so does she. I could accomplish such by simply leaving her and never coming back, or I could divorce her through legal channels.”

Now he does not know what divorce is.  Just leaving and not coming back is not a divorce!  It is separation, but not in any way is it called a divorce. However, he now is saying it can be done by legal means. There is a “procedure” - and he just admitted it, but all of his writings before he has said there is “no procedure.” Let me know if you have seen this and what you think. All the examples he gives still do not make a “divorce” unless there has been some kind of action accepted by all parties.   3-15-02

Tim is arguing about the procedure, when I know of no one who is doing this. 

This is a smoke screen, for one can be put away without fornication, and Jesus taught it was adultery to marry this one.  3-15-02

Hi Jeff,
I just saw your note for an opportunity to help those who are being persecuted for their stand on this issue.  … and I are already committed to the support of preaching in our monthly budget, and it would be tough for us to pick up another monthly commitment at this time.

However, we are getting a refund for our taxes and may be able to help someone on a one time basis out of that money.

Let us know if (and who) we can help.

Thanks!   3-9-02

Jeff & David, the new articles are excellent!
I am covered up this week but next week I plan to do some writing and be very plain!   3-8-02

I was doing some work on the mental divorce controversy and came across this passage and it struck me how fitting it is to this issue:

Mark 8:38 – “Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed”

I think you could boil the whole issue down to this verse!  3-8-02

Hey Jeff,
This guy's response is disappointing, but it will be people like him that will help expose Ron further by siding with him and stating for Ron what his position is.  Let their own mouths condemn them.   2-22-02

High Quality stuff in the latest update.  Thank you for the work and effort on the charts.  Fred Seaver’s dismanteling of Harry O’s arguments is very encouraging.  Defending the Truth is a wonderful thing.  Could you send me Fred’s email?  I would like to commend him for his efforts.

“Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season you shall reap if you do not lose heart.”  I will try to help you not to lose heart. I am glad you and I are on the right side and the same side of this endeavor.    2-22-02

I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much good you are accomplishing in your stand against the powerful forces that oppose you as you contend for the truth on divorce and remarriage.  It has opened my eyes to a powerful sect within churches whose followers will change their doctrinal stand on the whims of their leaders.  I am working diligently to try and educate men that I know to these dangers among us.  At this time I want to continue working in this capacity, that is with individuals rather than a public forum.  However if the circumstances demand it, I will do whatever is necessary for the Lord’s cause….

I pray that you will see the good you are doing and understand the gradual nature of the work before you.  In time more good brethren will stand, however that group will always be small compared to those who glory in or fear carnal power.

In Christian Love,  2-19-02

Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the stand you are taking for the truth.  We know it must take a lot of time and effort to keep the website up, not to mention the work for the Lord that you do in Beckley.  As you know not many have stepped up to the plate against this false teaching, so  we appreciate your willingness to publish the few articles that have been written to refute this teaching.  We are praying for you and your family.  

Hi Jeff,
You wrote:

“The irony of this charge is that Stan claims I have sinned in violating civil (copyright) laws, which, of course,  was done in an attempt to OBEY God’s COMMAND to expose error (cf. Eph. 5:11, 13).  However, where civil law would merely nullify a divine “LIBERTY,” brother Harry (whom Stan defends) argues that we should not recognize it, for doing so would allow man’s law to usurp God’s. If this is not a double standard, I don’t know what is!”

Outstanding point!  

Actually, your whole Rejoinder was very well done and kindly delivered….

Again, very good article.

Your brother,   2-6-02

I would like updates as you get them.  Windell Wiser’s article is about as plain as you can get.  It is either take it like God’s says, or pervert it!  1-29-02

Jeff, they agree that going to court is alright to divorce for fornication.  But then they disagree about going to court without fornication.

Then they make another procedure and say after the court grants the divorce, then the innocent can say, “I put you away.”

They are the ones who press the procedure which they cannot find!  Strange, they accept the procedure for one but not the other!   1-29-02

Hi Jeff—
I don’t know if you remember me, but we met once about 9 or 10 years ago. I was preaching a meeting in…and you came one night (I think it was Friday). I believe you were in Lawrenceburg at the time.

Anyway, I have checked your site to consider the issues regarding putting away, and you have given me a lot to ponder…  1-25-02



Looks like a lot of people are getting to read your excellent material.  You’ve done some very good work with your site.


…After reading your exchange with bro. Cox, I have the feeling that Stan probably wasn’t too pleased with another review of the debate.


I know that you have labored hard on this cause throughout 2001.  I hope you have time to get some rest and relaxation with the family (Mark 6:31-32).  If you are ever in the…area, you have room, board, and hospitality for as long as you like.  Please take us up on it sometime (I have a very large library so you could do research while you vacation). 

Your brother,   1-22-02

Thanks for the article.  1-23-02

Thanks for all the e-mails on the Mental Divorce Issues.   1-22-02

Dear Jeff, keep up the good work. You're doing great. I appreciate also what Dave Lytle said.

What is amazing to me is that this is exactly the approach used in the creation controversy: the spirit of compromise in the face of the clear bible teaching.

I'm sure anxious to hear what Osborne and Haile (if he controls himself) and others have to say in response to your material.

God bless you.   1-21-02

Fred has told me a little about the present controversy so I have checked out your site.  Please let me know when you update your site. Thanks.  1-18-02

Great work on the reply to bro. Haile.  I admire your self-control in keeping the discussion at a very high level.  Your treatment of his Rader quibble was very effective.  Your argument concerning the 14 year old infatuated child and the “doctrine of demons” was VERY powerful.

Thanks for sharing the good news from the young preacher in….  Your work (planting and watering) has allowed the Truth to ##### the good hearts of men.

Your brother,    1-17-02

I especially like Mr. Sutton’s point on the race to the divorce court.  It is a race!  It is also a race to the preacher if one wants to marry a particular girl. I had to out run other men to the courts/preacher when I married…   1-17-02

Dear brother Jeff:
For the past few months I have been receiving your E-mail updates concerning your website.  For the past few months I have to highlighted the message and clicked “delete” and moved on.  I must apologize for such attitude.  Although I am thoroughly convinced on what I believe to be the truth as set forth in the scriptures concerning Mental Divorce, I will evaluate your stand on the issues.  I will review your personal convictions that are set forth in your website.  I agree with you when you include on your website that evil will wax worse when good men do nothing.  

As your e-mail to me says that you have the truth on your side, many other brethren feel the same way concerning their views.  While I do not that there can be a multitude of beleifs/interpretations of scripture, I do believe that many have erred in this area of study.  Again, I apologize for my attitude of ignoring your e-mails and will commit to reading your material and that of others that appear on your website.

In His service and yours   1-16-02

It saddens me to hear of so many men who I use to exalt as Bible authorities compromise their former writings.  I appreciate your efforts and stand united with you and your (the Bibles) position on MDR.  The question that I have for those who support this “mental divorce” is this.  If a young man and women live together and mentally say they are married are they?  If it takes both adherence to civil law and the law of God to marry then it takes adherence to both civil and Gods law for divorce, I am not a smart man but God’s law is pretty straight forward on these two issues.  But it is man who in an effort to unloose, those who are still bound, people that distort the Word.  Those very men who use to oppose Brother Hailey now stand united with him in error.  God bless and keep up the fight.

Your Brother    1-16-02

Hello Mr. Belknap,
I haven’t had the opportunity of meeting you yet, but hope to in the future.  …has said some good things about your stand for the truth…was supposed to have sent me info on how to get to your website, and instead sent me your e-mail.  I know you are busy right now, but if you get a chance, could you please let me know how to get to your website…has been telling me some of the stuff that has been being written….

Thanks!     1-16-02

My name is….  I preach in…  This site that you have published has brought some grave discoveries to my attention.  Some of these things I had heard were coming, some I had not.  My … (a relative, jhb) writes for Truth Magazine so I hope you would understand my reluctance to accept the statements about these men.  However, you have documented your information well and I cannot see where any honest individual could deny that false doctrine is indeed being taught.  I am only 23 years old, so I am probably too trusting when it comes to some of these men who I have respected for many years.  That is no excuse, however for accepting false doctrine…

fellow laborer,    1-15-02

Thanks, Jeff
Would you add the address … to your list?  That is the address I use for mailings such as yours….
Thanks,  1-12-02


Hi Jeff! 

I figured you’d have something to say about Tim’s article…


Keep at it.  I know this type of work is tiring (and at times discouraging).  I admire your zeal to keep the Bible Study going when others would like to shut it down.


Your brother,   1-12-02


Dear Brother Belknap:
…sent me a copy of your with Bobby Holmes.  I am not Internet, so he sent it by way of attachment, as I could not pull it up to read.

I heartily commend you for your sound defense of the truth on this subject and for you kind way of exposing the sophistry or Bobby’s reasoning (?).…   1-9-02

Excellent reply to Brother Cox!    1-8-02

Hello Jeff,
I’m surprised at Stan’s remarks concerning your review of the debate. I wasn’t aware it was published and in fact I can’t remember hearing anything about it. Usually, if there is something happening that “they” want all to know about “they” will advertise it in advance and when it is published there is an announcement made. Could be “they” don't want to have the debate greatly circulated. Kind of like Mike has done in refusing to publish anything about it in TM.

Anyway hang in there and don't let these nay sayers get next to you.   1-5-02

I wanted to thank you for the many articles that you have published and continue to publish.  In addressing the Watchman debate, you helped clarify some of the points for me….

It seems to me that so long as brethren are not afraid to calmly (yet boldly) discuss various disagreements, that understanding and agreement among honest hearts will result….

Thanks!     1-5-02 

Hello Jeff,
…Jeff, I continue to appreciate your work.  I am sure you know that criticisms will come from all directions.  The type criticism that has been the most disturbing to me through the years has come from brethren who supposedly agreed with what I have taught, but they did not like this or that.  I have tried to keep my opinions to myself and stand behind those willing to position themselves at the front of the firing line.  Keep up the good work.
Cordially,    1-4-02

I continue to appreciate your effort in combating the errors of the Mental Divorce position, now in ascendancy among many brethren.   To some extent, we have battled so effectively against the Moyer/Lovelady position, only to find that some soft-hearted brethren are seeking yet another solution to what we all know to be a difficult issue.

But, of course, it was not easy in the days of the Lord, either – indeed, it was a hard teaching that even the disciples stumbled over – but we plod on in the truth.  Is it not amazing that errors on MDR continue to arise, even as we consider that we have won another battle?

…and go on doing what you do best: Refuting error.

Peace, in the Lord,  1-4-02


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Last Updated:  Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:41 PM
