Transcript of Weldon E. Warnock’s Radio Program (3-14-04) “Searching the
Scriptures” (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley, WV). Before his lesson “On heaven and who is going there” he stated “But there’s a couple, three things I want to say that we’ve been on the last two or three weeks...” Thank you so much and a good, good evening to each and every one of you. Appreciate so much you tuning into the broadcast tonight. And it’s a privilege on my part, to be able to come your way and salute you with the light, the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ on this good radio station, WJLS FM in Beckley. I’ve been on a lot of stations through the years in Dayton, OH, Akron. I first began to broadcast back in – I don’t know, the mid 50’s in Portsmouth, OH on WPAY. I was on 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, following Art Linkletter’s House Party. Then I went to New Martinsville, WV, was on 6 days a week, had good response. Then I’ve done a lot of talk radio at Dayton and Akron, OH and some other places. But this station is among the best and I appreciate all of ‘em at WJLS and they’re so cooperative and helpful to their clients and it’s just good to be on this station each Sunday night. It’s brought to you by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Searching the Scriptures broadcast, located over in Mingo County. I was told a while ago it’s 48 degrees in uptown Beckley and raining. We had some rain this morning, moved over that way, I suppose, and after that we had some sunshine. But it’s been a busy day for me. I began here this morning at 8:00 on a radio broadcast and then preached two times, just got through a little while ago, and then came over here to the house to broadcast over WJLS. So I hope you can stay with us, we’re going to get our program under way this beautiful hymn and trust that you will enjoy it. Hymn Home for Me, a beautiful, beautiful song indeed. This program is brought to you by the Beech Creek church of Christ in Mingo County. They meet on Sunday morning at 10:00 for Bible classes, 10:45 for worship, Sunday night at 6:00, and Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. for the mid-week Bible study and they extend to you a very warm and cordial invitation to come and be with them at any or all of their services. They’d be just delighted to have you and you’d be their honored guest. That’s at the Beech Creek church of Christ in Mingo County. I’m going to speak to you tonight after the next song on heaven and who is going there. But there’s a couple, three things I want to say that we’ve been on the last two or three weeks, and that is that I haven’t heard one thing yet about misrepresentations from this brother in Southern WV. Now, isn’t that strange, ladies and gentlemen, that he accused me of misrepresenting him, distorting what he said and he won’t let me know what it is, ‘cause I don’t know what he’s talking about. A brother sent me a tape of the programs on the 22nd, 29th of February and I didn’t hear any misrepresentations on those two broadcasts. Not at all. And yet he accused me of misrepresenting him and not one word yet, so I just take it, I didn’t misrepresent him. I wouldn’t knowingly misrepresent anyone, ladies and gentlemen. And now, concerning all of this that we’ve been talking about, that’s going on concerning this marriage, divorce and remarriage issue, this brother in Southern WV introduced it. You know, I hadn’t said a word about it in years. I wrote a little bit in an article in Searching the Scriptures in 1985, an excerpt in an article was pulled out and put on his website, and then a good friend of mine had an exchange, he and I on this particular thing of marriage, divorce and remarriage, and then we moved on with our work. And through my encouragement, he came over to Beckley and held us a gospel meeting, came back for another one after that, and I preached for him, and still my good friend. And we differ on this, but he hasn’t drawn a line of fellowship. And he doesn’t plaster my name on a website and introduce this issue and bring it all up again and then accuse me of reviving it. Ha, ha, no, no, na, this man in Southern WV friends, revived it, he brought it up on his website and that’s a fact and you know it. And he can take care of it, just take it off and we’ll be through with this, but he hasn’t done it yet. It’s still up there and I’m not going to hold my breath until he does take it off, but you wonder sometimes where honor is in all of this. Then he’s got up there some new stuff and the only way I know that it’s on there is somebody tells me. You see, he can put anything he wants to up there about me and the only way I know it somebody tells me. You think that’s right and fair? And I was told that he has some statements from men up there, a few of them, one who claims that he roomed with me in college many years ago and disappointed. Well, I can’t figure out who that one would be. I know one I roomed with, he passed away, back some time ago, so it wouldn’t be him, and then another one, I know real well, a good friend, I’m sure it’s not him. And I don’t know who in the world it would be and some of them, they’ve apostatized, I don’t know who he’s talking about, but no name. And if he was so interested in me, disappointed in me, whoever this man was, who this brother was that wrote him an e-mail and said he was disappointed in me, looks like he would have got in touch with me. Ha, ha, ha, if he’s not interested in me. Sometimes I just wonder whether that’s true or not, what he said that he was my roommate in college. You see what I’m dealing with, ladies and gentlemen, in all of this? Something I don’t even know was up there, a brother who revived this issue and then he said I misrepresented him and won’t even let me know what it is. And also that he refuses to have a public discussion and we’ll just leave it right there for now but you can see what’s going on indeed, in all of this. And you wonder about the motive of a person that wants to keep this thing going and also put a letter I wrote to members at Beckley, put that up on his website, as well. I didn’t write that for public consumption, I wrote that to the people in Beckley and he sticks it up on his website. So it didn’t make any difference. He’s going to put it up there anywhere. That’s where it stands and that’s who we’re dealing with and I just want you to know it, so nothing yet about any misrepresentations. And he introduced this issue and you know it, back there a couple years or more ago, and I simply responded to it and then he refuses to have a public discussion. We’ll we’re going to have another song and then we’ll get into our lesson tonight on heaven and who is going there. Hymn I might ought to point out before we get into our lesson on heaven, who’s going there, to you who may have just tuned in for the first time tonight, as to what really is going on and why somebody is disappointed in me. My position is, ladies and gentlemen, that the innocent party, who’s not guilty of fornication, may remarry if her or his mate is guilty of fornication, I’m talking about an innocent, faithful spouse. Here’s a man who puts away his wife, he’s committing adultery on her and running around on her, and she doesn’t go to the courthouse and contest it, and he puts her away at the court house, my position is that she has the right to remarry because he’s a fornicator. Now, this brother in Southern WV and some who say they’re disappointed in me doesn’t believe she can remarry! Now that’s the issue, and you think about it. She can’t remarry because she didn’t contest it. He’s running around, committing adultery on her and goes to the courthouse and gets a divorce and she doesn’t contest it, and hence, she can’t remarry whatsoever without living in sin, adultery, and she dies that way, she’ll go to hell. Now, that’s this man’s position, that’s not mine. My position is that the innocent party may remarry, ladies and gentlemen. The courthouse doesn’t have anything to do with it whatsoever. God says that he or she can, and the Lord unjoins as well as joins. Well now then, let’s get into our message for this evening.
You know, heaven is a beautiful, wonderful place…. |