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Ron Halbrook: Sermon entitled "Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage" in Wilkesville, OH (6-14-90). See: An excerpt of an MDR sermon by Ron Halbrook given in Wilkesville, OH on this website.  

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QUOTE:  “And so, in conclusion from this, we learn that an unscriptural divorce releases neither party from marriage.  When you have an unscriptural divorce, as men count it, it’s not so with God.  That bond is still in tact.  And that little piece of paper is nothing in the sight of God.  Just as well use it as Kleenex and blow your nose and drop it in the toilet.  It doesn’t mean a thing to God.  God’s law rules over the laws of men.”


Tim Haile: Sermon entitled "Biblical ‘Putting Away’" in Clarksville, TN (2-12-02). See articles: What Are They Really Saying? and The Shell Game on this website.  

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QUOTE:  “Jesus said the innocent party has the power over the marriage bond.  Somebody said, “But couldn’t the fornicator just leave and break the marriage?”  Oh yeah, anybody can break a marriage.  If I go out there and get in my green truck (I’d have to drop Steve off and Steve could catch a ride with maybe somebody else), I get in my truck and I skin out of here today – I didn’t drive the vet today but I hate to let you down ah, and maybe invalidate your illustration – hopefully not, but you know, if I had that vet I could go a little faster.  Especially if I’m going to leave my wife anyway and I don’t care about the civil law.  So, I can go a little faster and I’m going to just spin out of here in a hurry and I never see my wife again, never talk to her again, I have broken my marriage.  I have broken, I have deserted, I have left, I have loosed, I have broken my marriage.  Guess what remains intact?  The marriage bond.  I did absolutely nothing to affect that marriage bond, and guess what?   If I go out and commit fornication, I’ve done something that might be used to affect the marriage bond, but I have still by that action, not affected the marriage bond.  You know it’s still intact?  That’s why Jesus gives the option for the innocent party to put the guilty away or not.”


Tim Haile: Sermon entitled "Biblical ‘Putting Away’" in Clarksville, TN (2-12-02). See articles: What Are They Really Saying? and The Shell Game on this website.  

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QUOTE:   "Brethren like to talk about that a lot.  Ah. That is something that is being studied.  Ah, I’ll tell you what I’m comfortable speaking on, I’m studying that question with some brethren right now.  Ah. It’s a difficult one because it gets into motive.  Did that fella leave in order to go meet up with his new girlfriend?  Did he leave in order to go have an affair with his secretary?  Those are a lot of questions.  If he left, and the cause of the break up—the cause of the break up was fornication, then I’m a little more lenient on that.  But I think it is in the realm of study and we need to be careful and study those things.  But I really don’t want to get into any questions, in fact I won’t answer any questions today, about fornication committed after, ah, ah, the break up.  I just won’t do that."

In brother Haile’s two audio quotes (2 & 3), he clearly approves of a second putting away and remarriage in cases which involve FORNICATION which occurs AFTER (NOT BEFORE) an unscriptural putting away.  Speaking of an unlawful repudiation [that which Tim regards as an unscriptural divorce (“apoluo”)] through use of his characteristic terminology, Tim contends that [because of the remaining “marriage bond” after an unscriptural divorce (in which not even motive” of fornication is implied)] his subsequent fornication could later “affect that marriage bond.” Compare this example (which includes no “motive” of fornication) with his second quotation.


After brother Haile’s lesson, he was publicly asked a question about a scenario involving FORNICATION only AFTER (NOT BEFORE) an unscriptural putting away.  After realizing the full impact of his first quotation, it is no wonder that he says he is “a little more lenient” (emp. jhb) with this scenario question.  However, Matthew 19:9 is as silent as the tomb concerning any “motive” prior to the breaking up of the marriage.


Furthermore, although Jesus only authorized ONE scriptural (“biblical”) sequence for divorce and remarriage, these brethren (and others) authorize a SECOND DIVORCE and REMARRIAGE when fornication is committed AFTER THE FACT of DIVORCEMENT!!! 


Harry Osborne: Sermon entitled “What Is Biblical ‘Putting Away’?” in Lakeland, FL. (5-29-01).  See The Nevada Strawman on this web site, which proves that such a scenario could not have taken place as brother Osborne described it.  Moreover, it is important to see article: What Are They Really Saying?  

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QUOTE: “Man’s law is not equal to God’s law.  God’s law has a greater force. And yet, some would suggest by the idea of making the civil proceeding that which is equated to Biblical putting away – here goes a person out here and takes the civil action – person doesn’t know that – I particularly know of a case of this happening in Houston.  Man went away to Las Vegas.  His wife thought he was leaving on a Monday to go on a business trip to New York; he actually went to Las Vegas with a girl he had been having relations with.  He went out there on Monday, filed for divorce, and in Nevada you have a three day waiting period, you can mail the procedure to the spouse.  When it was mailed, it didn’t get to her before they got back on Friday.  When they get back on Friday, he says, ‘by the way hun, I didn’t go to New York, I went to Las Vegas.  I’ve divorced you, I’ve married her.’  The first his wife knew about it was at that time.  She told him, ‘I don’t want to have anything to do with you if you’re ungodly and going to stay in that relationship. I’m going to put you away.  That farce that you had of an action out there in Las Vegas is not what was putting away.’  If civil procedure is the putting away, that woman was divorced, didn’t know about it, and there is no way she can be protected by the law of God.  I suggest to you the principles of God would show the very opposite.  The principles would show she does have a right to say ‘here’s why I’m going away from you.  I’m expressing that as the reason why.  I’m taking action.  You get your stuff out of here.’  That’s Biblical putting away - and it’s Biblical putting away for the cause, and it’s Biblical putting away after the very principles that Jesus made clear.”

In that sermon, Harry also stated, “Neither is this a defense of a second putting away.” Yet, in spite of the preceding repudiation and civil putting away, he denies that this subsequent “putting away” procedure (by the one who has already been repudiated and then civilly put away) is indeed a second “divorce” procedure. Furthermore, it also becomes unmistakably transparent that Harry depends on our human sense of justice (reasoning) rather than the sacred text to establish “authorization” for this second divorce.  (Where did Jesus promise us to be “protected” from physical injustices???) His justification for this denial obviously stems from a belief that (at least some) unscriptural divorces are not “biblical,” and are therefore not really divorces. He frequently uses the term biblical putting away, as though the Bible speaks nothing of an “unscriptural divorce” (or an “unlawful divorce”), nor of its consequences.


Is every unscriptural divorce not “biblical” and therefore, not really a divorce at all?  If this is so, anytime a couple unscripturally divorces, then whoever fornicates first is the one who is one who can be “put away” for the cause, and the other “mate” can employ this “putting away” with the hope of lawful remarriage to another.  If it is not so (that all unscriptural divorces are unbiblical and therefore not recognized), what criteria do we use to distinguish between those unscriptural puttings away that are “biblical and those that are unbiblcal


What is so ironic is the fact that the procedure of civil divorce fulfills even Harry’s own stated definition of APOLUO (involving intent, expression and action to bring about the sundering of the marriage).  Yet, after that action, he would allow for her to later say to the one who civilly divorced her: “I’m going to put you away. That farce that you had of an action…is not what was putting away (emp. jhb). 


Beloved, if this is not a second “apoluo” what is?


Mike Willis: Sermon entitled "When Is Divorce A Sin?" in Danville, IN. (Sept. 1996).  See article: Willis on “Biblical Putting Away on this website.   

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"a.  A person may have to divorce his mate to break an unscriptural marriage (Matt. 19:9). In this case, one is divorcing for the kingdom of heaven's sake.

b.  A person may have to leave his mate to become or remain a Christian (Luke 18:29-30; 1 Cor. 7: 15; Matt. 10:34-48; Luke 14:26). In this case, one is divorcing for the kingdom of heaven's sake.

c.  A person may be in a marriage relationship in which his mate runs up bills which he has no intention of paying. In this case, one's responsibility to God to pay one's bills would demand that he not be supportive of his mate's ungodly behavior (Rom. 13:8).

d.  A mate may be abusive to the children (beating). A person has a responsibility to bring up his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:1-4). To fulfill that responsibility, may require him to leave his mate to provide for the children.

e.  There are some cases in which one must leave to have physical and emotional health. One's obligation to serve God would require him to preserve his physical and emotional well being.

f.   Sometimes a couple becomes so alienated from each other, the hostilities have reached such a point, that they must live apart.

(1)  Cf. Prov. 21:9; 25:24; 1 Cor. 7:15-16.

(2)  We cannot force them to stay together.

(3)  The Scriptures do not teach a person that he must become a doormat to his partner to keep the marriage together. A person who becomes another’s doormat will do more to destroy his mate’s love and respect for him than about anything else he can do. A person has to maintain his own self-esteem to have proper Bible love. One is to love his neighbor “as himself” and the husband is to love his wife “as his own body” (Matt. 22:39; Eph. 5:33).

g.  Obviously, there is going to have to be left some room for judgment in these matters. (Those who allow a "separation" but not a "divorce" agree that there are some areas of human judgment that we must leave for each other.)

C.  Sometimes we place the blame for divorce on the wrong shoulders -- we blame the mate who has reached the end of his rope in tolerating an intolerable situation and in his desperation has filed for a divorce, rather than blaming the one guilty of the ungodliness who created the intolerable circumstances.

D.   If one must separate from his mate in order to serve his God, that is exactly what he should do!"

Brother Willis has set forth some very loose “case”s to justify divorce under the pretext “in order to serve his God” (see point D above – cf. Deut. 12:8; 13:18; and II Cor. 5:7).  If a divorce will help you to serve God, Mike says, do “exactly” what you “should do.”  The door is left wide open by this statement.  My question is: what marriage when it has soured, does not hinder a Christian’s service to God?  Once attitudes of resignation (which are encouraged by brother Willis’ reasoning) rather than resolve are employed by those in troubled marriages, they are doomed to failure and spiritual stumbling blocks.

Without any authority from the Master (cf. Col. 3:17; I P. 4:11), brother Mike employs rank humanism to justify further exceptions to the Lord’s MDR rule, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mt. 19:6; cp. w. Col. 2:8). It is obvious that a mate may TEMPORARILY flee for his / her life and / or the lives of the children, but to return when things are safe is imperative (cf. I Sam. 18-27; Rom. 15:4).  Never are we given the right to throw up our hands in resignation when things get difficult, but we are commanded to patiently work through our problems with the help of the Lord.  In I Peter 3:1-6, the apostles’ charge to those who are married to harsh mates is the very opposite of brother Mike’s teaching (cf. Mt. 15:14).



Ron Halbrook: Sermon entitled "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage" at The Carriage Drive church of Christ, Beckley, WV (5-30-91).


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QUOTE: "The conclusion is this: unscriptural divorce releases neither party from marriage." 

Contrary to the Biblical teaching outlined in Matthews 19:6, 9 and I Corinthians 7:11, Ron teaches that an unscriptural divorce does not release one from marriage.  While those involved in both sides of this controversy agree that it does not release one from the bond that God has imposed, there is a clear difference between the marriage (which man joins himself in) and the bond (which God solely controls).  It is because man has the ability to divorce (in cases where the bond remains), that God prohibits remarriage.


Ron Halbrook: Sermon entitled "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage" at The Carriage Drive church of Christ, Beckley, WV (5-30-91).


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QUOTE: "Now when we preach these things today, we’re accused of causing division.  Dear friend, I want you to remember, departure from the authority of God’s word results in division.  And the one who introduces error splits the log.  Who causes division?  The one that promotes a perverted gospel.  Those that introduced the missionary society drove the wedge of human law that divided the Lord’s church.  Those that drove the wedge of instrumental music divided the church.  Not those that opposed it!  Those that opposed it were pleading for scriptural authority, scriptural unity.  But those that introduce the perverted theories of men divide the church.  So it is with premillennialism, benevolent societies, the Herald of Truth, the sponsoring church and so it is with these new laws and theories and speculations and perversions concerning marriage and divorce.  And there any number of them.  Some talk about the Kingdom law, Matthew 19:9 only for the church.  Some talk about baptism changing your marital status.  Here you are in adultery—baptize you—and now you’re not in adultery anymore.  You’re in the same marriage but just, mumbo jumbo, went through the water and the same marriage is not adultery anymore.  And then some redefine adultery so that it is not a sexual act at all.  And then some say the fornicator can marry another.  And some talk about that exception on the basis of desertion.  These theories are not taught in God’s word.  And listen friend, when we oppose the theories we’re not causing division.  What’s causing division then?  The theories of men!"

Brother Halbrook explains who is responsible for division in the church, when error is promoted.


Ron Halbrook: Sermon entitled "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage" at The Carriage Drive church of Christ, Beckley, WV (5-30-91).


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QUOTE: "Kittel, in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, volume 4, page 733 said, ‘The remarriage of a man after divorcing his wife or the remarrying of the divorced woman is tantamount to adultery, Matthew 5:32; Matthew 19:9.’  In other words, Jesus regards these cases as adultery.  He makes them equivalent to adultery, equal to adultery.  They are adultery, and so tantamount—equal in significance, and the effect of such conduct, Galatians 5:19-21, it’s the work of the flesh and we cannot inherit the Kingdom.  Hebrews 13:4: God will judge those who are guilty.  And so, now in defining that word adultery, it appears to be defined by use."

Ron quotes from Kittel’s Theological Dictionary, which clearly contradicts Ron’s "application."


Ron Halbrook: Sermon entitled "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage" at The Carriage Drive church of Christ, Beckley, WV (5-30-91).


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QUOTE: "One theory after another.  Brethren, if we’re going to open the door to one of these because some beloved brother taught it, how are we gonna keep the others out?  On what basis, on what principle can we keep any of them out?  So we just give up the purity of the church.  Some have pled, 'Well we can solve all of this with Romans 14, because Romans 14 says receive one another even where there were differences.'  Yes, it did say that.  But did you know II John 9-11 said not to receive one another when there are differences?"

Ron condemns the theories of men, regardless of who the advocates of those theories might be.  He rightly points out that when we seek to shelter such error under Romans 14, we “give up the purity of the church.”  It is inconsistent then, for Ron and his associates to admit disagreement over some put away persons’ rights to remarriage, yet tell us that Ron’s “applications” (theories) belong in Romans 14.


Ron Halbrook: Sermon entitled "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage" at The Carriage Drive church of Christ, Beckley, WV (5-30-91).


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QUOTE: "…and theories and perversions on the marriage question, then what are we going to do?  Are we going to solve it with Romans 14?  Do you see my point?  If we’re going to solve it that way, you’re going to have to let all these other things in—and a thousand more and the church will be as someone said, ‘A veritable ark full of both clean and unclean beasts.’  Just people of everything.  Now brethren, Romans 14 won’t solve the marriage question because Christ has a doctrine on this.  And so, if we try to solve it with Romans 14 we just give up the purity of the church, throw the flood gates open—everything in the world will come in."

Ron rightly condemns the idea of using Romans 14 to justify fellowship with the theories of men on marriage, divorce and remarriage.  On the other hand, Ron and his associates are now telling us that Ron’s “applications” (theories) belong in Romans 14.


Tim Haile: Lesson entitled "Biblical 'Putting Away'" during the All Day Bible Study; The Warfield Blvd. church of Christ, Clarkesville, TN (2-12-02).


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QUOTE: “If I go put my wife away today, if I go divorce my wife today, there’s no fornication involved on the part of either of us, who has the right to remarry?  Neither.  Neither party has any right.  Neither party has any power.  What if one of us commits fornication?  God said the other one has a power, has a right.  Well, is that until the ah, guilty party makes the quick move, secures the civil divorcement?  Is that until that.  And somebody said, Yeah, that’s up until that point.  No, I didn’t read anything about that in the Bible.” 

In brother Haile’s audio quote, he clearly approves of a second putting away and remarriage in cases that involve FORNICATION which occurs AFTER (not before) an unscriptural putting away. 


Tim Haile: The Q&A session after his lesson entitled "Biblical 'Putting Away'" at the All Day Bible Study; The Warfield Blvd. church of Christ, Clarkesville, TN (2-12-02).


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QUOTE:  TIM HAILE: Except it be for fornication, but, but go ahead. QUESTIONER: Does the exception clause apply to that clause? TIM HAILE:  The exception clause has to extend to that. The exception clause has to extend to cover that. You see how, that by, by, uh, inserting the exception clause it changes the course of the passage.  Now, an exception clause is just that. You have a rule, you have an overall rule, that is, if you divorce your wife, uh, and marry someone else, you commit adultery, and whoever marries her, when she remarries, they commit adultery. There’s the rule. The exception clause, it sort of diverts that, it redirects. What Jesus is saying is, without the exception presence of the, the, basis, presence of the cause, then both parties commit adultery when they remarry. With the cause present, it changes the scenario, it is except in cases of fornication, it changes it so that someone has a right to remarry without committing adultery. If you read the exception clause in, it works one way. We have this result. If you read the exception clause, take the exception clause out, you have an entirely different scenario. By one, the insertion of one simple little exception clause, Jesus created two different scenarios there – two entirely different scenarios.” 

In the following quote, brother Haile tells us that the exception clause in the first part of Matthew 19:9 also extends to the second part of the verse.  This fundamental error paves the way for a second putting away and remarriage in cases that involve FORNICATION which occurs AFTER (not before) an unscriptural putting away. 


Ron Halbrook & Matt Renfrow: An Excerpt from the Athens, GA discussion with David McKee and brethren (July 27-28, 2000).


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DAVID MCKEE:  But getting back to the divorce itself, you just defined an unscriptural divorce as just what that one fellow did. It does not engage the other party, that she’s not divorced at that point?


RON HALBROOK:  She is not dissolved from that marriage bond, or released from that marriage bond. It’s still there.


DAVID MCKEE:  Yes, we would agree on that, which is why it makes it adultery for her and him. But would you say she has been divorced at that point, when he divorces her, when the judge slams the gavel down, “I’ve said this on a case,” he has divorced her. Is she now divorced?


RON HALBROOK:  In an unscriptural, ungodly, rebellious sense, that man has a divorce paper. But I don’t see it as changing anything in divine law.


DAVID MCKEE No, and I don’t either. That’s why I think the other passages will say, “and he who marries her who is divorced.” That’s why it’s adultery, as well, because she’s still tied to that unfaithful fellow that put her away, and he’s still tied to her in this bond.


MATT RENFROW:  But you would take away that exception, at that point.


DAVID MCKEE:  Well, the exception was there when the first divorced occurred, which is the only divorce Jesus speaks of.


MATT RENFROW:  The only time the exception can be instilled?


DAVID MCKEE:  Is that what Jesus says in Matthew 19 and 9, or in other places? “If you divorce and it is not for this reason, here’s what the two of you are: you’re in a state where you are to be reconciled, or any remarrying is adultery.” But to say that divorce can occur and it wasn’t for that reason, but now, here are grounds that will allow for some kind of future divorce. That we’re still in the works of defining and making something that can really happen. I don’t see the Bible language that speaks of it.


Weldon E. Warnock“Trouble in the Church,” [WJLS, 99.5 FM (1-25-04), Radio program sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ,  Meador, WV.]


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QUOTE:  “…Well, another problem in the church, a cause of trouble, is binding opinions, and preachers are bad about this. There are others as well, who want to bind their opinions but preachers come along, and they have their own personal views and notions, and they impose ‘em upon the church and make them a law of God, ah, in their own minds. You know this is serious business, Ladies and Gentlemen, of binding where God has loosed and loosing where God has bound.

As Jesus said to Peter, which was applicable by the way, to all the apostles, in Matthew 16, verse 19, “Whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. And whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” And we need to be mighty careful. Paul writes in I Timothy chapter 4, beginning with verse 1, “The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some should depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, ah – speaking lies in hypocrisy, it – ah and uh and uh, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry and abstain from meats…”


Weldon E. Warnock“Trouble in the Church,” [WJLS, 99.5 FM (1-25-04), Radio program sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ,  Meador, WV.]


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“…And then, here’s the latest one that’s come along, just in the last few years. And that is this idea that no put away person, no one who’s been divorced may remarry. Now, that is one of the most irrational, absurd positions that’s come along in a long time. Now, you think about it. Here is an innocent woman, faithful to her husband. He commits adultery and he beats her to the courthouse, puts her away, and because she becomes the put away, he won the race to the courthouse; she cannot remarry.

Or he doesn’t want to be married anymore, he’s not guilty of adultery, but he’s got his eye on somebody else. And – and in just a short while after the divorce takes place, now here she is an innocent, faithful wife, he marries somebody else, or he commits adultery, he does the putting away. She can’t remarry because she’s the put away! . . .”


Weldon E. Warnock“Trouble in the Church,” [WJLS, 99.5 FM (1-25-04), Radio program sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ,  Meador, WV.]


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“…The innocent party, according to the teaching of the New Testament, the law of Christ, may remarry if the mate, the spouse is guilty of adultery. Makes no difference which one gets to the courthouse. Courthouse has nothing to do with it. There’s nothing, neighbor, in Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19, verse 9, about a courthouse, or a judge, or a lawyer. Doesn’t say that: “Whosoever puts away his wife at the courthouse,” it doesn’t say that. Preachers put that in there, bless your heart…”


Weldon E. Warnock“Trouble in the Church,” [WJLS, 99.5 FM (1-25-04), Radio program sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ,  Meador, WV.]


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“…Now, you just think of that, Ladies and Gentlemen. Now we hear a lot of this today, and this is to prejudice, but we hear a lot about ‘mental divorce’. What do you mean by ‘mental divorce?’ Ah – nobody believes that you can just think away a wife or a husband. No, no, no, no. Let me tell you something: marriage is mental. Oh, I know there are vows, there are external actions. And divorce is mental, though there are procedures, ah, that – that – differ from culture to culture and it may that there’s nothing you can do as far as ah – legal – ah – action, or the legal aspect of it, or the culture aspect. The Lord gives the innocent party the right to remarry. 

I’m talking about a innocent, scriptural, faithful spouse, may put away before God, if you can’t do it at the courthouse, and let him know that he’s being put away, and let others know why he’s being put away: for fornication. And that innocent party has a right to remarry.

But we hear about this mental stuff. Everything we do before God, all duties that the Lord enjoins upon us, neighbor, are mental in nature. Yeah, there are external expressions and actions, but Paul said that he served the Lord with his spirit in Romans 1, verse 9. He said, ‘God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit.’ Now, everything we do to God, we do with the spirit, from the heart. Now, there are acts, of course, but we sing from the heart, Ephesians 5:19. We give, purpose in our heart, ah – II Corinthians 9, verse 7. We observe the Lord’s supper from our heart, ‘Let a man examine himself,’ I Corinthians 11, verse 28. We worship in spirit and in truth, John chapter 4, verse 24. And marriage is from the heart, and divorce is from the heart, Ladies and Gentlemen.  So this mental divorce stuff, leaving the impression that you just think away a mate, ah – nobody teaches that or espouses that.

Then here is the second putting away. Now that’s being bandied around, yeah, they have a second putting away. Well, no, no, no. Here’s the fornicator, here’s the guilty party. He goes over to the courthouse and files for divorce, and it – it goes through, he gets, gets a divorce decree and uh, here’s the innocent party; and then, uh, may she remarry? Well, she can ah – dismiss him, that’s what put away apolla – apoluo, in – in Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32, and other places means. A putting away, a dismissal from the house, a repudiation. Now, that’s what Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon says on page 66, under the word, “apoluo.” 

Now, may she dismiss him? Not talking about the courthouse, may she dismiss him – the innocent party, and marry somebody else? Indeed she may. She has, the innocent party has one putting away, neighbor, that this theory today, which is false in nature, does not allow. Yeah, here’s the guilty party goes, and uses the civil law to dismiss his wife or to divorce his wife, but she can’t use the law of God – to do what Jesus allows her or him to do, the innocent party? That’s nonsense! 

Now, this second putting away, you know I’ve heard that about second baptism. You baptize the first time, then baptize again the second baptism – no, it’s just the first one. That’s the one for the right purpose. Or there’s a second supper. And we don’t believe in Sunday night communion ‘cause that’s a second supper. Well, it’s not a second supper for those who are eating it (laughs), it’s just the one, don’t you see? And the second withdrawal; here’s a brother withdraws himself from the congregation, so the congregation cannot withdraw, or that’d be a second withdrawal. Not so, the congregation has a responsibility, and it’d be doing its job in withdrawing and that’d be a one (laughs) withdrawal, as far as it goes. And the same thing is true with this ah – ah divorce, Ladies and Gentlemen. The – the right of the innocent party, to put away the guilty party and remarry again. 

Well, there – there’s all kinds of things that’s being said and bandied around – ah – today, but I want to tell ya, when you get back to the New Testament, the Bible teaches that a man and woman are married for life and if they don’t want to live together and – and – some reason – something happens, and they decide, well, we’re going to get a divorce – no adultery’s involved, none at all, then neither one of ‘em has the right to remarry. I Corinthians 7, verses 10 and 11 plainly teach that. ‘Let ‘em remain unmarried’ – a woman who leaves her husband. And uh, she gets the divorce, that’s what’s involved in leaving, I Corinthians 7:10, and “let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband, and let not a man put away, a husband put away his wife.” That’s what Paul said. He doesn’t deal, address fornication, I Corinthians 7. Fornication isn’t in – addressed in Luke 16 verse 18, and the woman who’s been put away is a woman where fornication isn’t involved and obviously, if she marries again, she commits fornication – that’s so simple that a child can see that, neighbor. 

And we’re disturbing the church by preachers who fail to see it, and impose it upon the people of God and meetings are cancelled. There’s one the other day, there in North Alabama, meeting cancelled, preacher fired, good man, and he didn’t – didn’t preach on it, didn’t deal with it. But a question was asked in a Bible class, and he gave his – his conviction on it, and he said, ah, we can’t put up with that. This is what’s going on. And, uh, it – it’s just risen in the last few years. We didn’t have any trouble like that, ‘til some men started forcing this.

But here’s causes of church trouble. We could also mention unscrupulous preachers. We could – we could mention the lack of discipline causes trouble in the church. A lack of leadership is another thing. There’s all kinds of reasons – contentious disposition. Some brethren you can’t satisfy, they – they can’t, they can’t exist if there’s not a fuss going on. They don’t like peace, and they just make mountains out of every molehill and they get it going, and hence there’s dissention and maybe division in the body of Christ. You know, the Bible teaches that the servant of God should not strive, be quarrelsome, but be gentle to all men, II Timothy 2, verse 24. 

But we have all these things that happen in the church and people become discouraged, and they leave, they quit, or they go to some denominational church because brethren can’t get along. Shame on us, for not being able to get along as the people of God! And there’s some things we never can settle, my friend, and there needs to be toleration and understanding with one another. 

Well, my time’s about come and gone. We appreciate so much you tuning in. If you want to call me, my number is 270, that’s the area code, 270, 237-9514. 270-237-9514. Or, you can write the Beech Creek church of Christ, and that address will be given as we go off the air tonight, and we’d be delighted to hear from you. Have a very good evening, and may the Lord richly bless ya, and join us again next Sunday night at this same time.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [1-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"Or he doesn’t want to be married anymore, he’s not guilty of adultery, but he’s got his eye on somebody else.  And - and this short while after the divorce takes place, now here she is an innocent, faithful wife, he marries somebody else, or he commits adultery, he does the putting away.  She can’t remarry because she’s the put away!"


Weldon E. Warnock, [1-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"The Lord gives the innocent party the right to remarry. I’m talking about a innocent, scriptural, faithful spouse, may put away before God, if you can’t do it at the courthouse, and let him know that he’s being put away, and let others know why he’s being put away: for fornication.  And that innocent party has a right to remarry."


Weldon E. Warnock, [1-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.] 


Play Clip!

"Then here is the second putting away. Now that’s being bandied around, yeah, they have a second putting away. Well, no, no, no.  Here’s the fornicator, here’s the guilty party. He goes over to the courthouse and files for divorce, and it – it goes through, he gets, gets a divorce decree and uh, here’s the innocent party; and then, uh, may she remarry? Well, she can ah - dismiss him, that’s what put away apollo – apoluo, in - in Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32, and other places means. A putting away, a dismissal from the house, a repudiation. Now, that’s what Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon says on page 66, under the word, “apoluo.” Now, may she dismiss him? Not talking about the courthouse, may she dismiss him – the innocent party, and marry somebody else? Indeed she may. She has, the innocent party has one putting away, neighbor, that this theory today, which is false in nature, does not allow. Yeah, here’s the guilty party goes, and uses the civil law to dismiss his wife or to divorce his wife, but she can’t use the law of God ga - to – to – do what Jesus allows her or him to do, the innocent party? That’s nonsense!" 


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-1-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“But here’s the innocent party, wants to salvage the marriage, doesn’t want a divorce, and she is put away or he is put away, then she or he becomes the innocent party, as the spouse commits adultery. Now that’s what the Bible teaches and that’s my convictions, and that’s what I’ve preached through the years.   

And ah, you know, three - three kinds of people, classes of people can marry: Those who’ve never been married, one whose spouse has died, and one whose spouse commits fornication, the innocent party may put away, repudiate the guilty one and remarry.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-1-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“But in Luke the sixteenth chapter, verse 18, Jesus said, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.” Now what does that mean, ladies and gentlemen? Well, really it’s self-explanatory. Here’s a man who doesn’t want to be married to a, a woman, doesn’t want to be married anymore, he puts her away. And if he marries again, he commits adultery.  

And then, whoever marries her that’s been put away commits adultery. Now, that’s what the Bible says here in Luke 16 and verse 18. But the exception is not stated in this verse. But in Matthew chapter 19, verse 9, which is fornication. Really Matthew 19:9 reads the same as Luke 16:18, basically, if you remove the exception in Matthew chapter 19, verse 9. Now, here’s a husband, puts away his wife - and just say you put away your wife, and you go marry somebody else, Jesus said you’re living in adultery. And ah – if you put away your wife, and ah, somebody marries her, and you don’t go out and commit adultery, the – the – then, ah then she remarries, of course, she’s going to be living in adultery.  That’s how simple the passage is, neighbor. 


But you know, Jesus gives the exception in Matthew 19:9, of fornication. And the innocent party may put away, dismiss, repudiate the guilty spouse and marry again.  And I want to re-emphasize the courthouse has nothing to do with it.  The Lord’s marriage laws, stated in Matthew, Mark and Luke, and other places like Romans 7:2 and 3, and I Corinthians 7, verse 39, a few other places, ah really ah has not America in mind. Specifically applies to America, but you know what many of us want to do? We want to Americanize God’s marriage laws. And when we think of divorce, all we can think about’s the courthouse. Or a marriage, the courthouse. 


But you know, in other cultures, you don’t go to the courthouse. And in the first century, neighbor, among the Jews, the women were always the divorced, they were always the put away. The husbands always put away their wife, they gave them a bill of divorcement. Now, as some are saying wr - ah, ah, wrong - wrongfully, erroneously, that if the put away, regardless of the circumstances, can never remarry, then these Jewish women of the first century, and some many years after, could not remarry, though their husband was guilty of fornication and he put the wife away and married somebody else. She could never remarry, according to the theory today.


But here in Luke 16:18, if a couple don’t want to be married, and want to – they, they get a divorce, and then one marries or both, they’re living in adultery. The couple doesn’t want to. But here’s the innocent party, wants to salvage the marriage, doesn’t want a divorce, and she is put away or he is put away, then she or he becomes the innocent party, as the spouse commits adultery. Now that’s what the Bible teaches and that’s my convictions, and that’s what I’ve preached through the years."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"And you can’t pray to Jesus, and that’s caused some problems, though Steven did, in Acts the sec – in Acts the 7th chapter.

And then we’ve got brethren today who are saying, ah – if you’re put away, ih – in a, in a divorce, an innocent faithful spouse is divorced by a fornicating mate, that the innocent faithful spouse cannot marry. Now, that is an opinion that is causing problems and dissention in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ.   

And you know, we weren’t bothered with this back just a few years ago. Some fellows have come along today, and they have become adamant and zealots for it, and ah, they’re right, it’s all black and white, and if you don’t agree with me, you’re a heretic, and that’s nonsense. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the most absurd thing I ever saw or heard of in all of my life. And it’s opinion of men, and we better be careful about preaching our own opinions. You know, we have those who sit behind the computer, an – and they’ll type out brazen things, but when they’re challenged, ah, they, they just back off. Mmm, they’re just as quiet as a church mouse, to use the old saying. Oh no, I don’t want to have that, don’t want to have a public discussion. 

And we have some who think that a public discussion is wrong or improper, is unchristian. But let me tell you something, friend: In Acts the 15th chapter, here certain men came down from Judea, they came to Antioch, North of Jerusalem about 300 miles. And they were teaching that you had to be circumcised after the manner of Moses, or the custom of Moses, in order to be saved. Th - they made it a condition of salvation, in order to be saved. And verse 2 states that Paul and Barnabas of Acts the 15th chapter, had no small dissention and disputation with them. Now, in the New American Standard bible, it says, they had -  ah, much debating. Why, there was a big debate went on at Antioch between Paul and Barnabas and these Judaizers, who were in the church, by the way. They were members of the church, and they came to Antioch and they were preaching this and trying to bind it on the Gentile Christians, Gentile brethren, and Paul and Barnabas took ‘em up. Ha – huh, yeah, and they had a debate. 

And so debating is proper, not to just debate to be debating, and debate on every issue, but there’s times when there’s dissention and misunderstanding and confusion in the church, neighbor, that there should be public discussion.  You go down to verse 7 of Acts the 15th chapter.  They came to Jerusalem to meet with the apostles and elders. Here was Paul and Barnabas and others from Antioch, and here were these Pharisees who by the way, were believers.  As the Bible states, they were members of the church and they had a big debate, extended debate at Jerusalem. Now, wouldn’t it be nice, ladies and gentlemen, if we could get some of these boys today, these brethren today, to debate this, on this putting away?   

And there’s a brother, a preacher in Southern West Virginia, who’s on the computer challenging a brother like Ron Halbrook for debate. Yeah, he’s been brazen. I want, I want a debate, and chided him ‘cause, brother Ron because he won’t debate. Well, Ron decided that’s not the - the best, ha, ha, as far, as far as he’s concerned, but I tell you what, I’ll do it. But I want to do it orally, and I want to do it publicly and I want to do it with the brother who’s causing dissention in the body of Christ, my friend. This is a serious matter, to, to, to upset the equilibrium of a congregation. It needs to be discussed. Now, then, are we ready? Will we do it?  

You know, this, this proposition to Ron Halbrook went out on the computer and the brother signed it Southern West Virginia, signed his own name. Well, if I sent a proposition, would you sign your name? And we could have a public discussion in Southern West Virginia, and get to the bottom of this, and see what the truth is. Now, they debated it, in Acts the 15th chapter, and why can’t we debate an issue that’s causing disturbance in the church, friend, when a preacher binds and imposes an opinion, and it affects the church. 

Now, they were binding circumcision as a condition of salvation; This brother is saying that if a faithful, um, innocent party is divorced by a fornicating husband, or he divorces his faithful spouse, or faithful wife, and then he commits fornication, marries somebody, that she can never remarry."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And you know, we weren’t bothered with this back just a few years ago. Some fellows have come along today, and they have become adamant and zealots for it, and ah, they’re right, it’s all black and white, and if you don’t agree with me, you’re a heretic, and that’s nonsense. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the most absurd thing I ever saw or heard of in all of my life.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now, wouldn’t it be nice, ladies and gentlemen, if we could get some of these boys today, these brethren today, to debate this, on this putting away?

And there’s a brother, a preacher in Southern West Virginia, who’s on the computer challenging a brother like Ron Halbrook for debate. Yeah, he’s been brazen. I want, I want a debate, and chided him ‘cause, brother Ron because he won’t debate. Well, Ron decided that’s not the - the best, ha, ha, as far, as far as he’s concerned, but I tell you what, I’ll do it.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“This brother is saying that if a faithful, um, innocent party is divorced by a fornicating husband, or he divorces his faithful spouse, or faithful wife, and then he commits fornication, marries somebody, that she can never remarry.

The innocent party can’t remarry (laughs), ah – va, though, put away by a fornicating husband. And, ih - if, if you claim that you can, then you have ‘em living in adultery. And adulterers, you know, can’t go to heaven. Now that’s, these are the consequences of this, of this doctrine. 

So let’s come on, let’s get with it, let’s see, ah let’s see if we put our, as the old saying goes, money where our mouth is and get down to the nitty gritty, the - neighbor.  And see what the Bible teaches, and I’m ready to do it, I believe strongly what I preach, and have preached it all my life, that the innocent party – I don’t care what the circumstances are – the innocent, faithful party, who’s been put away by a fornicating husband or a, or a mate commits fornication, that God gives the innocent party the right to remarry.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“…he wants his material distributed in Paden City, WV and I’d like to see a debate up there. Well, he was told to have a debate down there (laughs) in your own back door…” (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“You know, I’ve been holding meetings, many of ‘em. Last year, got meetings this year, lectureship. And I’m writing, staff writer for Truth Magazine, I write some for Biblical Insights, I was on the Florida College Lectureship two years ago - spoke to about 2,000 people one night, I’m on a lectureship in Florence, AL, coming up here in June, I made four speeches along with three other preachers, I’m on a couple more lectureships, one speech at each lectureship, and then I’m on the lectureship they’re going to have at Bowling Green in July, Truth Magazine is having a lectureship. And I’m to speak on a Tuesday night on that. Now this is this fellow that’s supposed to be promoter of error. Why haven’t these other brethren found it out yet?”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now, let’s see if a fellow has enough courage to step up to the lick log, and just defend what he preaches. You’re not going to call me a false teacher, you’re going to get in a debate, if you’ll have it and don’t run from it, now” (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And I want to tell you, these computers, it’d be a good thing if somebody walked in over there, and stole the thing. The brotherhood would be a way ahead, they’d cut down on all of this argumentation about this one issue preacher, obsessed with it, day and night, all that’s on there is about marriage, divorce and remarriage. And it takes time, hour after hour after hour after hour, on this one issue.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Here is a man, let’s say for example, that commits fornication against his wife.  But she wants to salvage the marriage, maybe children involved, she’s working at it to try to reconcile, and he gets a divorce and lo and behold, she becomes the put away.  This preacher in Southern WV, as I understand his position, says she cannot remarry, because she’s been the put away.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now that’s it, friends. I told this story some time ago, about a soldier during the Vietnam war, over in TX. He was gone 12, 13 months to Vietnam, he left for Vietnam, a wife behind, and when he returned a year or a little longer, she had divorced him and married somebody else. Now, the question: Could he remarry? He did about two or three years later, brethren thought nothing of it, could he remarry? Not according to the preacher in Southern WV. No, no, no, no. It was post-divorce fornication.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“My, my, my, what have we come to? And he causes dissention in the church, and unrest in the church, and confusion in the church. And you know, brethren, there’s something to think about. When members of the church give on Sunday of their money, and you pay somebody of this kind, you’re having fellowship with him. Philippians chapter 1, verse 5, Paul said to the church at Philippi, that you had fellowship with me, thanked them that they had fellowship with him from the first until now, first day until now, and that had to do with money. They sent money to Paul and he called it a fellowship. When we support somebody that is causing havoc in the church, dissention in the church, then we’re having fellowship with him, by supporting him, Ladies and Gentlemen. And so it’s a serious matter indeed.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Oh, he said, I’ve been preaching this for, this error for 19 years. Let me tell you something, I was preaching before you were born. And that’s for sure, and I’ve been at it a long time, and my reputation is intact across this country.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“But you see what’s going on, see friends, we don’t know what all’s going on here. And I don’t know whether I know what all’s going on, but I know enough that’s going on that it doesn’t sound very good, I’ll tell you that.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And he was asking this fellow about marriage, divorce and remarriage and said, well, said we ask them all that come our way. Well, that isn’t true. What about the ones are coming, next, going to be coming over there in the future? You ask them? According to a couple of ‘em, you didn’t ask ‘em. You didn’t ask ‘em anything. But they’re coming anyway. It’s only picking on the brother in Tampa, FL, it seems to me, and let the rest of ‘em come on anyhow.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now, we hear this about this putting away, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Lord Jesus Christ allows fornication as a right to put away and remarry. The innocent spouse, they put away the guilty one. Well, somebody says, well now, it might be a second putting away, preacher, if the woman doesn’t contest it and she is put away, she can’t do it later, it’d be a second putting away.  No, no, no, it’s just one, one for her.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And what about this man over in Texas who’d gone to Vietnam and he came back, and his wife had divorced him. What would you tell him to do, my friend? What would you tell him to do? Ya-oh, you can’t marry. I tell you about some of these preachers, if we got in a fix like that, they’d be remarried in six months. There’s a few of ‘em like that, anyway. Now, that’s not true with all of ‘em. But there’s some of ‘em, they’d see their position a little bit differently.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now I introduced the Muslim women, and you know, if you couldn’t go with me, I’ve been to Israel 16 times and Jordan. I’ve traveled around and seen the Bedouins and you know the man, the husband comes to the tent with the tribal chief, he takes hold of the tent rope and he says to his wife, I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you, he says that three times and walked away. She’s divorced. She couldn’t remarry, according to this theory that’s being propagated today. Oh yeah, Ladies and Gentlemen, marriage is permanent, with husband and wife, one man, one woman, but fornication will break it if a woman is innocent women or innocent husband puts away the guilty one, just like death does in Romans chapter 7.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“But time is about to get away from me, here. I wanted to say I appreciate you listening tonight and sorry I had to present this stuff, but this is my only outlet, when a fellow takes his website and plasters it all over the country, then I’ve got to say something about it.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"We’ve got members of the church of Christ all across Southern West Virginia listening to us. As well as those of various churches. And those who are not members of anything I guess. And we’re happy to have you in our radio audience each Sunday night."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"Now I want to talk a little while tonight on what I began on last Sunday evening, concerning a website by a preacher in Southern West Virginia."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"And if she is put away, if he, this fornicating husband gets a divorce, puts her away, she can’t remarry. That’s his position. You know what his advice is, as well as these others that hold the same position? Their advice is, if your mate is committing fornication, don’t try to reconcile or resolve it, you rush quickly to the courthouse because the fornicating spouse may beat you there and put you away and then (laughs) you can’t remarry. Now that’s how absurd, friends, this thing has become."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Yeah, he wanted to send his material up to Paden City, WV, and have them distribute it up there among all the members. And he wanted to have an oral debate up there. He didn’t want to do it up there, but he suggested they have one up there. And he was told, ‘have one down there in your back door.’” (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“So you can see how absurd and illogical all of this is, Ladies and Gentlemen. That’s why I’d just love to have the chance for a public oral debate, so I could show the fallacy of this brother’s argument, which he’s dividing the church and causing dissention and problems across the country (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"Then, he talks about post-fornication divorce, if an innocent wife’s been put away, and I used the illustration last week about this soldier in TX. I mentioned about this soldier went off to the Vietnam War, he was gone 12 or 13 months, he left his wife behind, had to go to war, he came back and she had divorced him, and married somebody else. Now his position is that he could not remarry without sinning because he was the put away.  He didn’t know he was put away, couldn’t have done anything about it.  But that’s how, that’s how ludicrous this position is, Ladies and Gentlemen."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"And so, whether it’s pre-fornication divorce or post-fornication divorce, it makes no difference with this brother if you’re the put away. You can’t do anything about it whatsoever. I’d like to debate that, I just want to show you the fallacy of that..."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"God knows, and the Lord knows the situation and fornication destroys the marriage. If a innocent mate disavows it before God, now the civil authorities have nothing to do with it. Civil authorities can’t join you in heaven and the civil authorities can’t unjoin you in heaven. God does the joining and God does the unjoining. And my God, my Lord said, neighbor, that fornication would destroy the marriage."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"And this soldier in TX years ago (laughs), he couldn’t go to the courthouse and file, it was already done. But he could use the law of God. And let me tell you something. The innocent party has least the right of one putting away. I hear this idea, two puttings away, the second putting away. That’s nonsense.  Here’s the man who puts away his innocent wife, here’s the fornicator who puts away his wife, that’s one civil divorce.  But you know the Lord allows one for the innocent partner, neighbor.  Are you listening to me? Then you say I disagree with the decree of Jesus Christ. Shame on you."


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-29-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"I believe what the Bible teaches, I’ve preached it for 50 years. And they’ve got this article, Weldon Warnock’s 19 Year Progression of Error. Well, that’s funny that nobody else has ever found that out, if I’ve been preaching this for 19 years. But he didn’t give me enough credit, I’ve been preaching for 50 years, and preaching the same thing and believing the same thing that I’m teaching tonight. No, I didn’t disagree with the decree of Jesus Christ, Ladies and Gentlemen."


Weldon E. Warnock, [3-7-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“You just remove my name from that website and all the material and then I won’t have to deal with this, will I?”


Weldon E. Warnock, [3-27-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And I’m answering, I’m responding to his propositions and to his challenge, and I’m on the list. And so let’s see if he’ll come up to the lick log or if he’s just bluffing. And we’ll, we’ll see, we’ll let you know ladies and gentlemen. Now I’m tired of this! Here’s a fellow that all he does is to dabble in this stuff, night and day and he’s got me on his website. And wants to challenge me and tries to portray me as a false teacher, as a heretic. And he’s been doing this for the last three years or so, two or three years. And I deny his charge, his allegation. There’s not a word of truth in it, ladies and gentlemen. He’s got an extreme position. He says he wants to debate. And so, I’m ready, just come on, bring it on and I’m ready to do it! Now we’ll see what happens” (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-4-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Or if he puts her away and then goes and marries somebody else, he’s guilty of fornication. I’m talking about an innocent person, now. I’m not talking about two who decide they don’t want to live together anymore, get a divorce and one waits on the other to commit fornication in order then to remarry. I’m talking about an innocent person who’s been put away by a man or a woman, who’s been put away, and then later, goes out and remarries, may have his eye on (laughs) somebody when the divorce takes place, the innocent party may remarry on the basis fornication.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-18-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And then he believes, I can use this scenario, which is a true story to show what the issue is. This solider in Vietnam he was gone for twelve, thirteen months during the war in Vietnam. When he came back, his wife had divorced him and married somebody else. Now his position is that he could never remarry. Well he did two or three years later, the brethren thought nothing about it because he was innocent. She’s the one who got the divorce based on her not wanting to live with him anymore and interested in some other man. And he came home and she married him and was living with him in adultery. And yet he can’t remarry. Now that’s what this issue is all about. And I said before, I think this is an extreme position that some hold.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-2-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“I would affirm that the post-divorce fornication (like in this case of this soldier who went to Vietnam and he was gone twelve or thirteen months, and he came back and his wife had divorced him and was married to somebody else), I maintain that this man had a right to remarry based on fornication.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-2-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And the brethren who are backing him, they ought to be strong enough to say, ‘hey, we want the truth presented. We want to see what it is, we want to study this matter.’ But some, seemingly, have been so twisted by the subtlety of this man that whatever he says, that’s the way it is, without investigating and evaluating the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-2-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

"A written exchange first of all, in a couple of religious journals; and that’s contingent on a public oral discussion in Beckley. Now he in forms me that they don’t want a public discussion in Beckley. Well, maybe we can move it somewhere else.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“The responsibility of every child of God, every member of the church of our Lord, is to struggle together in the faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lot of us, instead of being together are opposed to one another. And I’ve never seen as much internal friction as there is today among some of us. Now, the church has always been plagued with dissention. We see it at the church at Corinth in the I Corinthian letter, where Paul deals with partyism.

I think one thing that’s contributed to a lot of this today is the computer. A brother can get on the computer and he’ll just lambaste everybody he wants to. Yeah, he can skin him, he can tar and feather him, he can work him over (laughs), and the brother he’s denigrating doesn’t even know it. And he can cause unrest, he can cause alienation, he can cause friction, and we have a lot of this in the church and it’s of the world, it’s of the devil. It’s not of the Lord.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“One of our greatest enemies in the church is ourselves. Some brethren have a problem getting along with one another. There is mistrust and suspicion, assassination of character, there’s misrepresentation, and one big problem is simply jealousy. There are preachers who are jealous of other preachers. Here a preacher will talk about another preacher, being the big preacher. Now, what in the world does he mean by that? Well, here’s a man who has a lot of influence in the brotherhood. He’s used in a lot of gospel meetings. And he does a lot of writing in the religious journals, and some just don’t like that. They’re jealous of him because they’re not called to preach in places as much as he may be. Or they don’t write, and so, here’s one who’s very popular, and you know, ladies and gentlemen, jealousy, it takes its toll. We see the brethren of Joseph envious of him, jealous of him, what they did to him. It was envy, jealousy, that delivered Jesus to the cross, that helped put him on the cross of Calvary.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And brethren do the same thing, and shame on those, who instigate these problems in the church, who introduce them and bring in all this dissention and schism into the body of Jesus Christ. It is of the world, it’s carnal, it’s wrong. And I want to tell you ladies and gentlemen, those that are guilty of such shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Are you listening to me?”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve never known, in all the years I’ve preached, that I ever caused trouble in a congregation, ever divided a congregation. And I’ve always tried to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Every Christian should be one. The space, the distance between them shouldn’t make any difference if we’re following the same rule. Neither should our nationality or our race or our culture make any difference if we’re following, walking in the steps of Jesus Christ, we’re all to be one. But what did Jesus teach is the basis of unity? It’s the word of God.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And if we follow the word of God, ladies and gentlemen, not tradition, not majority, not the opinions of men, not what some preacher says, or what our parents have taught us, but what’s in the word of God.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“How’re you going to be unified, Paul? He says, “you all speak the same thing.” That’s unity of doctrine. Any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God, in I Peter 4:11. And when we have men who come along that preach their opinions and bind them upon people who preach things that’s not in the Bible, or preach what they think is in the Bible and they push it and they becomes factionist, then the church of the Lord is going to divide.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“We have to have authority for everything we do, Colossians 3:17. “Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name, that means by the authority of the Lord Jesus. One of the reasons, ladies and gentlemen, you have division in the church, innovations in the church, is because of a lack of respect for divine authority.” We need book, chapter and verse for what we do.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“A lot of our trouble in the church is because people don’t have the right kind of attitude. You have those who are full of bitterness and hatred and malice and ill will. You have those who have personality clashes, you have those who want to have their way in everything, they want to be in charge, ladies and gentlemen. And they’re not going to yield, they’re not going to acquiesce, they’re never going to say I’m wrong, they’re always right. And some of ‘em are preachers.


You got bull-headed, hard-headed preachers that their head is harder than a hickory nut and you can’t get anything into their mind. It’s their way or no way. And we’ve got some young preachers today, and there’s some old ones too, but you got some young preachers today who think they know everything. I don’t know why they don’t write a book and settle every issue that arises in the church. They don’t pay any attention to older preachers. They’ve got it all figured out themselves. You talk about arrogance, arrogance on the part of a preacher.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And some of the young men today don’t know they’re green. They’re dumb and don’t know it. And they need to be humble. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got to have the right kind of attitude and some of ‘em have caused trouble in the church and tear up the church.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-30-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“You know, Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers.” Some of us have that should read, “blessed are the fuss-makers.” We just fuss, fuss, fuss and we’re not satisfied unless we’ve got a fuss going. And we just thrive on fussing in the church.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-4-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now, someone sent me a print out of the website of the preacher in Southern WV, we’ll just call him JB. He mentions my name all the time on his website, and he’s riding his hobby horse again. Now, he’s been riding that horse for a long time. In fact, he could be properly called a nag.

Now, you know what a nag is, a nag is a horse that is become old or worn out. And he’s worn out this hobby horse, ladies and gentlemen, ‘cause it’s one issue over and over and over and over, and that’s marriage and divorce and remarriage. He doesn’t talk about worship, he doesn’t talk what we must do to be saved, he doesn’t discuss the organization of the church, premillenialism, any other issues that’s effecting the people of God, he’s just one issue, and he’s obsessed with this. Now, he’s talking this time about the Truth Magazine staff writers and friends. And he mentions several of them, including me, in there.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-4-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Or here’s a divorce that takes place, an innocent party, they say a woman doesn’t want the divorce, there may be kids involved, not interested in it at all, but the man walks off, and just shortly thereafter, he marries somebody else. But she can’t remarry because she’s become the put away. And when the civil divorce took place, fornication wasn’t involved at the time, it is later.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-4-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, I’m telling you how it is. And it’s deplorable, it’s sad indeed that this man won’t leave it alone. But, he wants to keep it going and keep it going and keep it going. And so, he’s just about worn the old horse out and well indeed, it has become his hobby horse or his nag, indeed.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And then he’s got the post-divorce fornication, and I’m willing to debate what I believe, ladies and gentlemen. I believe that you can go to Matthew 19:9 as an innocent, faithful spouse, and put away your fornicating spouse regardless if it’s before the civil divorce or after the civil divorce, and remarry, and be acceptable in the sight of God ‘cause Jesus said you could.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now you know I’m getting tired of this friend, just plastered on a man’s website time and time again. We need to get a life, move on to something else, neighbor. Obsessed with this and that is something hard to understand.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now you know, I’m getting tired of this friend, just plastered on a man’s website, time and time again. We need to get a life. Move on to something else, neighbor. Obsessed with this! And that is something hard to understand.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now then, I want to get to this website just briefly. Someone the other day sent me a printout of what was on the website. Now this brother in Southern WV, brother JB – and I don’t know what his aim is, what his motives are – but he says among other things, that I continue to decline a wonderful, waiting or ready, waiting opportunity to have a written exchange with him in two religious journals that he names.

Now, he leaves the impression, ladies and gentlemen, that I’m turning this down. There’s an editor of a religious journal (J. T. Smith, jhb) that I heard he said that I’d run from JB, and JB had me scared. And I called him up and I’ve known him for 50 years (he’s a friend of mine), I said ‘I understand you said this and you got it all wrong.’ I said, ‘Here, here’s what happened: I said I would have this written exchange with this brother over in WV, providing we could have a public, oral discussion at Beckley first.’”


Weldon E. Warnock, [7-25-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And if they (the men of the church in Beckley, jhb) don’t want to have it, certainly in the church building, we could move to someplace else and just have it on our own. We can have a discussion, but he doesn’t want one, he wants to hide behind the men. And he can hide behind the computer. And he loves that computer and he hides behind it, and he can say anything he wants to, he can take two or three days and holler for help, if he has to, “How am I going to answer this?” “What am I going to do about this?” And he can call around or send e-mails around over the country and get his answers, and then, put down something. But in a public discussion, friends, you’ve got to know what you’re talking about because you’ve got to answer in just a little bit. And you can’t pull this kind of stuff and so I’m saying, let’s have a public discussion.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Here’s fornication involved, there’s a faithful spouse, had nothing to do with it whatsoever, Matthew 19:9 says that the fornication will allow the faithful spouse, the innocent spouse, to put away and marry again.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And then if a spouse puts a mate away and there’s no fornication involved, and ladies and gentlemen, the one who’s put away doesn’t want the divorce, and tries to persuade the one who’s doing the divorcing not to do this, maybe kids involved, but here she goes ahead anyway. And then they marry somebody else or go out and commit fornication, or marry somebody else, then the one who’s been put away cannot remarry. I don’t accept that position.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And then he comes along and says that this religious journal called Truth Magazine has a closed door policy because they won’t discuss the divorce and remarriage issue.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And really, it’d be easy to expose the fallacies of the arguments that this brother offers. I’ve had several public discussions through the years and this is one of the easiest ones to expose and show the fallacy of.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Because you’ve been misled, you’ve been deceived, and a lot of brethren have, and when they see what the issues really are, so many of ‘em, and they say, “Well, yeah, I see what’s, what’s involved in this.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-8-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“He quotes this good friend of mine, in Searching the Scriptures, back there in 1986, that goes way back there then. He didn’t tell all that he says. Yeah, there’s a difference between my good friend and myself, but he doesn’t tell you what he goes on to say. You see, I wrote regularly for Searching the Scriptures. I was a staff writer and I dealt with the questions that came in, it was called, “What Sayeth The Scripture?” And I dealt with different things and this divorce issue came up, and I said a few words about it. And he disagreed (we’ve had other disagreements as well, as brethren do, don’t make it a test of fellowship), but he went on to say that I was free to write anything I wanted to in my column. And that he appreciated the work I was doing, and its most difficult position to be in, to have to answer all these various questions that came in, and I continued to be a staff writer for that magazine until it ceased publication in 1992. So don’t you try to drive a wedge between us, young man, because we’ve been friends and we are friends, and we don’t make it a test of fellowship.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-15-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now somebody’s wrong on this. And as I said last week, there’ve been differences among brethren. We don’t make ’em a test of fellowship. But some reason today, some of these brethren have decided they’re going to make it a test of fellowship. And if you don’t line up - then we’re not going to have anything to do with ya. Well, so be it, if that’s the way they want to conduct themselves.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“My friends, there’s so much in-fighting, dissention, bickering, back-biting in the church of our Lord. They had it in the first century, the Bible talks about it, we’ve got it today. But the computers have come along and exacerbated the problem. And preachers, lot of ‘em do nothing but sit before computers and back and forth by e-mail, and tearing and bludgeoning other preachers. And the preachers that they’re back-biting about, they don’t even know what’s taking place. 

Now, I’ve never seen as many fractions and factions and splinter groups today, friend, drawing the line of fellowship on everything. You don’t agree with me, you’re a false teacher. We didn’t have these kinds of problems some years ago until the computers came along. I know, I’ve been around for a long time, I’ve been preaching for many, many years. I know how it used to be, and I know how it is today. And it is despicable thing, ladies and gentlemen.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now we come along to the marriage – divorce issue, friends. And then here’s some of these brethren drawing lines. Here’s a brother comes along and says, “I don’t want to fellowship you any more, Weldon, because you believe differently than I do, that you believe that if a woman is put away or a man by a fornicating mate at the courthouse and doesn’t go counter-sue or sue or file, then that put away person can’t remarry. That’s one issue, and so, since you don’t agree with me, then we’re going to disfellowship or we’re not going to have any fellowship with you. 

And some of these preachers have poisoned the minds of good brethren against some of us, but thankfully, most of ‘em haven’t. And brethren see through all these things and they’re generous and they’re tolerant and so we go ahead and we work together.  

But neighbor, I want to tell you, when we start biting and devouring one another, then we’re going to destroy ourselves and churches will go down and dwindle in attendance. I’ve seen it in years past, I see it today. And you could get to place where you could meet in a one car garage with the car in it, because of preacher who is going to have his way, who’s a factionist, who imposes his own opinion.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [8-22-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“I want to tell you, I’ve never caused trouble in the church in all the years I’ve preached. I’ve come into churches where they’ve had trouble, ‘fore I got there, and helped them heal. And I’ve done that in 2 or 3 places, but I’ve never, never caused problems in the church, where it’s divided or dissention in the church because of Weldon Warnock. I believe in the unity that must exist among the people of God, that we’re one in Jesus Christ, and he prayed we all be one, even as He and the Father were one in the 17th chapter of the gospel of John. And shame on us, some of us today, who’re drawing lines of fellowship and cutting off good, godly, faithful men because of some preacher who has a warped idea as to what constitutes Biblical fellowship.” 


Weldon E. Warnock, [9-13-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“That here is a brother who put my name up on his website and put me in the category of a heretic. He went back many years, several years, pulled out a statement of an article I wrote in Searching the Scriptures - it really is a parenthetical statement - and put it on his website.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [9-13-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And then they come along and say I caused some problems. I made this proposition that if my part would be taken off, I’d leave this alone, wouldn’t mention it, wouldn’t have anything to do with it. But no, no, no, no! Can’t do that.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [9-13-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“And don’t charge me with causing problems when the preacher that’s there is the one who introduced it. And that’s a fact. And I was there for ten years and no problems whatsoever. And he comes in and here introduces me as a heretic in the context, the way it was presented on the website.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [9-13-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Or use this illustration: Here was a Vietnam soldier, gone for 12 or 13 months, he comes back home in TX, and his wife had divorced him and remarried somebody else. Now we’ve got some brethren who say that he couldn’t remarry. If he did, he’d be living in adultery. I don’t believe that. I’ve taught all of my life that you can put away a fornicating spouse or mate before God using Matthew 19:9, disavow, repudiate, dismiss, for the cause of fornication.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [9-19-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Then there are others, and we talk about those in the church now, the church of Christ, some of them. That they have personal scruples and consciences and they’re ready to tell everybody else that they need to line up with them. And we had this through the years. And you’ve got opinionated preachers. And they want to bind their opinions on brethren. And if you don’t agree with them while they’ll disassociate themselves with you and they’ll cause trouble in the body of Jesus Christ.” 


Weldon E. Warnock, [12-5-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“Now let me just inject one other thing here, and that as I was reading a couple days ago and, I ordered this material and I was reading this book on Divorce and Remarriage, and here was a brother who takes the position; now listen to this, that there’s only one reason why a person can separate, not divorce now, but separate from his mate. I Corinthians 7 verse 5, and that’s for fasting and prayer, and that’s to be by consent just for a little time, and that they come together lest Satan tempt them for their lack of self control. And he said there’s only one reason.


Well, again, he doesn’t understand what the Bible teaches: Luke chapter 18, verse 29 plainly teaches that a man (and it could be a woman), but here’s a man who leaves his house, his parents, his brethren, his wife, his children, for the kingdom’s sake. Now, friend, there’s another reason that you can separate for the kingdom’s sake. If you can’t live a Christian life by staying with a marriage partner, then Jesus stated, taught in Luke 18, verse 29, that you can leave, and for the kingdom’s sake."


Weldon E. Warnock, [12-12-04 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


Play Clip!

“I was reading one brother here a few days ago and he said, well, she could call the law. She, he takes the position that only one reason for separation; that’s temporarily for fasting and prayer, and if a wife was being beaten by her husband, she could call the police. Well, you call the police, you’re going to take him off to jail, and that’d be a separation, wouldn’t it? So that’d be a second reason. Nah friends, listen: we should stay together. Marriage is for life, and where there should be reconciliation, there should be adjustments, and there’s give and take and so if at all possible, stay together. But sometimes it’s not possible, because of the circumstances. And indeed, the Lord gives the innocent person the right to separate and maybe even a legal divorce, depending on the situation. Well, we’ll not to take any more time up on that.” 


Weldon E. Warnock, [1-16-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Now, I want to announce a public debate that’s coming up here in Bowling Green, KY; that’s a North of Nashville, TN about 60 miles. Bowling Green is along Interstate 65, and this will be on Divorce and Remarriage, and the participants are Tim Haile, who preaches for the Parkway church in Bowling Green, and J. T. Smith, who preaches over in Tulsa, OK. I’ve known both of these for quite a long time. In fact, I’ve known J. T. Smith for many, many years and I differ with brother J. T. on this issue, but I’m looking forward to seeing him and hearing this public discussion the 17th and the 18th of March, starting at 7:00 each night.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [2-13-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“And then we say one more thing about the home, the marriage relationship; that it is permanent in nature. What God has joined together, let not man put asunder. And the vows are taken until death do us part. For better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And they agree to that, and ladies and gentlemen, that’s the way it is. That’s what the Lord intends for it to be. And yet today for some little problem, how’re they going to resolve it? Well, just get a divorce. And if it doesn’t work out, we can get a divorce and marry somebody else.


Well, when there’s a divorce, somebody sins. Somebody does wrong and the Bible teaches that when there’s fornication, then the innocent party may put away the guilty party and marry another. That’s taught in Matthew chapter 19, and verse 9. And that’s what I’ve taught all through the years. But that marriage is permanent, and we’re joined together in heaven. Government cannot dissolve that, the Lord’s the only does that friend. He joins and he dissolves. He’s the one who breaks the bond. Now, you can get a civil divorce, but that doesn’t mean that the Lord unjoins. No, not at all. But he gives this exception in Matthew 19:9 for the cause of fornication, when fornication takes place the innocent, faithful spouse may put away the guilty mate and marry again. That’s what the Bible teaches.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [3-27-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“And he’s on my case again, and he’s challenging for a debate. Now he’s got this computer and all he does is ride his hobby of divorce and remarriage. Now here’s what, in essence ladies and gentlemen, here’s what he wants to debate. He’s challenged about six of us, and I’m second on the list. And he said that he’d do it this time orally, or a written exchange and he wants to debate the divorce and remarriage issue. And my position is, to use an illustration - and I’ve used it before, that this solider came home from Vietnam; his wife had divorced him and married somebody else. And this brother’s position, over in Southern WV, in Beckley, says that if he married again, this solider - after his wife had put him away and married somebody else, here she was guilty of fornication and living in adultery, that if this soldier married he would be sinning, living in adultery and would go to hell. Now, now that’s what he is saying. And I don’t believe that for one moment, friends. Because this soldier could go to Matthew 19:9, which he did (this was several years ago), and back during the Vietnam war, and marry again according to what Jesus taught in Matthew 19 and verse 9. Now that’s been my position through the years; that there’s only one exception for divorce and remarriage and that’s fornication, in Matthew 19:9. And that’s what our Lord said and that’s what I believe.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [3-27-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“And I’m answering, I’m responding to his propositions and to his challenge, and I’m on the list. And so let’s see if he’ll come up to the lick log or if he’s just bluffing. And we’ll, we’ll see, we’ll let you know ladies and gentlemen. Now I’m tired of this! Here’s a fellow that all he does is to dabble in this stuff, night and day and he’s got me on his website. And wants to challenge me and tries to portray me as a false teacher, as a heretic. And he’s been doing this for the last three years or so, two or three years. And I deny his charge, his allegation. There’s not a word of truth in it, ladies and gentlemen. He’s got an extreme position. He says he wants to debate. And so, I’m ready, just come on, bring it on and I’m ready to do it! Now we’ll see what happens.”   


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-3-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Last Sunday night I mentioned a brother who challenged me for a public debate: an oral debate or a written exchange, and I accepted that challenge. He lives over in Beckley, WV and I haven’t heard one word so far. I don’t know what the problem is. Now that, his website goes out over the country and people see that, it looks like I won’t debate. And I’m not just eager to have a debate anywhere with anybody. But in view of the fact that he put on his website some things about me initially, and started all this concerning this marriage, divorce and remarriage issue, and then he challenged me for a debate, I’m ready.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-3-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Now he presented me as a false teacher, and I resent that. Of all the years I’ve preached, ladies and gentlemen – I’ve been preaching for 52 years. And I know brethren all across this country. And all of a sudden here in the past few years, you’ve had some of these over zealous brethren on their websites who’ve made a hobby out of marriage, divorce and remarriage, and calling those who disagree with them on some of these procedures, as false teachers and heretics. And you know, I’m not going to take that. And I’m ready to have a public discussion. And we’ll just see what side the bread is buttered on. As we use the old saying, ‘come on up to the lick log now.’ And let’s get this thing under way” (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-3-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Now he presented me as a false teacher, and I resent that. Of all the years I’ve preached, ladies and gentlemen – I’ve been preaching for 52 years. And I know brethren all across this country. And all of a sudden here in the past few years, you’ve had some of these over zealous brethren on their websites who’ve made a hobby out of marriage, divorce and remarriage, and calling those who disagree with them on some of these procedures, as false teachers and heretics. And you know, I’m not going to take that. And I’m ready to have a public discussion. And we’ll just see what side the bread is buttered on. As we use the old saying, ‘come on up to the lick log now.’ And let’s get this thing under way.


Well, I want to announce that Bill Cavender, and by the way, he’s one of the men that this brother has challenged for a public debate.  But brother Bill Cavender is in a meeting this week with the Oakwood Road Church of Christ in Charleston, where Anthony Genton is the local preacher. And it’ll go through this Friday night and they would love to have you come and be with them at the Oakwood Road Church of Christ, with Bill Cavender preaching. Now Bill was in World War II, he was in the Navy and he’s been preaching for longer than I have, and he’s well known across the country, and holds a lot of meetings every year. And yet, here’s this preacher over here in Southern WV, saying that he’s a heretic. Fooey (laughs), I don’t know what in the world we’re coming to, friends.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-17-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Now, about the debate. I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, that there’s a brother over in Southern WV that challenged me for a debate. It’s on his website, as well as five other preachers and I accepted the challenge, even agreed to the propositions, but he doesn’t want it in Beckley. He doesn’t want it in Beckley or around Beckley. And I don’t know how far you’d have to go outside of Beckley to not be near Beckley, doesn’t want it around there.  Would Charleston be far enough, or Parkersburg, or over in Lexington, KY, or where? But he just wants to get it out of Beckley, WV. Well what’s wrong with having it in Beckley? Well, he says, it would be divisive over there.


And yet, he states that he be willing to come over here to Scottsville and debate the issue. So, he doesn’t care if it’s divisive over here, I reckon. He doesn’t want it to be divisive over there. And I don’t know why it should be divisive.


It wasn’t divisive, friend, when I was there for ten years, ‘cause I didn’t introduce it. I didn’t cause any problem on this at all, none whatsoever. But here comes a man along after that, and he brings this up and he rides it and rides it and rides it, and so it’s become divisive. But we need to study what the Bible says on this issue, and I’m ready to debate the matter.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-17-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“But she can never remarry according to this man, this brother, because she was the ‘put away.’ Now friends, that’s how absurd this whole thing’s become. And that’s what some preachers today are dividing the church over and shame on them. The Bible teaches that the innocent party may put away, dismiss, disavow, repudiate the guilty party and marry again, Matthew 19:9. That’s what I believe.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-17-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Now, about the debate. I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago and that there’s a brother over in Southern WV that has challenged me for a debate. It’s on his website, as well as five other preachers. And I accepted the challenge, even agreed to the propositions! But he doesn’t want it in Beckley. He doesn’t want it in Beckley or around Beckley. And I don’t know how far you’d have to go outside of Beckley, to not be near Beckley (doesn’t want it around there.) Would Charleston be far enough? Or Parkersburg? Or over in Lexington, KY, or where? But he just wants to get it out of Beckley, WV” (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [4-24-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Somebody told me that the brother here in Southern WV, here in Beckley, had on his website that somebody said they’d open their facilities over in Louisville, KY to have the debate.  But I don’t want to debate over in Louisville, KY; I want to debate in Beckley, WV, where he began riding this hobby and causing disturbance and dissention in the church.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-3-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Last Sunday night I mentioned a brother who challenged me for a public debate, an oral debate or a written exchange and I accepted that challenge. He lives over in Beckley, WV and I haven’t heard one word so far. I don’t know what the problem is. Now that, his website goes out over the country and people see that, it looks that like I won’t debate. And I’m not just eager to have a debate anywhere with anybody. But in view of the fact that he has put on his website some things about me initially and started all this concerning this marriage, divorce and remarriage issue and then he challenged me for a debate, I’m ready” (emp. jhb).


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-8-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Now, he’s going to be busy – he has six men challenged and if all six of us accept the discussion, he’s going to be busy for a long time. But I don’t expect he’ll accept it in Beckley. He’ll find some way or another to get out of this, but I’m willing to discuss it there; that’s where we need to have it, in Beckley. And I tell you basically what this thing is all about: it’s who gets to the courthouse and files.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-8-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“And so what was he to do? According to this brother here in Southern WV, he’s a preacher, ah, he would say: ‘Well, he’s just going to have to live a celibate life.’ Now that’s how extreme and far-fetched, ladies and gentlemen, this issue has become.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-8-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“And so it’s a race to the courthouse. And so, (laughs) you have two exceptions, evidently in Matthew 19:9: fornication and who gets to the courthouse first.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-8-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“This is what this brother is saying, that we’re heretics because we say that the one who doesn’t make it to the courthouse – and that’s the innocent party – who’s not guilty of adultery, but the spouse is, the one who puts away is guilty of it, then the innocent party may not remarry. And that’s what’s going on, friends, and drawing lines of fellowship and canceling meetings and causing all of this furor in the church over that? It beats all I’ve ever seen. In all the years I’ve preached, I’ve never seen anything as really as absurd as this, and yet he doesn’t want to discuss it in Beckley, WV. Well, I’m ready, I’m willing just as soon as I can, soon as I can get to it if he is, and so we’ll just see. Well, so much for that.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-22-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“What I’m saying is, that the church, it’s practice, it’s beliefs and practice, is decided and determined by whatever preacher is there, instead of by the word of God. That’s been true on this divorce and remarriage issue. Here comes a fellow along, and he says now if you’re gonna have a scriptural divorce and remarriage, then the innocent party must go to the courthouse and file. And if the innocent party doesn’t get to the courthouse and file, then the innocent mate, innocent marriage partner cannot remarry.”


Weldon E. Warnock, [5-22-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“Now friends, I want to tell ya, this is the most absurd thing I have ever seen come along in the church in all the years I’ve preached. And what happens is that some of the members of the church just swallow this, hook, line and sinker and accept it. And anybody disagrees you’re a false teacher. And they make it a test of fellowship. That’s nonsense. And a preacher who advocates this should be ashamed of himself. He can tear up the church. He can cause problems in the church. But here’s brethren who are untaught, they don’t know the faith of the gospel. They don’t understand Matthew 19:9 on divorce and remarriage, and some other passages. What I’m saying is: We need to stand fast in the faith.” 


Weldon E. Warnock, [6-5-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“He put it on his website, he’s the one who fostered this problem and he keeps it going, by adding more and more to his website. I was in Beckley for ten years and this was never a problem, never a issue. These particular aspects of this marriage, divorce issue never came up. But he comes along and it isn’t long, until he’s got it on his website and creating the problems.”  


Weldon E. Warnock, [6-5-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“I want to tell ya, friend, you may not know what’s going on. What this problem is, what this issue’s all about, what the differences are. I use an illustration to clarify it without going into propositions. Let’s say that a Vietnam soldier, this is a true story, a Vietnam soldier comes home from the war. He’s gone twelve, thirteen months. He’s a married man, a young fellow. He comes back over in Texas and he found out when he gets home, that his wife has divorced him. And she’s married to some other man. Now, that was news to him. That was a shock to him. He’s been divorced and didn’t even know it. His wife is married to somebody else.  So she’s living in adultery. Now his position is that he cannot put her away because she’s already gone to the courthouse. He cannot put her away so he has to live in celibacy the rest of his life because he couldn’t make it to the courthouse. Now that’s this man’s position. You got to get to the courthouse in this country.”   

Note: According to the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act which was enacted in 1940 (19 years prior to the beginning of the Vietnam War), brother Weldon’s scenario (audio quotes above) could have been prevented by the “innocent” mate because the Act precludes legal action from being taken against military personnel who are on active duty. Please acknowledge the following links which prove that by law, brother Warnock’s scenario could not legally have taken place without this man’s consent:



What makes this matter even worse is that brother Warnock has continued to press this “story” for almost two years after his propaganda has been thoroughly exposed. The assertion that somebody, in our country, could be “put away” without their knowledge is not true! However, this has been a recurrent misrepresentation of reality by those who advocate the second “putting away” error! It is unbelievable that the promoters of this emotionally-charged scenario of deception keep repeating this falsehood, in spite of the fact that this perversion has been exposed as IMPOSSIBLE (according to US laws – which protect the interests of both in a divorce – and the SSCRA of 1940, which provides even more protection against law suits when military personnel are on active duty)! Sooner or later, their sin(s) will find them out (Numbers 32:23; I Timothy 5:24)! See: The Nevada Straw Man


Weldon E. Warnock, [6-5-05 Radio program (WJLS 99.5 FM, Beckley WV) sponsored by the Beech Creek church of Christ, Meador, WV.]


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“And according to this man’s position, none of the Jewish women could remarry because they were always the put away by bill of divorcement. But my position is they can marry if they’re innocent and their husbands are guilty of adultery or fornication. And they can reject, they can repudiate and they can disavow their vows. Marriage is a covenant, friends, and it is a bond made in heaven. And the courts of men cannot join two together in heaven, neither can they unjoin two in heaven. God Almighty does that by His law, not by the laws of the land. Now, we should obey the laws of the land, as Roman 13 teaches, but you can go get a marriage license and when you get it, you’re still not joined in heaven, are ya? Till ya take the vows. You can go get a divorce papers. That doesn’t mean necessarily that you’re joined in heaven. You could still be joined in heaven, and be unmarried by civil law. So that’s what this is all about. My position is on this Vietnam veteran, when he came home, and found out his wife had divorced him, and married somebody else, he’s the innocent one. And Matthew 19 verse 9 allows him to put her away and marry again. He can reject her, he can repudiate her. That’s what ‘put away’ means. It comes from the Greek word, apoluo, which means to dismiss from the house, to repudiate, according to Thayer’s Greek English lexicon. Those are the facts. That’s not about it, neighbor, that’s exactly it!  And this man says, no, if he remarries, why he would be living in adultery. Now do you believe that friend? Jesus said that the innocent party may put away the guilty one who’s guilty of fornication and marry again. That’s my position, and that’s what I have always preached.”  


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Last Updated:  Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:41 PM